100字范文 > 冻融破坏机理 mechanism of freeze thaw damage英语短句 例句大全

冻融破坏机理 mechanism of freeze thaw damage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-01 06:52:47


冻融破坏机理 mechanism of freeze thaw damage英语短句 例句大全

冻融破坏机理,mechanism of freeze thaw damage

1)mechanism of freeze thaw damage冻融破坏机理

2)freezing damage冻融破坏

1.Carbonization &freezing damage of concrete for hydraulic engineering and its prevention;水利工程混凝土的碳化和冻融破坏及防治


1.Fuzzy Analysis of Time-variant Reliability of Concrete Structures under Freezing-thawing Alternative Action;混凝土结构冻融破坏模糊时变可靠性分析

2.Mechanic analysis on the failure of bond behavior between concrete and steel bar when suffered from frost injury钢筋与混凝土黏结性能冻融破坏的力学分析

3.Reliability Analysis of Steel Bar Corrosion and Freezing-Thawing of Concrete in RC Structures钢筋锈蚀和混凝土冻融破坏的可靠性分析及防范措施

4.Multiaxial Failure Criterion of Concrete in Freeze-Thaw Cycling Environment;冻融环境下普通混凝土的多轴破坏准则

5.Analysis indicates that the freezing-thawing is most important to failure of microstructure of soil; the second is slow-soaking.分析表明冻融对土的微结构破坏最为严重,其次是慢浸。

6.To damage, kill, or make inoperative by cold or by the formation of ice.冻坏,冻死,冻僵通过寒冷或冰的形成而引起破坏、冻死或使不起作用

7.Mechanics Models of Frost-Heaving and the Research of Anti-Frost Heave Structure for Lining Canal渠道衬砌冻胀破坏力学模型及防冻胀结构研究

8.an instrument for destroying tissue by freezing it.通过冷冻破坏组织的装置。

9.application of a substance that destroys tissue by freezing it.采用冷冻的方法来破坏组织细胞。

10.Establishment and Application of Mechanics Models of Frost Heaving Damage of Concrete Lining Open Canal;砼衬砌渠道冻胀破坏力学模型及应用

11.The Numerical Simulations and Experiment Investigation of Nonlinear Fracture Failure Process of Frozen Soil;冻土非线性断裂破坏的数值模拟与实验研究

12.Application Study on Fracture Failure Criterion and Parameter Measurement of Frozen Soil;冻土断裂破坏准则与参数测试及其应用研究

13.Study of cold damages on lining structure and prevention measurement in cold regional tunnels寒区隧道衬砌结构冻胀破坏分析及防治措施

14.Supplementary Provisions on Cracking Down on the Crime of Killing Rare and Endangered Wildlife That are Selectively Under the State"s Protection关于惩治破坏金融秩序犯罪的决定

15.The nature of the soil is the main factor determining the heaving charactor, therefore if the heaving soil were displaced with non-heaving soil, such as sand or gravel the retaining wall be protected.在一定条件下将挡土墙后冻胀土换填成非冻胀土,则可达到防治墙体冻胀破坏目的。

16.Therefore, the research conduces to further understand damage process and mathematical property of frozen soil.因此,该研究有助于进一步认识冻土的损伤破坏过程和力学性质。

17.This location should also facilitate testing and servicing, and protect against freezing and vandalism.这个位置也要便于检测和维修,并且能够防止冰冻和人为破坏。

18.Establishment of Mechanics Models and Numerical Stimulation of Frost Heaving Damage of U-Shape Canal with Concrete Lining;大U形混凝土衬砌渠道冻胀破坏力学模型及数值模拟


freezing damage冻融破坏

1.Carbonization &freezing damage of concrete for hydraulic engineering and its prevention;水利工程混凝土的碳化和冻融破坏及防治

3)freeze-thaw damage冻融破坏

1.The research offreeze-thaw damage of prestressed concrete based on damage mechanics;基于损伤理论的预应力混凝土冻融破坏研究

2.By analyzing the existing models on concrete carbonation, chloride ion corrosion, reinforcement erosion andfreeze-thaw damage, etc.通过分析已有的混凝土碳化、氯离子侵蚀、钢筋锈蚀和冻融破坏等数学预测模型,给出了当前较为完善的退化模型。

