100字范文 > 保土效益 soil conservation benefit英语短句 例句大全

保土效益 soil conservation benefit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-30 09:28:33


保土效益 soil conservation benefit英语短句 例句大全

保土效益,soil conservation benefit

1)soil conservation benefit保土效益

1.Thesoil conservation benefit of alfalfa on slopes with gradients of 5°,10°,and 15° were 91.通过对不同坡度坡面苜蓿降雨产流产沙的观测,以坡面玉米和裸地为对照,分析了坡面苜蓿的蓄水保土效益,结果表明:坡面苜蓿耗水较强,土壤含水量低于裸地和玉米地,降雨后苜蓿地产流明显低于裸地,5°、10°和15°坡面其蓄水效益分别可达73。


1.Study on Soil Erosion and Benefit of Soil Conservation of Constructing Expressway from Yichang to Changyang;在建高速公路土壤侵蚀及水保措施保土效益研究

2.Society and Economic Benefit Evaluation of Soil and Water Conservation in the Loess Plateau;黄土高原水土保持社会经济效益评价

3.Benefit of Soil and Water Conservation at a Typical Basin of the Upper Reaches of Yangtze River长江上游典型流域水土保持效益分析

4.Soil and water conservation benefits by silphium perfoluml plantation;串叶松香草水土保持效益的初步研究

5.Benefits of Soil and Water Conservation for Different Vegetation Revetments不同植物护岸措施水土保持效益研究

6.System of Evaluating and Forecasting The Benefits of Soil and Water Conservation in Shandong山东省水土保持效益监测与评价系统

7.Value Analysis of the Benefit on Some Measures of the Conservation of Water and Soil on the Loess Plateau;黄土高原几种水土保持措施的效益价值量分析

8.The small hydropower station for fuel project is a commonweal project, give prominence to the ecology benefit.小水电代燃料生态保护工程是以生态效益为主的一项公益性工程,水土保持效益突出。

9.Method of benefit calculation for comprehensive control of soilGB/T15774-1995水土保持综合治理效益计算方法

10.Study on Benefits of "Fruit-grass-pig" Water Models of and Soil Conservation in Three Gerges Reservior Area of Chongqing;重庆三峡库区“果—草—畜”水土保持模式效益研究

11.Research of Soil and Water Conservation Benefit in Term of Sediment Reduced in the Stream Based on GIS for Small Basin;基于GIS的小流域水土保持减沙效益研究

12.The Effect of Water and Soil Conservation of Two Economical Forestry Disposal Modes;两种经济林配置模式的水土保持效益研究

13.The Efficiency Monitoring and Evaluation of Ecological Rehabilitation Project of Soil and Water Conservation in Shandong Province;山东省水土保持生态修复工程效益监测与评价

14.Research on Soil and Water Conservation Achievements of Benefits of Runoff & Sedimentation Reducing of the Qiushui River;湫水河流域水土保持措施减水减沙效益研究

15.Research on the Investment for Soil and Water Conservation and Benefit Evaluation in China;全国水土保持投资及效益评价初步研究

16.Economic Benefit prediction Analyses of Nan’an District water and soil maintenance in Chongqing;重庆市南岸区水土保持规划经济效益预测分析

17.Benefit Analysis of the 1st Phase of Yih Ju League Soil and Water Conservation World Bank Loan Project;伊盟水土保持世行贷款一期项目效益分析

18.Quantitative Assessment on Comprehensive Benefits of Soil and Water Conservation at Small-watershed Scale in Southern Red Soil Region of China南方红壤区典型小流域水土保持综合效益评价


soil and water conservation effects水土保持效益

1.Analysis onsoil and water conservation effects of different artificial forest in the Xiao langdi Reservoir Area;黄河小浪底库区不同人工林水土保持效益研究

2.,laws of soil and water loss,soil and water conservation measurements,soil and water conservation planning,soil and water conservation effects,and soil and water conservation management,which bring about a great advance in soil and water conservation.人民治黄以来,黄河流域的水土保持科学技术得到了迅速发展,逐步形成包括水土流失规律、水土保持措施、水土保持规划、水土保持效益和水土保持管理等5个主要组成部分的比较完整的科学体系,促进了水土保持事业的发展。

3)benefits of soil and water conservation水土保持效益

1.Assessingbenefits of soil and water conservation based on the DPSIR conceptual framework;基于DPSIR概念框架的区域水土保持效益评价新思路

2.This thesis has probed thebenefits of soil and water conservation under different tillages on purple soil slope land in the Three Gorges reservoir area.试验研究三峡库区紫色土坡地在不同种植模式下的水土保持效益,结果表明,不同处理间有显著差异,在15°坡面上与全区顺坡平作(对照)相比粮经果复合垄作水土保持效果最佳,其他各处理均有不同程度防治水土流失的效果。

3.On the basis of investigation in the field and observation in experimental stations,thebenefits of soil and water conservation about returning cropland to forest in Wuqi County are analyzed and studied quantitatively.在野外调查和试验小区观测的基础上,对吴旗县退耕还林所取得的水土保持效益进行了定量分析和研究,结果表明,通过退耕还林、封山禁牧,吴旗县植被覆盖率得到了明显提高,极大地改善了土壤的理化性质,植被群落趋于稳定,水土流失现象得到有效遏制。

4)soil and water conservation benefit水土保持效益

1.In order to assess thesoil and water conservation benefit of the protection projects,continuous ecological monitoring has been conducted from to after the projects were fi.护坡工程完成后,对生态护坡进行了连续3年(~)的现场监测,以研究护坡工程的水土保持效益。

5)effect of soil and water conservation水土保持效益

6)Benefits on water and soil conservation蓄水保土效益


