100字范文 > 病虫害疤痕 Scar of disease and insect pest英语短句 例句大全

病虫害疤痕 Scar of disease and insect pest英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-25 14:03:30


病虫害疤痕 Scar of disease and insect pest英语短句 例句大全

病虫害疤痕,Scar of disease and insect pest

1)Scar of disease and insect pest病虫害疤痕


1.Clinical analysis of pregnancy in cesarean section scar;剖宫产疤痕部位妊娠12例临床分析

2.Application of skin expansion in the treatment of the scar in joint;应用皮肤扩张术治疗关节部位疤痕

3.9 cases of Clinical analyses of pregnancy in cesarean section scar剖宫产疤痕部位妊娠9例临床分析


1.10 Cases of Burn Scar Treated with MEBO Scar Lotion疤痕平治疗10例烧伤后疤痕的体会

2.He has a scar on his upper lip.他的上唇有一道疤痕。

3.Will the cut leave a scar?这伤口能留下疤痕吗?

4.carries scars from acne.带有青春豆留下的疤痕.

5.His face was scarred by small-pox.他的脸上有天花疤痕。

6.The scar resulting from such a cut.手术疤痕由于这样的切割而导致的疤痕

7.the scar on certain seeds marking its point of attachment to the funicle.种子上的疤痕,系胚珠于胚珠柄的痕迹。

8.To heal or become healed by the formation of scar tissue.结疤愈合疤痕组织形成而使愈合或变得愈合

9.A scar left by the formation of new connective tissue over a healing sore or wound.疤痕愈合的伤处或伤口新接合组织生成的疤

10.Experiment study on the impact of TMP on expression of bFGF and α-SMA in formation of epidural scar adhesion四甲基吡嗪对硬膜外疤痕粘连形成及疤痕中bFGF和α-SMA表达的影响

11.hollow scar left on the skin,esp after smallpox;pock-mark皮肤上凹陷的疤痕;(尤指天花的)麻点,痘痕.

12.The scar on a seed, such as a bean, indicating the point of attachment to the funiculus.种脐种子(如豆)上的疤痕,系胚珠于胚珠柄的痕迹

13.Scarred star starts staring at startled starfish.有疤痕的星星开始瞪受惊的海星。

14.Wounds once healed leave a scar Behind them.伤口愈合后也会留下疤痕。

15.He has a scar running across his left cheek.他左脸上有一道很长的疤痕.

16.The injury scarred his face.伤口在他脸上留下了疤痕。

17.The disease may leave blemishes on his face.这种疾病可能会在他脸上留下疤痕。

18.The cut will scar his face.这个伤口会在他脸上留下疤痕。



1.Clinical analysis of pregnancy in cesarean section scar;剖宫产疤痕部位妊娠12例临床分析

2.Application of skin expansion in the treatment of the scar in joint;应用皮肤扩张术治疗关节部位疤痕

3.9 cases of Clinical analyses of pregnancy in cesarean section scar剖宫产疤痕部位妊娠9例临床分析


4)disease and pest病虫害

1.The design of a system for prevention and cure ofdisease and pest of jujube tree based on IDSS;基于IDSS的枣树病虫害防治系统设计

2.The paper analyses the characteristics and some control problems of thedisease and pest of city s ornamental plants and suggests the integrated control measures ofdisease and pest in urban landscape.本文分析了城市园林植物病虫害的发生特点和目前城市园林植物病虫害防治存在的问题 ,提出了城市园林植物病虫害的综合防治对

3.The paper puts forward main agricultural,physical and biological measures to reduce and control the occurrence and damage ofdisease and pest effectively on the basis of analyzing the occurrence and damage regulation of maindisease and pest in sorghum and to provide organic sorghum materials with high yield,quality and safety for Maotai wine.通过观察和分析高粱主要病虫害的发生危害时期等规律,提出了用农业、物理、生物等主要防治措施和对策,有效地减轻和防止高粱病虫害的发生和危害,对指导茅台酒用有机高粱生产达到高产、优质、高效、低耗、安全的目的有着十分重要的作用。

5)plant diseases and insect pests病虫害

1.The garden designing and prevention ofplant diseases and insect pests;浅谈城市园林绿化设计与病虫害预防的关系

2.A study on growth of artificial mangrove forest andplant diseases and insect pests;人工红树林的生长与病虫害防治的研究

3.Use perfect ecosystem to cureplant diseases and insect pests of paddyfield;用完善的生态系统防治稻田病虫害

6)Diseases and pests病虫害

1.Occurrence and control of main diseases and pests on Prunus mume;青梅主要病虫害的发生及防治

2.The establishment of a long-distance warning and information system for major diseases and pests of corps in Beijing and its application;北京市农作物重大病虫害远程预警信息系统的构建及应用


