100字范文 > 病虫害 Diseases and insect pests英语短句 例句大全

病虫害 Diseases and insect pests英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-18 21:14:27


病虫害 Diseases and insect pests英语短句 例句大全

病虫害,Diseases and insect pests

1)Diseases and insect pests病虫害

1.Research on effective prevention and control over the diseases and insect pests of Fritillaria ussuriensis Maxim;平贝母病虫害综合防治有效途径的研究

2.Control strategies of diseases and insect pests of garden plants in Hainan;海南省园林景观植物病虫害防治对策

3.Management information system for apple diseases and insect pests based on GIS;基于GIS的苹果病虫害管理信息系统


1.monitoring and forecasting of plant diseaseand insect pest植物病虫害预测预报

2.Affect on Natural Enemy Insect during Control Insect Pest in Forest天敌昆虫在林木病虫害防治中的作用

3.The key pests and rat include: nematodiasis of the pines and pine moth, forest rats, defoliator of the poplars, bristletail.二是松毛虫、森林鼠害、杨树食叶害虫等常发性病虫害; 三是小蠹虫、萧氏松茎象等钻蛀性害虫。

4.Establishment of Expert System on Forest Diseases and Insect Pests Diagnosis and Pests Forecast森林病虫害诊断及害虫预报专家系统的研建

5.Study on Harmless Management of Main Plant Deseases and Insect Pests on Chaenomeles Spciosa(Sweet) Nakai;资丘木瓜主要病虫害无害化治理研究

6.The Establishment of Non-nuisance Rapeseed Diseases and Insect Pests Controlling Expert System;无公害油菜病虫害防治专家系统构建

7.Research on Low Public Hazard Integrated Control Technology of Tobacco Pest;烟草病虫害低公害综合防治技术研究

8.Preliminary Discussion on Harmfree Pests Management in Garden Plants;浅议园林植物病虫害的无公害化治理

9.Occurrence Characteristics and Damage Level of Pests and Diseases of Cajanus cajan in Guizhou贵州木豆病虫害发生特点及危害程度

10.Achievements of forest Pests Prevention In 2001, obvious achievements were made in the forest pest prevention. The monitoring and quarantine is enhanced; the expansion of the old pest affected areas is under control;森林病虫害防治取得成效 2001年,森林病虫害防治工作取得明显成效。

11.Spraying with insecticides and fungicides may be necessary to control any insects and diseases.也许有必要喷洒杀虫剂和杀菌剂以防止病虫害。

12.Forecasting Pest Occurrence and Recognizing Insect Using Support Vector Machine;基于SVM的病虫害发生量预测与昆虫识别

13.Applied Study on Pullution-free Control of Rice Diseases and Pests in Sichuan Hilly Region;四川丘陵地区水稻病虫害无公害防治应用研究

14.The Occurrence, Damage and Integraded Management of Diseases and Insect Pests on Garden Plants in LiaoCheng;聊城市绿化植物病虫害的发生危害与综合治理

15.Studies on Chemical Control System to Rice Diseases and Pests in Bio-rational Production;无公害水稻生产病虫害治理化学防治体系研究

16.A discussion on pollution-free control technology of main diseases and insects of Shatian pomelo in Rongxian County容县沙田柚主要病虫害无公害防治技术初探

17.Occurrence Investigation of Plant Pests in the Parks of Macao澳门公园植物病虫害发生危害现状调查

18.The Prevention and Cure to Plant Diseases and Insect Pests and the Hothouse Cherry"s Tomato Has Been Influenced by Low Temperature Cold Disaster低温冷害对温室樱桃番茄的影响和病虫害防治


Diseases and pests病虫害

1.Occurrence and control of main diseases and pests on Prunus mume;青梅主要病虫害的发生及防治

2.The establishment of a long-distance warning and information system for major diseases and pests of corps in Beijing and its application;北京市农作物重大病虫害远程预警信息系统的构建及应用

3)plant diseases and insect pests病虫害

1.The garden designing and prevention ofplant diseases and insect pests;浅谈城市园林绿化设计与病虫害预防的关系

2.A study on growth of artificial mangrove forest andplant diseases and insect pests;人工红树林的生长与病虫害防治的研究

3.Use perfect ecosystem to cureplant diseases and insect pests of paddyfield;用完善的生态系统防治稻田病虫害

4)disease and pest病虫害

1.The design of a system for prevention and cure ofdisease and pest of jujube tree based on IDSS;基于IDSS的枣树病虫害防治系统设计

2.The paper analyses the characteristics and some control problems of thedisease and pest of city s ornamental plants and suggests the integrated control measures ofdisease and pest in urban landscape.本文分析了城市园林植物病虫害的发生特点和目前城市园林植物病虫害防治存在的问题 ,提出了城市园林植物病虫害的综合防治对

3.The paper puts forward main agricultural,physical and biological measures to reduce and control the occurrence and damage ofdisease and pest effectively on the basis of analyzing the occurrence and damage regulation of maindisease and pest in sorghum and to provide organic sorghum materials with high yield,quality and safety for Maotai wine.通过观察和分析高粱主要病虫害的发生危害时期等规律,提出了用农业、物理、生物等主要防治措施和对策,有效地减轻和防止高粱病虫害的发生和危害,对指导茅台酒用有机高粱生产达到高产、优质、高效、低耗、安全的目的有着十分重要的作用。


1.Study on the Relations between Larch Pests Occurrences and Phenomenon;落叶松冠部主要病虫害发生与物候的关系

2.The establishment of apest long-distance warning and information system of crops in Beijing;北京市农作物病虫害远程预警信息系统构建


1.Review of research on pests forecast based on weather基于气象视角的农作物病虫害预测预报研究概况

2.Integrated management technology on main diseases and insect pests of Ginkgo biloba银杏主要病虫害综合治理技术研究

3.The infection of pests and pathogens of Dalbergia odorifera were investigated in 3 forest farms and 2 nurseries in Zhaoqing city in May .5月,在广东省肇庆市国有林业总场属下的3个林场和2个苗圃基地调查降香黄檀病虫害,结果表明,降香黄檀人工林幼树的嫩梢和叶片都存在轻度病虫为害,未见严重的危险性病害。


