100字范文 > 自学考试制度 Self-study Examination System英语短句 例句大全

自学考试制度 Self-study Examination System英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-02 16:22:30


自学考试制度 Self-study Examination System英语短句 例句大全

自学考试制度,Self-study Examination System

1)Self-study Examination System自学考试制度

1.Strengthening the Construction of an Educational Platform for Self-study Examination is a Very Important Measure to Improve theSelf-study Examination System;加强自学考试教育平台建设是完善自学考试制度的重大举措


1.Examination System, Educational System and Learning System──the understanding about the properties of the Self-taught examinations;考试制度、教育制度、学习制度?——关于自学考试制度性质的几种认识

2.Innovation in Higher Education and Self-study Examination System;从创新的角度看自学考试制度的发展

3.Analysis on the Evolvement of Higher Education Self-culture Exam System;高等教育自学考试制度历史演变分析

4."Self-taught Examination"and"Leisure-time Study"--on the Function Transfer ofSelf-taught Examination System;“自学考试”与“业余学习”——浅议自学考试制度职能之变迁

5.Strengthening the Construction of an Educational Platform for Self-study Examination is a Very Important Measure to Improve the Self-study Examination System;加强自学考试教育平台建设是完善自学考试制度的重大举措

6.A Study on the Reform and Reinforcement of the SET System;高等教育自学考试制度改革与发展研究

7.Reviewing the Self-taught Examinations System from an International Perspective;从国际开放教育视野审视自学考试制度

8.Existence and Development of the System of Self-Study Test After the Increasing Enrollment in Colleges and Universities;高校扩招后自学考试制度的生存与发展之路

9.The Superiority of the System of Self-study Examination to the Development of Modern Identification Papers System;自学考试制度推动现代证书制度发展的优势剖析

10.On the external system in University of London and the self-taught system in China;伦敦大学校外生制与我国高等教育自学考试制度的比较研究

11.Rational Analysis of Positive Function and Its Standard Formulation of Higher Education Testing System for Self-study Students;我国高等教育自学考试制度正向功能与标准制定的理性分析

12.Understanding Correctly the Legal Status and Unique Value of the Self-taught Higher Education Examinations正确认识高等教育自学考试制度的合法地位与独特价值

13.The Discussion on the Item Difficulty Control of the Higher Education Self-taught Examination;论高等教育自学考试试题难度的控制

14.The Self-educated Examination in the Advancing Time;与时俱进中的“自学考试”制度——“自考”助学试验班考察

15.The Self-taught Examinations--the System of Higher Education with Chinese Characteristics;自学考试——中国特色的高等教育制度

16.Discussing on the Difficulties and Adjustments in Higher Education Self-study Exam;高等教育自学考试试题难度及调整机制的探讨

17.Study of Legislation Transformation of State-administered Higher Education Examinations for Self-directed Learners during 30 Years高教自学考试三十年制度及法规的变革研究

18.The Self-taught Higher Education Examinations:a System Embodying Chinese Concept of Lifelong Learning高等教育自学考试:蕴含中国式终身学习理念的制度


on system of self-study examination自学考试制度论

3)The countryside self-study examination system农村自学考试制度

4)university examination system大学考试制度

1.Due to the separation of teaching and examining and the influence of other factors, the abuse of theuniversity examination system has led to lower quality and serious waste of higher education in India.由于实行教考分离和其他因素的影响,印度大学考试制度的弊端造成了印度高等教育质量较低和浪费现象严重。

5)self-study examination自学考试

1.On Joining of academic and vocational qualification certificate inself-study examination of higher education;谈高等自学考试“双证”的衔接与并举

2.Reflection on Reinforcing Management Control of Self-study Examination;对加强自学考试管理控制的一点思考

6)self-taught examination自学考试

1.Cause and Enlightenment of Traditional Examination Culture s Inheritance and Development in Modern Time --Focusing on Self-taught Examination;传统考试文化在当代传承发展的原因与启示——以自学考试为中心

2.Clinical medical collegeself-taught examination has taken up for 10 years in Guangxi.高教临床医学专业(专科)自学考试在广西开考业已十年,为了进一步将医学类自学考试规范化、科学化和法律化,本研究针对广西第一、二批临床医学专业自学考试毕业生回顾性反馈意见进行了全方位的总结和分析,获得有价值的数据和结果。

3.Technical procedures,targets and quality requriements were analysed in current topic assignment forself-taught examination.对当前自学考试命题的技术规程、目标及质量要求进行了剖析,提出了进一步完善自学考试命题指导思想上的两个根本转变,即考核内容取舍及设计从随意向有序的根本转变、从重知识向重能力的根本转变。


