100字范文 > 储层损害机理 mechanism of reservoir damage英语短句 例句大全

储层损害机理 mechanism of reservoir damage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-05 20:31:14


储层损害机理 mechanism of reservoir damage英语短句 例句大全

储层损害机理,mechanism of reservoir damage

1)mechanism of reservoir damage储层损害机理


1.Research on Reservoir Damage Mechanism and Prediction of Severity of Water Lock in Gulongnan Area古龙南地区储层损害机理研究及水锁损害预测

prehensive research on mechanism of Sha-20 East reservoir damage by water injection注水对沙20东储层损害机理综合研究

3.Researches on Formation Damage Mechanisms and Protective Measures of Low Permeability Reservoirs of WeiZhou Area;涠洲地区低渗透储层损害机理与保护措施研究

4.Damage Mechanism and Evaluation of Fractured Reservoir of Daqing大庆裂缝性储层损害机理及评价技术研究

5.Research on Fracturing Damage Mechanism of Formation and Evaluation Method压裂对储层伤害机理及评价方法研究

6.The particle migration in reservoir is one of the main reservoir-damaging factors.储层中微粒运移是储层损害的主要因素之一。

7.Formation damage mechanism and controlling measures for heavy oil reservoir of steam injection稠油油藏注蒸汽储层伤害机理及调整措施

8.A research on damage mechanisms of loose sand reservoirs during their production疏松砂岩油田生产过程中储层伤害机理研究

9.Experimental Study on Amphiphobic Surface Treating to Prevent Reservoir from Aqueous Phase Trapping Damage双疏性表面处理预防致密储层水相圈闭损害实验研究

10.Study on Damage Mechanics of Mining Cracks and Control Methods in Shallow Coal Seam;浅埋煤层采动裂缝损害机理及控制方法研究

11.The Study of Mechnisms of Aqeous Phase Trapping and Its Applications in Tight Sands Gas Reserviors;致密砂岩气层水相圈闭损害机理及应用研究

12.Research Situation of Reservoir Damage and Reservoir Protection while Drilling钻井过程中的储层损害和储层保护技术研究现状

13.The Formation Damage Simulations and Protection Techniques for Wangzhuang Water Sensitive Reservoir;王庄水敏性稠油油藏储层伤害机理及保护技术研究

14.The Characteristics and Forming Mechanism of Engineering Disasters in Terrestrial Oil Field Development:with "A " Section of Songzi Oil Field as an Example陆相储层油田开发工程灾害特征及成因机理——以松滋油田A区为例

15.Research of Sanding Damage. and Promotion of Sand Control Technique. in Loose Reservoir of Jin 45 Region;锦45块疏松储层出砂损害研究与防砂方法优选

16.Study on the system of utilizing aquifers to store cold energy in fathering deep mine heat-harm深部矿井热害治理地层储冷系统研究

17.The Research on Damage Mechanism and Control Technique in Fractured Ultra-low Permeability Sandstone Oil Formation;裂缝性特低渗透砂岩油层损害机理及保护技术研究

18.The Formation Characteristics and Damage Evaluation of Penglaizhen Shallow Gas Reservoir in Western Sichuan Basin Baima-songhua Area;川西白马—松华地区蓬莱镇组浅层气藏储层特征与损害评价


Formation damage and temporary plugging mechanism储层损害与暂堵机理

3)reservoir damage储层损害

1.A series of tests forreservoir damage were conducted by using the simulated stainless steel core samples flushed with different dril.裂缝性储层损害评价新方法即可用于钻井液储层伤害评价和暂堵方案的优选,也可应用于裂缝性储层保护的实验研究。

2.The main factors and mechanism ofreservoir damage are analyzed through experiments and field evaluation.针对四川盆地苏码头构造偏强水敏储层易产生水敏、液锁等储层损害现象,利用油气井储层损害实验及矿场评价方法,分析了油气井储层损害主要因素及机理,进行了油气井开发前期钻井、固井、射孔、试油、储层改造以及采气过程中的储层损害类型研究,提出了相应的储层保护技术,并探索出适合四川盆地苏码头构造储层保护的配套技术。

3.There are large areas of water-sensitive formations facing severereservoir damage problems in Wangzhuang, Jinjia and Shanjiasi oil district of Shengli Oil Field.本文首先进行了射孔液保护油层作用机理的研究,研究分析表明,引起强水敏性储层损害的原因是;其一,储层中水敏性矿物含量较高,蒙脱石极易发生水化膨胀,其二,高岭石易发生分散运移,从而导致渗透率降低。

4)Formation damage储层损害

1.Experimental evaluation on formation damage caused by re-injection of mixture of fresh water and produced water in sandstone reservoir;砂岩储层清水和污水混注对储层损害的实验评价

2.Information fusion technology for formation damage diagnosis based on evidence theory;基于证据理论的信息融合储层损害诊断技术研究

3.Performance evaluation of 3 fracturing fluids and the analysis of the formation damage caused by 3 fracturing fluids;3种压裂液性能评价及其储层损害原因分析

5)reservoir formation damage储层损害

6)reservoir damage mechanism储层伤害机理


储层描述(见油气田储层评价)储层描述(见油气田储层评价)reseroir evaluation of oil and gas field储层描述(reseroir evaluation of 011 and gasfield)见油气田储层评价。
