100字范文 > 保土功能 soil conservation capacity英语短句 例句大全

保土功能 soil conservation capacity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-28 14:16:01


保土功能 soil conservation capacity英语短句 例句大全

保土功能,soil conservation capacity

1)soil conservation capacity保土功能

1.Evaluation ofsoil conservation capacity of five plantations in Simian Mountain,Chongqing,southwestern China重庆四面山5种人工林保土功能评价


1.Evaluation of soil conservation capacity of five plantations in Simian Mountain,Chongqing,southwestern China重庆四面山5种人工林保土功能评价

2.Study on Soil Properties and Soil Conservation Functions of Young Forested Land of the Pearl River Shelterbelt Construction Project珠防工程幼林地土壤性状及其保土功能研究

3.Research on the Function of the Water Conservation and the Soil Protection of Forest in the Three-Gorges Area, Yangtze River;三峡库区森林植被水源涵养及其保土功能研究

4.Evaluation of Soil and Water Conservation Capacity of Several Forest in Jinyun Mountain缙云山几种林分水源涵养和保土功能评价

5.Study on the Soil and Water Conservation Function of Microbiotic Soil Crusts on Loess Area of Northern Shaanxi Province陕北黄土区生物土壤结皮水土保持功能研究

6.Function and Value of Soil & Water Conservation Ecological Services;水土保持生态服务功能及其价值研究

7.Research Review on the Retirement Security Function of Rural Land in China;中国农村土地养老保障功能研究综述

8.Function on Soil and Water Conservation of the Main Forest Types in Anji County;浙江安吉主要植被类型土壤水土保持功能研究

9.How Does the Security Function of the Land Continue after the Rural Land was Transacted;农村土地流转后土地保障功能如何存续

10.Discussions on Social Security Measures for Landless Farmers from the Support Functions of Land;从土地的保障功能探讨失地农民社会保障对策

11.The Security Function of Land and the Social Security System Innovation in Rural Areas;土地的保障功能与农村社会保障制度创新

12.Experimental research on soil amendment developed with urban and rural waste resources to improve capacity of holding soil water and fertilizer利用城乡废弃资源提高土壤保水保肥功能

13.Rural land guarantee function and rural social guarantee system农村土地保障功能与农村社会保障制度

14.Promoting the Transfer of Rural Land s Function from Security to Capital;适时促进农村土地由保障功能向资本功能的转变

15.Application and Research of Montmorillonite in the Health-care Textile;蒙脱土在卫生保健纺织功能整理中的应用研究

16.Study on Soil and Water Conservation Capacity of the Major Bushes in Limestone Mountainous Area;石灰岩山区主要灌木树种水土保持功能的研究

17.Research on Function of Soil and Water Conservation of Different Plantations in Simian Mountain, Chongqing;重庆市四面山几种人工林的水土保持功能研究

18.Instructs the countryside land social security legal framework by 17 reports the consummation;浅谈我国农村土地社会保障功能的法律制度


function of soil and water conservation水土保持功能

1.Boundary and assessment for major engineering with thefunction of soil and water conservation can reflect the basic idea of "prevention in the first place and integrating prevention with control".对主体工程具有水土保持功能的工程的界定和评价,可以体现“预防为主,防治结合”的基本理念。

3)the security function of the land土地保障功能

1.However while the rural social economy developing,the security function of the land continues to weakening,the rural social security situation is stern.但随着城市化进程的加快,土地保障功能持续弱化。

4)Soil and water conservation function水土保持功能

1.The developing process of soil and water conservation function of protective forest is divided into 3 stages including growing,mature and descending according to the developing speed.依据可持续发展的机制,通过对防护林水土保持功能发展过程的分析得出:其发展过程可分为成长期、成熟期和减退期,并定义成熟期为可持续发展期。

5)function on soil and water conservation水土保持功能

1.Principal component analysis and hierarchical clustering method was employed,function on soil and water conservation of the main forest types in five location research stations of qiantang river, Zhejiang Province was studied.在野外实测和室内分析的基础上,采用主成分分析、聚类分析等多种分析方法,对浙江省钱塘江流域五个定位监测站的几种主要植被类型的枯落物吸水、土壤渗透性、抗蚀性、径流量等水土保持功能进行了系统研究,结果表明:(1)落叶阔叶林的细根根长,大约有50%左右分布在土壤表层,根系消弱系数β值为0。

2.By means of principal component analysis and factor analysis,function on soil and water conservation of the main forest types in Anji County, Zhejiang Province was studied.在野外实测和室内分析的基础上,采用主分量分析、因子分析等多种分析方法,对黄浦江源头区——浙江省安吉县境内的几种主要植被类型的土壤渗透性、抗蚀性、抗冲性、土壤水库容及水分状况等水土保持功能进行了系统研究,结果表明: (1)各林地的渗透能力之间有差异,但都要强于裸露地。

6)function for soil fixation and water conservation固土保水功能

1.Thefunction for soil fixation and water conservation of O.利用人工径流区,以杉木人工纯林为对照,研究了福建永安安砂库区主要植被类型之一糙花少穗竹单优群落的固土保水功能。


