100字范文 > 个人自学与集体学习 individual self-study and collective study英语短句 例句大全

个人自学与集体学习 individual self-study and collective study英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-19 20:01:05


个人自学与集体学习 individual self-study and collective study英语短句 例句大全

个人自学与集体学习,individual self-study and collective study

1)individual self-study and collective study个人自学与集体学习

2)individual learning个人学习

1.The Knowledge fermenting models of orgarizational learning andindividual learning;组织学习与个人学习的知识发酵模型研究

2.Based on the survey of the librarianindividual learning and the work-related learning,we discuss that learning on work is important for the development of the librarians competence.通过对图书馆馆员个人学习和工作相关的学习实证调查,论述了工作中的学习对图书馆馆员能力发展的重要性;对工作相关学习产生的条件进行了深入的剖析,提出三种不同类型的独立学习过程,并对这三种学习方式进行了比较分析。

3.In this paper,firstly the research in the field ofindividual learning is briefly reviewed.本文首先对个人学习的文献进行了简要回顾总结,然后提出个人学习的定义,基于作者以前的组织学习模型建立了个人学习的九种行为和能力要素,开发了个人学习能力的定义和测量问卷模型(ILCQ)。


1.The Knowledge fermenting models of orgarizational learning and individual learning;组织学习与个人学习的知识发酵模型研究

2.Personal Learning Environment: Challenging the Dominant Design of the E-learning Environment个人学习环境:挑战网络学习环境的主导设计

3.Weblog: the personal Learning Tool in Network Age;Weblog:网络时代的个人学习工具

4.Individual Tactics for Cultivating the Self Regulated Learning Ability of the Learners;学习者自主学习能力养成之个人策略

5.a student who studies excessively.一个过分地学习的人。

6.Learning Mentality and Personal Psychological Quality of Open Education Learners;开放教育学习者自律学习心理与个人心理素质

7.Factors That Hinder Adults Learning English;论影响成人外语学习的个人因素障碍

8.a person who wants to Become a doctor has to study medicine.一个想当医生的人得学习医学。

9.A Report of Findings and Analysis on College Students Personal Differnces of Learning English;对大学生英语学习个人差异调查分析

10.Second Language Learning and Adult Learners Individual Factors;二语习得过程中成年学习者个人因素的彰显

11.Everyone in their group is a good worker; we ought to learn from them.人家全组个个都是好样的, 咱们得向人家学习。

12.Personal Knowledge Management of Personal E-learning System;基于个人网络化学习体系的个人知识管理研究

13.Personal Knowledge Management Based on Personal E-learning System;基于个人网络化学习体系的个人知识管理

14.He is a man that we all all wish to learn.他是一个我们大家都愿学习的人。

15.a person who learns by rote.一个靠死记硬背来学习的人。

16.have as one"s principal field of study.作为一个人主要的学习对象。

17.Personal Knowledge Management for Students of Distance Education;面向远程教育学习者的个人知识管理

18.The Effect of Personality Traits on the Learning in Multimedia Environment;个人特质对多媒体环境下学习的影响


individual learning个人学习

1.The Knowledge fermenting models of orgarizational learning andindividual learning;组织学习与个人学习的知识发酵模型研究

2.Based on the survey of the librarianindividual learning and the work-related learning,we discuss that learning on work is important for the development of the librarians competence.通过对图书馆馆员个人学习和工作相关的学习实证调查,论述了工作中的学习对图书馆馆员能力发展的重要性;对工作相关学习产生的条件进行了深入的剖析,提出三种不同类型的独立学习过程,并对这三种学习方式进行了比较分析。

3.In this paper,firstly the research in the field ofindividual learning is briefly reviewed.本文首先对个人学习的文献进行了简要回顾总结,然后提出个人学习的定义,基于作者以前的组织学习模型建立了个人学习的九种行为和能力要素,开发了个人学习能力的定义和测量问卷模型(ILCQ)。

3)individual learning个体学习

1.Individual Learning Model in Evolutionary Game;进化博弈模型中有限理性个体学习机制设计框架

2.Theoretical researches by the Western scholars are presented in this paper so as to facilitate future research and practical application, which includes: the definition of learning organization,individual learning and organizational learning, and the creation of effective learning organizations.文章对西方学者有关学习型组织的研究进行了总结 ,以便于学者的进一步研究及其在管理实践中的应用 ,内容主要包括学习型组织的界定、个体学习与组织学习以及创建有效的学习型组织等问

3.Individual learning has been studied for several thousand years andorganizational learning theory has been in the existence for nearly 50years.对个体学习的研究已有几千年的历史,组织学习理论也已出现了近50 年,而网络学习这一概念却是刚刚浮出水面。

4)individual study个体学习

1.On the base of the study on the hypothesis of humanity,it comprehensively specifies the study on the development of learning organization and the reasons concerned;the myth brought by learning organization;and the core conceptions of learning organization:individual study,organization study,annotation of learning organization.在对人性假设研究的基础上 ,综述了学习型组织的发展及其原因的研究 ,学习型组织引发的神话及学习型组织的核心概念 :个体学习、组织学习、学习型组织的诠释研究。

2.Individual study and Small-Group Discussion Learning are two different ways of learning in teaching classroom ,both the way could make students join the process of learning.个体学习和小组讨论学习是在课堂教学中两种不同的学习形式,虽然形式不同,但都能促进学生的主体参与,体现学生的主体地位。

5)study individual学习个体

6)cluster organiza-tional learning by individual approach集群个人途径组织学习


部分学习与整体学习部分学习与整体学习part learning and whole learning部分学习与整体学习(part learningand whole learning)在运动学习和记忆学习中,根据对学习内容的处理方式可以分成部分学习和整体学习。部分学习就是将材料分成几个部分,每次学习一个部分:整体学习就是每次学习整个材料。一般来讲,整体学习的效果优于部分学习。但是,课题复杂彼此没有意义联系的材料,用部分学习的效果好:课题简短或具有意义联系的材料,用整体学习的效果好。在进行学习时,可以将部分学习与整体学习结合起来,先进行整体学习再进行部分学习,或者相反。这种相互结合的学习方式叫做综合学习,效果更好些。 (周国帕撰成立夫审)