3.This thesis described the mechanism offreeze-thaw damage of concrete in sodium chloride solution, and the frost resistance of concrete in 3.叙述了混凝土的盐溶液下冻融破坏机理,并进行了3。

4)Freezing and thawing damage冻融破坏

1.This paper discusses the freezing and thawing damage causation,prevention and control measure and the antifrostheave structure type which was adopted of trench concrete liner in severe area in the north of China.论述了我国北方季节冻土区渠道混凝土衬砌冻融破坏原因、防治措施及采取的抗冻胀的结构形式。

2.This paper discusses the reason of freezing and thawing damage for lined canals and introduces the drainage water insulation freezing resistance method and the problems should be paid attention to during the course of cnstruction.阐述了衬砌渠道冻融破坏的原因 ,介绍了排水隔水法抗冻措施及施工中应注意的问

5)freeze-thaw failure冻融破坏

1.This article basce on cause aboutfreeze-thaw failure of concrete and mechanism aboutfreeze-thaw failure of concrete discussing,indicated air entrainer and water reducer have influence on antifreezing property of concrete in the application of concrete with admixture.本文通过混凝土冻融破坏的原因及冻融破坏的机理的论述 ,指出了在混凝土外加剂应用中引气剂及减水剂对混凝土抗冻性能的影响。

6)freeze and thaw destruction冻融破坏

1.This paper put forward freezing resistance of concrete test project according to thefreeze and thaw destruction mechanism of concrete under the condition of chlorine salts,and based on salt-frost test data,below viewpoint was proposed-for increasing the salt-frost resistance of concrete,the inside character of concret.依据混凝土在氯盐介质下的冻融破坏机理,提出混凝土抗盐冻试验方案,根据混凝土的盐冻数据,提出提高混凝土的抗盐冻性应注重改善混凝土内部的孔隙特征和适度减少混凝土中Ca(OH)2凝胶的含量。


复合材料破坏机理复合材料破坏机理failure mechanism of composite materials复合材料破坏机理failure meehanism of com-posite materials复合材料破坏的发生和发展过程的规律性。复合材料是细观非匀质材料,本质上是结构物。破坏模式不是宏观均匀单元的整体破坏,而是细观不均匀结构物中最薄弱环节首先发生破坏。这种破坏称为细观损伤。经过损伤的不断积累和损伤区的不断扩展,达到一定的容量和程度之后,才发生整体断裂。由于复合材料的可设计性,通过选择不同性能的组分材料、结合状态、纤维铺设方式等,可获得具有不同性能、满足不同要求的材料。复合材料和使用条件的这种多样性,使得细观薄弱环节各不相同,导致损伤发生和发展过程也不尽相同。因此,复合材料破坏机理必然是形式多样和比较复杂。复合材料最基本的损伤形式有4种:①基体开裂。主要是由于基体断裂应变比较小造成。如采用脆性树脂基体时,固化收缩就可能造成基体内部的开裂。②纤维一基体界面脱粘。主要是由于纤维和基体之间的剪切应力大于界面的粘接强度所造成。③纤维断裂。主要是由于脆性纤维(如玻璃纤维、碳纤维等)强度离散性大,在一定的外力作用下,纤维的脆弱部位较早发生断裂。④层间分层。由于垂直于层面的层间拉伸正应力或层间剪切应力所引起。层间应力状态和复合材料的纤维铺设形式有直接关系。复合材料出现损伤并不意味着材料马上失效,往往还可以经历较长的使用过程,直至损伤达到一定的容限。出现损伤后,材料的使用寿命与损伤形式、扩展特征及使用条件有直接关系。损伤的发生将造成一定范围内的应力重分布,即可能使原有应力集中缓和,也可能形成新的应力集中。条件不同,损伤造成的结果也不同。例如,纤维一基体界面的脱粘将造成材料压缩强度和剪切强度的下降,但一定程度的脱粘却能提高材料的冲击韧性,甚至可能提高纤维方向的拉伸强度。对复合材料破坏机理的研究和了解,是为了进行最优材料的设计,以及为发展新的复合材料提供理论依据。(张汝光)
