100字范文 > 县乡财政支农支出 The Country Financial Expenditure for Agriculture英语短句 例句大全

县乡财政支农支出 The Country Financial Expenditure for Agriculture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-04 16:53:58


县乡财政支农支出 The Country Financial Expenditure for Agriculture英语短句 例句大全

县乡财政支农支出,The Country Financial Expenditure for Agriculture

1)The Country Financial Expenditure for Agriculture县乡财政支农支出

2)expenditure of rural finance县乡财政支出


1.The Research on Optimum Structure of Financial Expense in Some Counties and Villages of Depressed Area;贫困地区县乡财政支出结构优化研究

2.The Impact of Intergovernmental Transfers on County Educational Expenditure: The Cases of Zhejiang,Hubei,and Shanxi;转移支付对县乡财政教育支出的影响——以浙江、湖北、陕西为例

3.Counties & Townships Finance (CTF) has thrown public expenditure responsibilities to get rid of fiscal pressures.摆脱运行压力,县乡财政采取的是甩出公共支出责任的应对策略。

4.On the Influence of the Township-Finance-Supervised-By-County System on Township Financial Expenditure:Empirical Analysis of Two Pilot Reforming Townships in Hunan Province;“乡财县管”制度对乡镇财政支出的约束效果——基于湖南两试点乡镇的实证分析

5.Research on Income and Expenditure of County and Township Finance in the Background of Abatement of Agricultural Tax;农业税取消背景下的县乡财政收支研究

6.We will increase support for counties and townships with budgetary difficulties and major grain-producing counties.进一步加大对财政困难县乡和产粮大县的支持力度。

7.Analysis of our country urbanization and country township finance difference position and outlet;我国城镇化与县乡财政困境及出路分析

8.A Study on the Fiscal Expenditure Structure of County-Level Local Government and Its Effects县级地方政府财政支出结构及其效果研究

9.The Study of Fiscal Expenditure on the Broken of Urban and Rural Social Structure in China基于城乡社会断裂的中国财政支出政策研究

10.The Correlation Analysis between Fiscal Decentralization and County-rural Financial Difficulty;财政分权与县乡财政困难的相关分析

11.Appraising the Efficiency of Finance Expenditure of Grain for Green Project in Nanjiang County of Sichuan Province南江县退耕还林工程的财政支出效率评价

12.Empirical Analysis of Township Financial Income and Expenditure--Based on audit report of a central China county;乡镇财政收支行为的实证研究——基于中部地区W县审计报告资料

13.Empirical Research on the Relations of Fiscal Expenditure Structure and Income Gaps between Rural and Urban Areas;财政支出结构与城乡收入差距关系的实证研究

14.On Constructing the Township Finance Expenditure Framework after the Taxes andAdministrative Charges Reform in the Countryside;农村税费改革后乡镇财政支出格局的构建

15.government expenditure政府财政支出,国家开支

16.financial charge财务费用, 财政支出

17.Studies on the County and Township Financial System Innovation under the Framework of Public Finance;公共财政框架下的县乡财政体制创新研究

18.The Discussion of the Function in Rational Fiscal Decentralization to Solve the County or Village-town Fiscal Difficulties;论财政合理分权在县乡财政解困中的作用


expenditure of rural finance县乡财政支出

3)Government Expenditure on Supporting Agriculture财政支农支出

1.Government Expenditure on Supporting Agriculture and Development of the Primary Industry: 1978-——An Empirical Analysis With Vector Autoregressive Model;中国财政支农支出与第一产业发展:1978———基于VAR模型的经济计量分析

4)Township Financial Expenditure乡镇财政支出

1.On the Influence of the Township-Finance-Supervised-By-County System onTownship Financial Expenditure:Empirical Analysis of Two Pilot Reforming Townships in Hunan Province;“乡财县管”制度对乡镇财政支出的约束效果——基于湖南两试点乡镇的实证分析

5)budgetary expenditure for agriculture农业财政支出

1.Based on a co-integration relationship and an error correction model, this paper uses a Granger causality test to empirically analyze the causality relationship of the fluctuation ofbudgetary expenditure for agriculture and the fluctuation of agriculture GDP.中国农业财政支出与农业GDP增长都呈循环波动形式。

6)Fiscal Expenditure for Agriculture财政农业支出

1.A Study on Scale and Benefit ofFiscal Expenditure for Agriculture in China;我国财政农业支出规模与效益研究


