100字范文 > 职业病防治 prevention and control of occupational disease英语短句 例句大全

职业病防治 prevention and control of occupational disease英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-29 03:51:41


职业病防治 prevention and control of occupational disease英语短句 例句大全

职业病防治,prevention and control of occupational disease

1)prevention and control of occupational disease职业病防治

1.In this paper the work and achievement onprevention and control of occupational diseases in Dongfeng Peugenot Citroen Automobile Company Ltd.本文介绍了神龙汽车有限公司在职业病防治方面所做的工作和取得的成效。


1.Effect of Occupational Disease Control Institutions of Enterprise Level on Occupational Health in Enterprises企业职业病防治机构在职业卫生工作中的作用

2.Institute of Occupational Hygiene is a special and technical organization in which prevention and cure occupational disease are integrated with research and supervision.职业卫生所实际职业卫生与职业病预防、科研、管理于一体的职业病防治专业技术服务机构。

3.Construction of Early Warning and Response Index System of Occupational Hazards Events in Base Occupational Disease Control and Prevention Institutions基层职业病防治机构职业病危害事件应急预警指标体系的构建

4.Development of a theoretical system and pratical model of Corporative Initiatives on Systematic Prevention and Control of Occupational Disease for corporations大型企业职业病防治理论体系的创建和防治模式研究

5.Some Considerations on Strengthening our Country s Efforts in The Prevention and Treatment of Occupational Diseases for Migrant Farmer-workers;加强我国农民工职业病防治工作的思考

6.Analysis on reporting data of occupational diseases in Daxing Destrict of Beijng in ;北京市大兴区职业病防治情况分析

7.Off-site Management Model of Occupational Disease Prevention with Intervention“介入法”职业病防治非现场管理模式探讨

8.Current Situation and Problems on Construction of Occupational Disease Control and Prevention Institutions in China我国职业病防治机构建设现状及存在问题

9.Investigation of Occupational Hazards and Control Measures in Wuxi City无锡市职业危害因素状况调查和职业病防治对策

10.Earnestly Propagate Prevention and Control Law of Occupational Diseases of the PRC and Do a Good Job of Workers Labor Protection;认真学习宣传《职业病防治法》 努力做好职工劳动保护工作

11.Investigation on the Knowledge of Occupational Disease Prevention and Control among Welders of Mechanical Industry in Qingdao City in 青岛市机械制造业电焊工职业病防治知识调查

12.Article2 This Code applies to the occupational-disease-prevention activities within the territory of PRC.第二条本法适用于中华人民共和国领域内的职业病防治活动。

13.Order the organizations and individuals violating the occupational-disease-prevention laws and regulations to stop the illegal practice.(三)令违反职业病防治法律、规的单位和个人停止违法行为。

14.The public health authority under the State Council is responsible for the supervision and administration of the nationwide prevention of occupational diseases.国务院卫生行政部门统一负责全国职业病防治的监督管理工作。

15.Discussion on the law of PRC on Prevention and Control of Occupational Disease;浅谈《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》之不足与修改建议

16.Rural Migrant Workers Occupational Diseases:Prevention is the Best "Treatment";农民工职业病:预防是最好的“治疗”

17.China"s Migrant Workers and Their Prevention and Treatment of Occupational Diseases Research Questions我国农民工职业病及其防治问题研究

18.Reward will be given to the organizations and individuals for their outstanding achievement in occupational disease prevention.对防治职业病成绩显著的单位和个人,给予奖励。


Occupational disease prevention and control职业病防治

1.Demanding by the general framework of province-level public health information system,information network management platform,working for occupational disease control in city-level health department,safety production supervision department,labor union and employment company,was constructed according to law of occupational disease prevention and control.在省级公共卫生信息系统建设的总体框架要求下,依据《职业病防治法》及相关规范、标准,基于J2EE开发环境,采用Oracal数据库、B/S多层体系架构的应用平台,并与采用Delphi 7。

3)prophylaxis and treatment of occupational diseases防治职业病

4)Law On the Prevention and Cure of Occupational Diseases职业病防治法

1.Study on Occupational Hazard Control s Recent Effects and Its Influencing Factors After Application of Law on the Prevention and Cure of Occupational Diseases in Hunan Province;湖南省贯彻《职业病防治法》控制职业病危害近期效果及其影响因素的研究

5)Occupational disease prevention职业病防治工作

6)prevention of occupational disease职业病的防治


