100字范文 > 森林病虫害管理 management of forest diseases and pests英语短句 例句大全

森林病虫害管理 management of forest diseases and pests英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-22 01:58:52


森林病虫害管理 management of forest diseases and pests英语短句 例句大全

森林病虫害管理,management of forest diseases and pests

1)management of forest diseases and pests森林病虫害管理

1.This paper provides a survey of the presentmanagement of forest diseases and pests and the existing deficiencies,then puts forward a new idea that applies content-based image retrieval to management of forest(diseases) and pests.综述了我国目前森林病虫害管理的现状以及存在的不足,提出了将基于内容的图像检索技术应用在森林病虫害管理的新思路。


1.A Research on Forest Pests Management System on GuangXi Province Based on GIS;基于GIS的广西森林病虫害管理信息系统研究

2.GIS Construction and Application Research of Forest Disease and Pest Management of Heilongjiang Land Reclamation黑龙江垦区森林病虫害管理信息系统构建及应用研究

3.Web-based information management system of forest pest forcasting基于Web的森林病虫害测报信息管理系统的设计

4.Research and Realization of Forest Diseases, Pests and Mice Universal Management Information System Based on Web;基于Web的森林病虫鼠害通用管理信息系统的研究与实现

5.Analysis and Regionalization to the Ecological Geography Factor of Forest Pest Based on GIS;基于GIS的森林病虫害生态地理因素分析与区划

6.Achievements of forest Pests Prevention In 2001, obvious achievements were made in the forest pest prevention. The monitoring and quarantine is enhanced; the expansion of the old pest affected areas is under control;森林病虫害防治取得成效 2001年,森林病虫害防治工作取得明显成效。

7.The competent forest authorities at various levels shall be responsible for the organization of the work of forest insect pest prevention.各级林业主管部门负责组织森林病虫害防治工作

8.Article 22 The competent forest authorities at various levels shall be responsible for the organization of the work of forest insect pest prevention.第二十二条 各级林业主管部门负责组织森林病虫害防治工作。

9.Establishment of Expert System on Forest Diseases and Insect Pests Diagnosis and Pests Forecast森林病虫害诊断及害虫预报专家系统的研建

10.Study on Estimation Method of for Economic Loss for Forest Disease and Pests Disaster;森林病虫灾害经济损失评估方法研究

11.The Application of Ontology in Forest Pests Expert System本体在森林病虫害专家系统中的应用

12.The key pests and rat include: nematodiasis of the pines and pine moth, forest rats, defoliator of the poplars, bristletail.二是松毛虫、森林鼠害、杨树食叶害虫等常发性病虫害; 三是小蠹虫、萧氏松茎象等钻蛀性害虫。

13.Based on "3S" technologies in Xiaolongshan forest area of forest diseases and insect pests forecast基于“3S”技术的小陇山林区森林病虫害预测

14.Trapping lamps:an important instrument applied in IPM of forest pest insects杀虫灯已成为森林害虫综合治理的重要工具

15.Preliminary Discussion on Harmfree Pests Management in Garden Plants;浅议园林植物病虫害的无公害化治理

16.Construction of Forest Disease and Pest Diagnosis Consultation Expert System Based on Network;基于网络的森林病虫害诊断咨询专家系统研建

17.The Research and Design on Forest Pest and Disasters Remote Diagnosis Expert System;广东省森林病虫害远程诊断系统的设计研究

18.The Designment and Development of Forest Pest Diseases Forecast System;森林病虫害预测预报系统的设计与研发


forest pests森林病虫害

1.Special topography of northern Guizhou were large mountainous areas without large area forest region, this went against developing control work offorest pests.黔北的地形特殊,以山区为主,没有成片成片的大面积林区,这不利于森林病虫害防治工作的开展。

2.The development of information technique and the forecasting offorest pests at home and abroad are generally reviewed.概述了信息技术的发展,国内外对森林病虫害的测报;介绍了国内外信息技术在森林病虫害测报中的应用现状以及“3S”技术在森林病虫害测报中的应用。

3.The quota and function of 3S technology in theforest pests are analyzed.对“3S”技术在森林病虫害预警中的应用现状、作用进行了分析。

3)forest pest and disease森林病虫害

1.Promoting the work inforest pest and disease management of Jilin province relying on heightening awareness and strengthening measures;提高认识 强化措施 推动全省森林病虫害防治工作向纵深发展

4)forest pest森林病虫害

1.Current situation and prospects of the research on remote sensing in the monitor offorest pests;森林病虫害遥感监测研究的现状与展望

2.A new method of economic loss evaluation onforest pests;森林病虫害经济损失评估的一种新方法——曲线法

3.Design and development of management module on GPSforest pest monitoring data;GPS森林病虫害监测数据处理模块设计与开发

5)forest disease and pest森林病虫害

1.Geographic Information System(GIS) is an advanced technique,which can manage,analyze and deal with a large number of spatial data related toforest disease and pest,and play an important role in managing,forcasting,monitoring and evaluating,auxiliary decision-making forforest disease and pest and so on.地理信息系统(GIS)是管理、处理和分析与森林病虫害有关的海量空间数据的先进技术,在病虫害管理、预测预报、监测评估、辅助决策等方面发挥着重要的作用。

2.This article expounds the generating feature of theforest disease and pest and confronting question of the forest manage in Zhangjiajie, and it gives a series of suggestion on how to strengthen the forest manage work.阐述了张家界市森林病虫害的发生特点、森防工作面临的问题 ,并提出了强化森防工作的建议 。

3.This paper has introduced application of remote sense technology in early stage monitoring and predication onforest disease and pest from three aspects based on technical characters of radar, aviation and satellite remote sense.本文结合雷达、航空和卫星遥感的技术特点 ,从 3个方面介绍了遥感技术在森林病虫害早期监测及预测中的应用。

6)forest diseases and pests森林病虫害

1.The Paper analyzed the kind,character offorest diseases and pests of experimental center of tropical forestry,CAF,Then puts forward systematic and efficient control measurements and means.林病虫害已成为林业发展的一大难题,对中国林科院热带林业实验中心森林病虫害类型、危害特点等进行分析,并提出了具体有效防治措施与方法。


《森林病虫害防治条例》《森林病虫害防治条例》regulations on forest pest and disease controlsenlin bingehonghai fangzhi tiaoli《森林病虫害防治条例》(re即lations on forest pest助ddi~control)根据《中华人民共和国森林法》制定的专门规范森林病虫害防治工作的行政法规。国务院1989年12月18日发布并施行。其目的是为了有效地防治森林病虫害,保护森林资源,促进林业发展,维护生态平衡。该条例共5章30条。主要内容是:①森林病虫害防治工作实行“预防为主,综合治理”的方针和“谁经营、谁防治”的责任制度。②规定了森林经营单位和个人在预防森林病虫害方面应尽的义务。如造林设计方案必须有森林病虫害防治措施,不得使用带有危险性病虫害的林木种苗进行育苗或者造林。③规定了林业主管部门在森林病虫害防治工作中所负的职责。如依法对树苗进行检疫、对森林病虫害防治工作进行监督检查等。④规定了森林病虫害的测报制度。定期发布森林病虫害中、长期趋势预报,并提出防治方案。⑤规定了森林病虫害的除治制度。发生森林病虫害时,森林经营单位和个人应当首先进行除治,发生暴发性或者危险性森林病虫害时,当地人民政府应当根据实际需要,采取紧急除治措施,有关部门应当密切配合,保证除治工作的进行。⑥规定了奖励和惩罚制度。对不按规定除治森林病虫害的,林业主管部门可以代为除治,有关费用由责任人负担。(王洪杰)
