100字范文 > 病虫害诊断与防治 Pest and disease diagnosis and prevention英语短句 例句大全

病虫害诊断与防治 Pest and disease diagnosis and prevention英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-12 16:31:02


病虫害诊断与防治 Pest and disease diagnosis and prevention英语短句 例句大全

病虫害诊断与防治,Pest and disease diagnosis and prevention

1)Pest and disease diagnosis and prevention病虫害诊断与防治


1.Research on Diagnosis and Prevention Teaching System of Horticultural Plant Diseases and Insect Pests园艺植物病虫害诊断与防治教学系统的研制

2.Diagnosis and Treatment of Dirofilariasis in Police Dogs in Xi an District;西安地区警犬心丝虫病的诊断与防治研究

3.Builds of Network-based Remote Diagnosis and Control Expert System for Control of Mulberry Pest and Diseases;基于网络技术的桑树病虫害远程诊断和防治专家系统的构建

4.Diagnosis and Control on Seedling Stage Disease of Muskmelon in Green-house;大棚甜瓜苗期病害的诊断分析与防治策略

5.Research on asphalt pavement common diseases prevention,diagnosis and treatment公路沥青路面常见病害的预防、诊断与处治

6.Research on the Key Technology of the Aphids Diseases Expert System Based on the Integration of Reasoning基于混合推理技术的蚜虫危害诊断与防治专家系统关键技术研究

7.A Simple and Quick Method for Tobacco Disease and Pest Prevention by Cell Phone利用手机进行烟草病虫害求助与诊断

8.Diagnosis and Therapy of Toxoplasma Followed by the Infection of Disease of Beef T. Annulata肉牛泰勒虫病继发弓形虫病的诊断与治疗

9.Studies on the Introduction and Cultivation and Disease-Insect Pest Control of Paeonia Rockii;紫斑牡丹引种栽培与病虫害防治研究

10.Analysis of the Occurrence and Control of Major Cotton Diseases and Insect Pests in 棉花主要病虫害发生与防治浅析

11.The present situation of forest diseases and insect pests on Chongming Island and the control measures崇明林业病虫害发生现状与防治对策

12.Tea Garden Management and Control of Major Pests and Diseases Happen茶园管理中的主要病虫害发生与防治

13.The Occurrence and Control of Diseases and Pests of Poplar Forest in Bazhou City霸州市杨树片林病虫害的发生与防治

14.Prevention and diagnos-es of viral infectious diseases in Alpaca羊驼主要病毒性传染病的诊断与防治

15.Design of Crops Diseases and Pests Diagnose System Base on J2EE基于J2EE的农作物病虫害诊断系统设计与实现

16.Diagnosis and Screening Chemicals to Control of Tobacco Root and Stem Diseases in Fujian Province福建省烟草根茎病害诊断及防治药剂筛选

17.Countermeasure for Diagnosis and Prevention and Cure of “the Enterprise Synthetic Symptom”;“企业综合症”病因诊断与防治对策

18.Diagonosis and Prevention of Jew Virus;JEW(犹太人)病毒的诊断与防治


diagnosis and prevention of diseases and pests agriculture农业病虫害诊断与防治

3)diagnosis and prevention of fruit diseases and pests果树病虫害诊断与防治

1.Considering the characteristics and requirements ofdiagnosis and prevention of fruit diseases and pests,a case-based reasoning apply todiagnosis and prevention of fruit diseases and pests.根据果树病虫害诊断与防治的特点和要求,将案例推理技术引入到果树病虫害诊断与防治专家系统设计中。

4)diagnosis and control of maize pest病虫害诊断防治

1.The intelligent illative modules of Guangxi maize expert system are composed with function modules such as maize cultivation and management,diagnosis and control of maize pest ststem(DCMPS),diagnosis of maize nutrition and benefit analysis system,etc.广西玉米专家系统智能推理部分由玉米栽培管理、病虫害诊断防治、营养诊断、效益分析等功能模块组成。

5)diagnosis and prevention of aphids diseases蚜虫危害诊断与防治

1.In order to meet the diagnosis and control of aphids against the problem of expert system requirements,Considering the chara-cteristics and requirements ofdiagnosis and prevention of aphids diseases,a case-based reasoning apply todiagnosis and prevention of aphids diseases.为了满足蚜虫危害诊断与防治问题对专家系统的要求,根据蚜虫危害诊断与防治的特点和要求,将案例推理技术和规则推理技术引入到蚜虫危害诊断与防治专家系统中。

6)Diagnosis of plant diseases and insect pests病虫害诊断


