100字范文 > 水利水保 water conservancy and soil conservation英语短句 例句大全

水利水保 water conservancy and soil conservation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-17 14:52:43


水利水保 water conservancy and soil conservation英语短句 例句大全

水利水保,water conservancy and soil conservation

1)water conservancy and soil conservation水利水保

1.According to the reality of leagal system building and law standard ofwater conservancy and soil conservation in China,the status and problems in the legal system building were studied and 5 conutermeasures were advanced to enhance the legal system building.根据我国水利水保法制建设实际,依据现行水利水保法津规范,以咸阳市为例研究了我国水利水保法制建设的现状与问题,提出了加强水利水保法制建设的五条对策。


1.Sediment reduction of soil and water cosnervation(SWC) & hydraulic projects in the Tennessee River basin,USA & its revelation to SWC work in the Yangtze River,China田纳西流域水利水保工程减沙及对我国长江流域水保的启示

2.Liverpool Underwriters Association利物浦水上保险商协会

3.What it can do: help skin retain water.功效:利于皮肤保持水份。

4.We should protect the basin with regard to water levels and water quality.我们应保护盆地以利水位与水质。

5.Research on Water Conservation and Utilization of Zibo Mengshan Reservoir淄博市萌山水库水源保护与利用研究

6.Conservation of Water and Soil for Sustainable Development水土保持在水利可持续发展中的作用

7.Discussion on Guarantee Form and the Type of Guarantee Agreement in International Project of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power;水利水电涉外工程项目保证/担保形式及保函类型探讨

8.Berger to water stress show decrease of relative watercontent, and WflWb under water stress.气孔频度降低,水分的散失减少,利于保水;

9.Research on the Soil and Water Conservation and the Ecological Restoration of Construction Interference Area in the Hydro-junction;水利枢纽施工干扰区水土保持与生态恢复研究

10.The Conservation of Water and Soil and the Sustainable Utilization of Tourist Resourles in Zhejiang;水土保持与浙江山水旅游资源可持续利用

11.Ideas on Soil and Water Conservation Plan of Tingzikou Water Control Project亭子口水利枢纽水土保持方案编制思路

12.Water environment assessment and protection countermeasures for river channels in rural areas of Zhejiang Province浙江省农村河道水环境评价及水利保护对策

13.Performance of Super Water Absorbent and Retention Resin from Pouce Cellulose利用亚麻屑纤维素制备高吸水保水树脂的性能

14.Calculation and analysis of water conservancy safety guarantee based upon reservoir scenery construction基于水库景观建设的水利安全保障计算与分析

15.Relationship between Land Use Pattern and Water Security of Drinking Water Conservation Areas in Guangzhou广州市饮用水源保护地土地利用格局与水安全

16.Water Resource Protection and Sustainable Utilization水资源保护与可持续利用。

17.Provisions for developing, utilizing, protecting and managing sea water shall be stipulated separately.海水的开发、利用、保护和管理,另行规定。

18.Research on Premiums of Endowment Insurance for Employees of Water Conservancy Construction Enterprises;水利施工企业养老保险缴纳问题研究


water conservancy project水利水保工程

1.Study on effects ofwater conservancy projects on flood in the Weihe valley;渭河流域水利水保工程对洪水影响分析研究

3)conservancy and water/soil conservation measures水利水保措施

1.sconservancy and water/soil conservation measures are implemented and more and more areas are put under control in the watershed,more and more of the sediment run-off is retained.随着水利水保措施的实施和流域治理程度的提高,流域内径流泥沙不断受到拦蓄,一方面表现为出口断面的水沙量变小;另一方面表现为次洪过程线特征发生变化,以及径流中地下径流的含量增加。

4)water resources protection and utilization水资源保护利用

5)Water conservancy project of environmental protection环保型水利工程

6)water resources guarantee mechanism水利保障机制

1.Social and economic development and selection ofwater resources guarantee mechanism of border minority nationality regions in China——Case study of Hulun Buir City;边疆民族地区社会经济发展与水利保障机制选择研究——以呼伦贝尔市为例


