100字范文 > 烟草病虫害 Tobacco diseases and insect pests英语短句 例句大全

烟草病虫害 Tobacco diseases and insect pests英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-03 02:43:34


烟草病虫害 Tobacco diseases and insect pests英语短句 例句大全

烟草病虫害,Tobacco diseases and insect pests

1)Tobacco diseases and insect pests烟草病虫害

1.Tobacco diseases and insect pests are bottlenecks of tobacco production.在对我国烟草病虫害发生现状和防治中存在的问题进行探讨的基础上,提出了烟草病虫害防治研究策略。


1.Research on Low Public Hazard Integrated Control Technology of Tobacco Pest;烟草病虫害低公害综合防治技术研究

2.The Development of Decision Support System for Tobacco Diseases and Insect Pests Management;烟草病虫害管理决策支持系统的开发

3.Analysis of Meteorological Conditions for Tobacco Diseases and Insect Pest in Sanmenxia in 三门峡烟草病虫害气象条件分析

4.A Simple and Quick Method for Tobacco Disease and Pest Prevention by Cell Phone利用手机进行烟草病虫害求助与诊断

5.Construction of Tobacco Disease and Pest Consultation Expert System Based on Network;基于网络的烟草病虫害咨询系统研究与建立

6.The Management Information System of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests of Tobacco of Fijian on the Basis of GIS;基于GIS的福建烟草病虫害管理信息系统构建

7.Research and Design of Tobacco Diseases and Insects Predicting Information System烟草病虫害预报信息系统的研究与设计

8.Problems and Measures of the Prediction of Tobacco Diseases and Pests烟草病虫害预测预报工作存在的问题与对策

9.Advance in Biological Control to Tobacco Diseases and Pests生物防治在烟草病虫害防治中的应用进展

10.Strains Detection of Tobacco Virus Diseases and Integrated Control of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests in Yongzhou;永州市烟草病毒病的检测及病虫害综合防治试验

11.Controlling effect of tobacco endophyte against tobacco root-knot nematode dis ease.烟草内生菌对烟草根结线虫病的防治效果

12.Investigation on the Resources of Parasitic Natural Enemies for Main Tobacco Pests in Yongzhou Tobacco Production Zone永州烟区烟草主要害虫的寄生性天敌资源调查

13.Both disorders were caused by the American tobacco ringspot virus.两种病害是美国烟草环斑病毒引起的。

14.Review of advances and perspectives in Tobacco curly shoot virus/DNAβ disease complex studies烟草曲茎病毒/DNAβ病害复合体研究进展

15.Studies on the Investigation and Detection of Tobacco Diseases in Changsha and Control of Tobacco Primary Diseases;长沙市烟草病害的调查、鉴定与烟草主要病害药剂防治试验

16.Preliminary Studies on the Resistance of N,P and K on Tobacco Root-knot Nematodes氮磷钾肥对烟草根结线虫病抗性研究

17.Studies on the Main Species and Occurrence Characteristics of Tobacco Pests in Field Growth Phase in Sichuan Province四川烟草大田生长期害虫种类及主要害虫发生规律研究

18.The tobacco nutrition, plant diseases and insect pests can be diagnosed in long-distance through internet and the intuitionistic and vivid express of information technology knowledge were fulfilled.实现了烟草植物营养及病虫害的远程诊断和信息技术知识的直观形象生动地表达。


tabacco pests烟草害虫

3)Tobacco disease烟草病害


1.Studies on the Population Dynamics and Control of the MainPests in Maize Field Mulched by Plastic Film;地膜覆盖玉米田病虫草害发生动态及防治研究

5)new insectpest烟草新害虫

6)turf diseases and pests草坪病虫害


《森林病虫害防治条例》《森林病虫害防治条例》regulations on forest pest and disease controlsenlin bingehonghai fangzhi tiaoli《森林病虫害防治条例》(re即lations on forest pest助ddi~control)根据《中华人民共和国森林法》制定的专门规范森林病虫害防治工作的行政法规。国务院1989年12月18日发布并施行。其目的是为了有效地防治森林病虫害,保护森林资源,促进林业发展,维护生态平衡。该条例共5章30条。主要内容是:①森林病虫害防治工作实行“预防为主,综合治理”的方针和“谁经营、谁防治”的责任制度。②规定了森林经营单位和个人在预防森林病虫害方面应尽的义务。如造林设计方案必须有森林病虫害防治措施,不得使用带有危险性病虫害的林木种苗进行育苗或者造林。③规定了林业主管部门在森林病虫害防治工作中所负的职责。如依法对树苗进行检疫、对森林病虫害防治工作进行监督检查等。④规定了森林病虫害的测报制度。定期发布森林病虫害中、长期趋势预报,并提出防治方案。⑤规定了森林病虫害的除治制度。发生森林病虫害时,森林经营单位和个人应当首先进行除治,发生暴发性或者危险性森林病虫害时,当地人民政府应当根据实际需要,采取紧急除治措施,有关部门应当密切配合,保证除治工作的进行。⑥规定了奖励和惩罚制度。对不按规定除治森林病虫害的,林业主管部门可以代为除治,有关费用由责任人负担。(王洪杰)
