100字范文 > 蓄水保土 soil and water conservation英语短句 例句大全

蓄水保土 soil and water conservation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-14 14:01:09


蓄水保土 soil and water conservation英语短句 例句大全

蓄水保土,soil and water conservation

1)soil and water conservation蓄水保土

1.This paper analyses the benefits tosoil and water conservation of tillage measures, with reference to rainfall influences.在室内人工降雨试验基础上,分析了坡面耕作措施的蓄水保土效益。

2.By collecting and analyzing the survey data of runoff and sediment plots insoil and water conservation stations (Xifeng et al.在整理、分析黄土高原西峰等水土保持试验站径流、泥沙观测资料的基础上 ,研究了该地区水平梯田的蓄水保土效益。

3.Five kinds of shrubs benefits ofsoil and water conservation were observed by establishing runoff plot.通过设置径流小区 ,对 5树种灌木林的蓄水保土效益进行了观测。


1.This paper analyses the benefits to soil and water conservation of tillage measures, with reference to rainfall influences.在室内人工降雨试验基础上,分析了坡面耕作措施的蓄水保土效益。

2." Regulation of techniques for comprehensive control of soil erosion--Small engineering of store, drainage and draw water"GB/T16453.4-1996水土保持综合治理技术规范小型蓄排引水工程

3.Influence of Slope Protection Water-retention Measures on Maize and Slope Soil Moisture Content in Three Gorges Region护坡拦蓄保水措施对三峡地区坡地土壤水分含量及玉米的影响

4.Effects of different straw mulching quantity on soil water and WUE in semiarid region半干旱区秸秆覆盖量对土壤水分保蓄及作物水分利用效率的影响

5.Transport of salt between water and adjacent soil in canals of farmland under the condition of storage蓄水条件下蓄水沟水体与相邻土壤的盐分运移规律研究

6.Effect of stubble mulch and tillage managements on apple orchard soil moisture reserves and soil enzyme activity in the Weibei Plateau耕作方式和秸秆覆盖对渭北苹果园土壤保蓄水性能及酶活性的影响

7.A Study on the Rainwater-gathering Utilization in the Semiarid Region of Loess Plateau;黄土高原半干旱区雨水集蓄利用研究

8.Water that infiltrates the soil and is located in underground reservoirs called aquifers.浇灌渗入土壤且位于地下水库或蓄水层之水体。

9.Salt and Water Movement of Soil-Water Body under Storage Condition蓄水条件下土壤-水体水盐运移的室内试验

10.CAD & Dynamic Simulation of a New-style Ditcher for Sluice and Keeping Soil Humidity;新型蓄水保墒机具CAD及动态模拟

11.Effect of Slope Protection Interception and Water Retention Technology on Maize Grain Yield护坡拦蓄保水技术对玉米产量的影响

12.The Relationship Between Water Conservation and Soil Conservation论流域水土保持中水保与土保的关系

13.Experimental Studies on the Characteristics of Soil Moisture Movement under Water Storage Pit Irrigation;蓄水坑灌条件下土壤水分运动特性的试验研究

14.Experiment Research on Soil Moisture of Water Storage Pit in the Field;蓄水坑灌法土壤水分运动分布的田间试验研究

15.The Experimental Investigation of Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity on the Condition of Water Storage Pit Irrigation;蓄水坑灌条件下土壤饱和导水率的试验研究

16.Experimental Research on the Soil Moisture Movement of the Water Storage Pit on the Condition of Evaporation;蒸发对蓄水坑灌土壤水分运动影响的试验研究

17.Numerical Stimulation & Experimental Research on Soil Movement of Multi Water Storage Pit;蓄水多坑土壤水分运动数值模拟与试验研究

18.Numerical Modeling and Experiment on Soil Molsture Movernent of Single Water Storage Pit;蓄水单坑土壤水分运动数值模拟与试验


Benefits on water and soil conservation蓄水保土效益

3)storage and preservation of soil moisture蓄水保墒

1.Development of new type conservative combined rototilling-tillage machine forstorage and preservation of soil moisture;新型保护性耕作蓄水保墒联合耕整地机械的研发


1.This article dissertate that the effect ofsluice which is represented by subsoiling in the area of agriculture production,and showing that the subsoiling can be popularized in Fuxin area.通过中耕深松技术的田间作业实验,验证了中耕深松技术的蓄水保墒作用,指出中耕深技术应在阜新地区推广应用。

2.This article dissertate that the effect ofsluice which is represented by subsoiling in the area of agricultu.为此,论述了中耕深松技术在农业生产中蓄水保墒的作用,指出了1HS-1。

5)water storage for preserving humidity蓄水保熵

6)water and fertilizer reservation蓄水保肥

1.In arid region,changing the sugarcane planting technique from furrow to hole,rainwater and fertilizer will be retained,the ability ofwater and fertilizer reservation of soil will be improved and sugarcane yield increased.在少雨干旱地区 ,旱地甘蔗改沟植为穴植 ,可有效地拦集自然降雨 ,施肥集中于种植穴内 ,能改善土壤的蓄水保肥能力 ,提高甘蔗产量。

2.Also, the ability ofwater and fertilizer reservation of soil can be improved, sugarcane yield is increased.在少雨干旱地区,早地甘蔗改沟植为穴植,可有效地拦集自然降雨,同时施肥集中于种植穴内,改善了土壤的蓄水保肥能力,提高了甘蔗产量。


Aizen Direct Bordeaux GH(保土谷)分子式:C32H22N6Na2O7S2分子量:712.69CAS号:暂无性质:棕褐色粉状。溶于水呈酒红色,在乙醇中呈品红色,能溶于溶纤维,不溶于其他有机溶剂。遇浓硫酸呈蓝色,稀释后紫酱色沉淀;遇浓硝酸呈棕黄色。其水溶液加浓盐酸生成紫色沉淀,加浓氢氧化钠液生成橙棕色沉淀。对纤维素纤维染色,染料吸尽性很好,温度在80-100℃亲合力最大。制备方法:联欢苯胺重氮化后,与1,4-氨基苯磺酸钠进行第一次偶合,而后又与γ酸进行第二次偶合,然后经盐析、过滤及干燥而得。原料消耗(kg/t)联苯胺(100%)1701,4-氨基萘磺酸钠(100%) 230γ酸(100%) 220纯碱(工业纯)270亚硝酸钠(工业纯)145工业盐2100盐酸(31%)290用途:用于棉、粘胶、蚕丝、锦纶及粘/棉混纺织物的染色,也可用于纸、皮革染色。除染色外,还可用于直接印花,还经常直接黄、橙、紫、棕、黑等染料拼色使用。可采用固色剂Y和M,以提高牢度。可用酰替苯胺结构的直接枣红NGB提高牢度。
