100字范文 > 公共财政农业支出 public financial expenditure for agriculture英语短句 例句大全

公共财政农业支出 public financial expenditure for agriculture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-07 23:31:57


公共财政农业支出 public financial expenditure for agriculture英语短句 例句大全

公共财政农业支出,public financial expenditure for agriculture

1)public financial expenditure for agriculture公共财政农业支出

1.Using the grey correlation analysis method,this paper evaluates the performance of China\"spublic financial expenditure for agriculture from the perspectives of efficiency and equity during 1998-.采用灰色关联度分析方法,从效率与公平两个方面评估了1998—我国公共财政农业支出的绩效。


1.International Experiences and Enlightenment of Agriculture Fiscal Expenses Policy;公共财政农业支出政策的国际经验与启示

2.Performance Evaluation on China"s Public Financial Expenditure for Agriculture During 1998-1998—中国公共财政农业支出的绩效评估

3.Agricultural Support Policy under the Framework of Public Finance and WTO;公共财政与WTO框架下的农业支持政策

4.The Experience and Revelation which Common Expenditure Turns to Agriculture,Rural Areas and Peasantry.;国外公共财政支出向“三农”倾斜的经验及启示

5.Study of the Administrative Undertaking Expenditure in Public Finanace of Changchun City;长春市公共财政中行政事业支出情况研究

6.Study on the Countermeasures to the Public Finance Support Professional Cooperative Economy Organization of Peasants;公共财政支持农民专业合作组织发展对策研究

7.The Means,Standards and Size of Fiscal Support to Agricultural Insurance;公共财政支持农业保险发展的途径、标准与规模

8.Theoretical Study of Farm Products Processing Industry with Public Finance;公共财政支持农产品加工业发展的理论研究

9.Public Financial Support and the Development of Modern Agriculture公共财政支持下的现代农业发展战略研究

10.Optimization of Finance Expenditure Construction in View of Public Finance;公共财政视野下的财政支出结构变迁

11.Optimization of Financial Expenditure under Public Finance Framework;公共财政框架下的财政支出结构优化

12.Meet the Need of Public Finance and Reconstruct Fiscal Expenditure System;适应公共财政需要 重构财政支出体系

13.Under the Framework of Public Finance Expenditure on Public Goods in Rural Areas Study in Huizhou City惠州市公共财政框架下的农村公共产品支出问题研究

14.The analysis and regulation of public fiscal semi-administration expenditure action;财政事业性公共支出行为的分析与规范

15.In West New Rural Reconstruction Public Expenditure Function and its Policy Optimization;西部新农村建设中公共财政支出的作用及其政策优化

16.National Income Allocation and Financial Support to Agriculture in the Framework of Public Finance;论公共财政框架下的国民收入分配与财政支农

17.Increasing public finance for supporting construction of rural water structures;加大公共财政对农村水利的支持力度

18.Thinking of the Public Expenditure Reform of Rural Basic Education After the Reform of the Expenses of Taxation;税费改革后农村基础教育公共财政支出改革的思考


public expenditure公共财政支出

parative static analysis ofpublic expenditure;公共财政支出的比较静态分析

3)Public finance expenditure公共财政支出

4)non-public financial spending非公共财政支出

1.We find that there are explicit differences between the impacts of the effectiveness of government s public andnon-public financial spending on economy.我们发现政府公共财政支出和非公共财政支出的有效性对经济的影响明显不同。

5)budgetary expenditure for agriculture农业财政支出

1.Based on a co-integration relationship and an error correction model, this paper uses a Granger causality test to empirically analyze the causality relationship of the fluctuation ofbudgetary expenditure for agriculture and the fluctuation of agriculture GDP.中国农业财政支出与农业GDP增长都呈循环波动形式。

6)Fiscal Expenditure for Agriculture财政农业支出

1.A Study on Scale and Benefit ofFiscal Expenditure for Agriculture in China;我国财政农业支出规模与效益研究


