100字范文 > 土壤保护 soil conservation英语短句 例句大全

土壤保护 soil conservation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-03 08:31:50


土壤保护 soil conservation英语短句 例句大全

土壤保护,soil conservation

1)soil conservation土壤保护

1.Thesoil conservation in the United States shifted the emphasis on reducing soil erosion for increasing the productivity of fields onto reducing the effect of soil erosion on environment in 1970 s.60年来美国开展了大量的土壤侵蚀治理项目,土壤保护经历了由注重减轻田间土壤侵蚀、增加土壤生产力到注重减轻土壤侵蚀对环境影响的转变。


1.terms and definitions relating to the protection and pollution of the soil土壤保护和污染的相关术语和定义

2.Plants cover the soil.植物覆盖和保护着土壤。

3.Project Conservation of Soils and Watershed土壤和分水界保护计划

4.Effect of the Management of Organic Matter on Soils Protection in Xingshan Tobacco-growing Areas in Hubei Province兴山烟区土壤有机质管理对土壤的保护作用

5.protection of soil against erosion or deterioration.保护土壤不流失或者不退化。

6.Make Use of the Root Systems of Bush-grass to Protect the Soil Resources灌草丛根系在保护土壤资源上的研究

7.Experimental Study on Soil Wind Erosion with Conservation Tillage Treatment;保护性耕作防治土壤风蚀的试验研究

8.Microbial Characteristics of Conservation Tillage in Paddy Soil;稻田保护性耕作土壤微生物特性研究

9.Current Situation of Farmland Soil Utilization and Countermeasures of Soil Protection in Fuzhou City;福州市耕地土壤利用现状与保护对策

10.Acidity Characteristics and Acidification Mechanism of Soils in Protected Fields保护地土壤酸度特征及酸化机理研究

11.Physical and chemical properties of forest soils in Mulun nature reserve木论自然保护区森林土壤的理化特性

12.Effects of Conservation Tillage on Soil Organic Carbon Fractions保护性耕作对土壤有机碳组分的影响

13.One important form of soil conservation is the use of windbreaks.保护土壤的一个重要的做法就是使用防护林,

14.Study on the Water Erosion under 5 Years Conservation Tillage System in Loess Plateau;黄土高原5年保护性耕作农田的土壤水蚀研究

15.Soil conservation efforts protect soil from wind and water that can blow or wash it away.保护土壤的措施可以让土壤免于被风吹走或被水冲走,

16.Effects of soil salinity accumulating and ion constitution on pH in the soil of protected field保护地土壤盐分积累及其离子组成对土壤pH值的影响

17.We can do this in a number of ways.我们可采用很多种方法对土壤进行保护。

18.Notes on soil dematiaceous hyphomycetes from Shennongjia Natural Conservation Area, Hubei Province I.湖北神农架自然保护区土壤中的暗色丝孢菌I.


soil protection土壤保护

1.The article introduces the soil pollution from modern agriculture,and the characteristics of modern organic agriculture,and the ecological principle of organic agriculturalsoil protection.综述了现代常规农业对土壤的污染、有机农业的特点及有机农业土壤保护措施的生态学原理。

2.On the base of that the practical and theoretical research lacks of highway areasoil protection were proposed as a reference for further researches.为了更好地促进路域土壤的保护,在全面分析公路建设对土壤造成的影响的基础上,指出了路域土壤保护在理论研究和实践等方面存在的不足,为进一步开展相关研究提供依据。

3)conservation of soil土壤保护

4)Protected field soil保护地土壤

1.The protected field soil,of which the acidification is serious in Shenyang region,is taken as studying object in this paper.以沈阳地区酸化比较严重的保护地土壤为研究对象,采用淋洗模拟试验的方法,通过测定淋洗后土壤pH值和全盐量、淋洗出的盐分离子含量,研究了土壤pH值与离子组成、含量之间的关系。

2.The relationship of soil salinity accumulating and pH was studied by measuring salinity content,ion constitution and pH of the protected field soil in Shenyang of Liaoning province.对辽宁省沈阳市于洪地区保护地土壤盐分含量及其离子组成和土壤pH值进行测定分析,研究保护地蔬菜栽培对土壤盐分和土壤pH值的影响。

5)protected soil of tomato番茄保护地土壤

1.In the suburb of Long jing city,collected the different continuous cropping yearsprotected soil of tomato and adjacent to the show-terra of soil,36 soil samples was collected form different comtinuous cropping tomato protection land.在吉林省龙井市近郊的光新村龙池菜队采集了不同连作年限的番茄保护地土壤和与其邻近的露地土壤,共36个土壤样品,分别对其土壤养分含量进行测定分析。

6)soil environmental protection土壤环境保护


土壤标本保护技术用科学技术手段防止土壤标本劣化的工作。土壤标本具有物理、化学和生物学特性,是多种物质组成的复合体,除其本身具有不稳定性外,还会受到外界环境条件的影响,使标本遭到破坏。标本从野外土壤剖面上采取后到陈列展出,要经过许多次装卸和搬运等环节,每个环节都有可能使标本受到损坏。减少土壤标本损害的办法有:①要用人力、船、火车运输,因为震动小,标本受损害机会也就少;②尽量不用机动车、畜力运输,因为震动大,标本受损害的机会也就多;③运输时要安装防震设备,减少由震动、撞碰给标本造成的损坏。土壤标本保护主要有以下几个方面:①防止生物损坏,由于土壤中含有供菌类活动所需要的营养物质,菌类的活动会使标本结构变松,出现孔洞,表面变得粗糙,因此,对新采来的标本需及时进行药剂杀虫灭菌处理,如:使用气体薰蒸剂溴甲烷杀虫消毒。②防止自然干燥,由于土壤结构间存在着大量孔隙,孔隙间充满水分与空气,如失水过速,土壤收缩不均,会引起标本断裂,因此,对新采的土壤标本,需要封闭置于干燥通风场所,经一、二年自然干燥时间,才能开箱纳入陈列。③防止土壤标本变色: a.将标本柜密封,防止与空气接触,引起氧化;b.置于背光处,防止太阳直射;c.加遮光罩,减少光照时间;d.防止灰尘的危害,因灰尘成分很复杂,颗粒很小,具有磨损和亲水性,当水分在灰尘周围凝结时,有些灰尘会变成活性媒介直接沾污标本,使标本失去光泽。同时,土壤结构表面带电具有吸附作用,容易着灰。因此,要做好标本柜、箱的密封,并涂上透明薄膜或用塑料薄膜覆盖。
