100字范文 > 林木病虫害防治 disease and pest control of forest英语短句 例句大全

林木病虫害防治 disease and pest control of forest英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-14 00:17:43


林木病虫害防治 disease and pest control of forest英语短句 例句大全

林木病虫害防治,disease and pest control of forest

1)disease and pest control of forest林木病虫害防治


1.Affect on Natural Enemy Insect during Control Insect Pest in Forest天敌昆虫在林木病虫害防治中的作用

2.The Application of Bacillus thuringiensis in the Disease and Pest Control of Forest苏云金杆菌在林木病虫害防治中的应用

3.Achievements of forest Pests Prevention In 2001, obvious achievements were made in the forest pest prevention. The monitoring and quarantine is enhanced; the expansion of the old pest affected areas is under control;森林病虫害防治取得成效 2001年,森林病虫害防治工作取得明显成效。

4.A Discussion on the Prevention of Pests and Diseases in Urban Landscape Gardens;城市园林植物病虫害防治策略的探讨

5.The present situation of forest diseases and insect pests on Chongming Island and the control measures崇明林业病虫害发生现状与防治对策

6.The Occurrence and Control of Diseases and Pests of Poplar Forest in Bazhou City霸州市杨树片林病虫害的发生与防治

7.The IPM Against Diseases and Pests of Landscape Plants in Xinyang City信阳市园林绿地病虫害综合防治技术

8.Study and Extension the Biocontrol Technology on Forest Pest in Shandong Province;山东省主要林木害虫生物防治技术研究与推广

9.Investigation and Control Measures of Wood Borers in Qiqihar齐齐哈尔市园林树木蛀干害虫调查及防治对策

10.Investigatoin of Garden Tree Diseases and Non-pollution Control in Xiaogan City孝感市园林树木病害调查及无公害防治

11.Occurrences and control methods of pests in Pistacia chinensis in Hebei province河北省黄连木病虫害发生现状及防治技术

12.Consideration on Forest Disease and Insect Pest Quarantine and Prevention System Construction in Hubei对湖北森林病虫害检疫防治体系建设的思考

13.Consideration on the Construction of Forest Disease and Insect Pest Quarantine and Prevention System in Hubei湖北省森林病虫害检疫防治体系建设的思考

14.Discussion on the Pest Control of Several Main Evergreen Trees in Gardens Greening园林绿化中几种主要常绿树病虫害的防治

15.Reinforcement of Forest Protection and Promotion of Social Development in Shengnongjia Area加强神农架森林病虫害防治,促进地区社会发展

16.The competent forest authorities at various levels shall be responsible for the organization of the work of forest insect pest prevention.各级林业主管部门负责组织森林病虫害防治工作

17.Article 22 The competent forest authorities at various levels shall be responsible for the organization of the work of forest insect pest prevention.第二十二条 各级林业主管部门负责组织森林病虫害防治工作。

18.Study on Application of Non-pollution Garden Pest Control Techniques园林害虫无公害防治技术的应用研究


forest pest control林木害虫防治

3)control of forest diseases and insects森林病虫害防治

1.We have a research of Web-based expert system which combined technologies of artificialintelligence、WebGIS、database and network forcontrol of forest diseases and insects in thispaper.本文主要针对基于Web的森林病虫害防治决策专家系统进行了研究。

4)Wood insect pest林木病虫害

1.Wood insect pest control by sythetical control measures is the best way in order to dicrease enviromeat pollution when control forest insect pest by pesticide in a city.为了在城市林木病虫害防治中减少农药施用对环境的污染,最好对城市林木病虫害进行综合治理。

5)pest control病虫害防治

1.Culture techniques of mulch drip irrigation andpest control of late mature Hami Melon in Naomaohu Town of Yiwu County were studied and analyzed.通过对伊吾县淖毛湖镇晚熟哈密瓜[1~6]膜下滴灌栽培技术及病虫害防治的研究与应用,采用(1)滴灌系统首部设计选型:水源首部采用离心式过滤及网式过滤。

2.The research and application of air-assisted electrostatic spraying technique by using truck-mounted low-volume and high-range sprayer inpest control of high trees were reviewed,which could provide with some references for fu.文中通过分析比较风送式喷雾技术、静电喷雾技术和风送静电喷雾技术的优点,综述了基于车载低量高射程喷雾机的风送静电喷雾技术在高大林木病虫害防治上的研究和应用前景,可为今后的进一步研究工作奠定基础。

3.The city forest belt is significant material base of making up green landscape and improving city ecology environment, and the integratedpest controls technique of its is significant guarantee of achieving the ecological balance and optimizing humanity environment.为此,介绍了城市绿化林带病虫害防治综合防治技术的发展与现状,包括其所处的地位、作用以及前景。

6)pest management病虫害防治

1.Application of pesticide environmental impact quotient (EIQ) to croppest management;农药环境影响指数(EIQ)在农作物病虫害防治工作中的应用

2.From January to December, this paper declares in detail the programs and major processes of lawn maintenance and management in Shanxi Province, and introduces the work ofpest management.从1月份到12月份,详细说明了山西省区域内草坪养护管理工作的程序及重点工序,并介绍了病虫害防治工作。


林木1.树林。 2.木材。
