100字范文 > 自学 Self-study英语短句 例句大全

自学 Self-study英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-30 12:27:54


自学 Self-study英语短句 例句大全



1.Consolidating foundation,motivating interest and teaching methods ——on how to improve the student s self-study ability in middle vocational schools;夯实基础,激发兴趣,授之以法——谈中等职业学校学生语文自学能力的培养

2.Cultivating self-study abilities of undergraduates is not only the requirement for obtaining knowledge, but also the requirement for their careers in the future.培养学生的自学能力不仅是学习知识的需要,更是学生步入社会之后生存与发展的需要。

3.All the scholars pay great attention to self-study.培养学生的自学能力是学校教育和教学工作的重要任务,是保证教学质量的重要环节。


1.Einstein taught himself advanced maths.爱因斯坦自学(自己教自己)高等数学。

2.Teach yourself English (select edition)《英语自学》(精华本)

3.He is selftaught and never went to school.他是自学的,没有上过学。

4...his textbooks, so....而自学了数学, 所以....

5.relating to or having the characteristics of an autodidact.关于自学者的,或有自学者特征的。

6.I have Maths and Science, too.我还学数学和自然科学。

7.Self-regulated Learning and Its Significance in Maths Learning;自主学习及数学自主学习的现实意义

8.Academic Autonomy and Academic Freedom in Colleges: a Comparative Account;大学学术自治与学术自由的比较阐释

9.(in logic) a self-contradiction.(逻辑学)自相矛盾。

10.Self, Nature, and the Contemporary Native American Autobiography;自我,自然及当代北美印第安自传文学

11.Neither you nor she studies natural science .你和他都不学自然科学。

12.Natural science emBraces many suBjects.自然科学包括许多学科。

13.Is science harder than English ?自然科学比英语难学吗?

14.Students must learn to discipline themselves.大学生必须学会自律。;大学生必须学会约束自己。

15.optical automatic ranging光学自动测距计光学自动测距仪

16.theory of natural selection自然选择学说 自然选择学说

17.The proud scholar often boasts of his learning.这名自负的学者经常夸耀自己的学识。

18.Elementary Views on Learning Autonomy of Foreign Languages in Self-Access Learning Centers;浅析自主学习中心中的外语学习自主



1.The Design and Application of Self-learning and Self-check System of Medical Immunology Based on ASP Online;医学免疫学在线自学自测系统的设计和应用

2.Analysis and Reflection on Application for the Driving License of Vehicle by Self-learning;自学申领机动车驾驶证问题研究

3.It goes grouping teaching to train the studentsself-learning ability in college girl students Taijiquan teaching.为锻炼和培养学生体育自学能力,在高校女生太极拳教学中进行分组教学,通过成绩评价和统计比较发现实验组成绩优于对照组,实验组动作遗忘速度慢于对照组,实验组对体育活动兴趣、自信心都强于对照组。


1.In the course of guide teaching, the guide teaching mode of network-guiding-self-teaching-instructing should be applied consciously, with the network as a base, the srudents as theprincipal part.在导学过程中,要有意的运用“网络-引导-自学-辅导”的导学模式,以网络为依托,以学生为主体组织导学。

4)self study自学

1.This paper shows thatself study on English is very important in improving English.本文就学生学习英语进步慢的现状 ,说明了自学对提高英语水平的重要性 ,并论述了培养学生自学能力的一些方法。

2.In basketball technique classes,self study guidance styly teaching was used as an experimental study.在篮球技术课的教学中 ,采用“自学指导式”教学法进行教学实验研究 ,结果证明 ,实验组技术和理论的成绩较对照组有显著提高。

5)self learning自学

1.The change of cognition from Self Learning to Examination for High Education to High Education Examination for Self Learning is the outcome of deep reformation inself learning examination in high education system.从“高等教育自学考试”到“高等自学考试教育”在认识上的转变,是高等教育自学考试深化改革的结果。

6)the education of self-learning and self-encouragement自学自励

1.Its essence lies inthe education of self-learning and self-encouragement;Its focus is the education of human well-beings;Its core is the education of philosophy.其精髓是自学自励教育;其重点是养成教育;其内核是人生观教育;其主体是公民教育;其归宿和指向是造就健全公民。


