100字范文 > 地方财政农业支出 local fiscal expenditure for agriculture英语短句 例句大全

地方财政农业支出 local fiscal expenditure for agriculture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-18 20:06:58


地方财政农业支出 local fiscal expenditure for agriculture英语短句 例句大全

地方财政农业支出,local fiscal expenditure for agriculture

1)local fiscal expenditure for agriculture地方财政农业支出

1.The article firstly analyzes the regional differences inlocal fiscal expenditure for agriculture in China from fiscal agricultural expenditure scale,strength and structure,and then empirically tests the impact of local fiscal agricultural expenditure on regional agricultural economic growth based on panel data from 1995 to .本文从财政农业支出规模、力度与结构等方面分析了我国地方财政农业支出的区域差异,在此基础上,运用面板数据模型实证检验了1995-间地方财政农业支出对区域农业经济增长的影响。


1.Local Fiscal Expenditure for Agriculture and Regional Agricultural Economy Growth--An Empirical Research Based on Panel Data of Eastern,Central and Western China地方财政农业支出与区域农业经济增长——基于东、中、西部地区面板数据的实证研究

2.Research on Performance Evaluation of Local Agricultural Finance Projects;地方财政支农项目支出绩效评价研究

3.Study on the Local Financial Expenditure Structure of Fund for Agriculture;地方财政支农资金支出结构优化研究

4.Efficiency of local fiscal expenditure in China;财政分权体制下的地方财政支出效率

5.Demonstration Analysis on Effect of Agricultural Finance Expenditure of Farmer Income;农业财政支出对农民收入影响的分析

6.Analysis on Effects of China Financial Expenditure on Farmer’s Income财政农业支出对农民收入的效应分析

7.Making Full Use of Local Fiscal Expenditure and Guiding Leather Industry along Circular Economy Road;运用地方财政支出 引导皮革业走循环经济之路

8.The Research on the Relationship between the Structure of Regional Government Fiscal Expenditure in the Condition of the Fiscal Competition;财政竞争条件下的地方财政支出结构与产业集聚关系研究

9.The Empirical Analysis on Agricultural Expenditure and Farmers′ Income Based on Granger Method;基于granger方法的农业财政支出对农民收入影响的实证分析

10.Strengthening the Supervision and Improving the Effect of Expenditure Used to Support Agriculture;加强财政支农支出监管 提高财政支农支出效益

11.Contribution of Fiscal Expenditure on Supporting Agriculture to Promote Western Agricultural Economic Growth;财政支农支出对西部农业经济增长的贡献

12.An Analysis on the Effect of Financial Expenditure for Supporting Agriculture of Jilin Province on Agricultural Economy吉林省财政支农支出对农业经济影响作用研究

13.The Empirical Analysis on the Long-term Impact of Agriculture-related Fiscal Expenditures on Agricultural GDP财政支农支出对农业GDP长期影响的实证分析

14.A Study on Scale and Benefit of Agricultural Fiscal Expenditure on Henan Province;河南省农业财政支出规模与效益研究

15.Performance of the Government Finance Used in Agriculture: An Evaluation Test with DEA Model;基于DEA的财政农业支出资金绩效评价

16.The Study on the Economic Benefit of Fiscal Expenditure in Gansu Province甘肃省财政农业支出的经济效益研究

17.Efficiency of Local Government Financial Expenditure in China:1978-;中国地方政府财政支出效率研究:1978—

18.On the Estimation of the Standard Fiscal Expenditure on Education by the Local Governments;地方政府教育标准财政支出测算研究


budgetary expenditure for agriculture农业财政支出

1.Based on a co-integration relationship and an error correction model, this paper uses a Granger causality test to empirically analyze the causality relationship of the fluctuation ofbudgetary expenditure for agriculture and the fluctuation of agriculture GDP.中国农业财政支出与农业GDP增长都呈循环波动形式。

3)Fiscal Expenditure for Agriculture财政农业支出

1.A Study on Scale and Benefit ofFiscal Expenditure for Agriculture in China;我国财政农业支出规模与效益研究

4)local fiscal expenditure地方财政支出

1.Area Analysis on the Relation between Local Fiscal Expenditure and Local Economic Growth:the Empirical Analysis on Panel Data of the Coastal Area in Jiangsu Province地方财政支出与地方经济增长关系的区域性分析——基于江苏沿海区域的面板数据经验研究

5)composites of fiscal agricultural expenditure财政农业支出结构

6)grants-in-aid for agriculture农业支出财政补贴


