100字范文 > 公共财政支出 public expenditure英语短句 例句大全

公共财政支出 public expenditure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-25 00:26:44


公共财政支出 public expenditure英语短句 例句大全

公共财政支出,public expenditure

1)public expenditure公共财政支出

parative static analysis ofpublic expenditure;公共财政支出的比较静态分析


1.Reforming public financial expenditure system and standardizing financial operation mechanism;改革公共财政支出体系 规范财政运行机制

2.Research for the Reform of Fiscal Spending Management;我国公共财政支出预算管理改革研究

3.The Research on Public Finance Expenditure of Western China Regional Government and Economic Growth;西部地方政府公共财政支出与经济增长研究

4.Public finance management in Jilin Province has being built.吉林省已经构建了基本的公共财政支出框架,公共财政支出管理制度改革初见成效。

5.Optimization of Finance Expenditure Construction in View of Public Finance;公共财政视野下的财政支出结构变迁

6.Optimization of Financial Expenditure under Public Finance Framework;公共财政框架下的财政支出结构优化

7.Meet the Need of Public Finance and Reconstruct Fiscal Expenditure System;适应公共财政需要 重构财政支出体系

8.Adjusting and Improving the Fiscal Expenditure Structure under the System of the Public Finance;公共财政体制下我国财政支出结构的优化研究

9.A Study on the Growth and Control of Fiscal Expenditure in Public Finance;公共财政框架下财政支出规模增长与控制研究

10.Adjusting and Improving Our Country s Fiscal Expenditure Structure on Public Finance Structure;论公共财政体制下我国财政支出结构的优化

11.On the Financial Investment Expenditure under China s Public Finance;论我国公共财政条件下的财政投资支出

12.Discuss on the optimize of pay out finance struction under the system of public finace;试论公共财政体制下财政支出结构的优化

13.Financial expenditure structure optimization based on the framework of public;基于公共财政构架下财政支出结构的优化

14.Briefly On Adjusting the Composition of Fiscal Expenditures in Public Finance System;简析公共财政体系下财政支出结构的调整

15.Study of Social Security Expenditure under the Public Finance;公共财政下的我国社会保障支出研究

16.On the Funds for Expenditure of Higher Education under Public Finance System;公共财政体制下的高等教育经费支出

17.Public Finance: The Adjustment of Fiscal Policy after Joining WTO - A Comparative Study of Public Expenditure Composition between U.S.A and China;公共财政:加入WTO后的财政政策调整——中美财政支出结构比较研究

18.Study of the Administrative Undertaking Expenditure in Public Finanace of Changchun City;长春市公共财政中行政事业支出情况研究


Public finance expenditure公共财政支出

3)non-public financial spending非公共财政支出

1.We find that there are explicit differences between the impacts of the effectiveness of government s public andnon-public financial spending on economy.我们发现政府公共财政支出和非公共财政支出的有效性对经济的影响明显不同。

4)the Expenditures of Local Public Finance地方公共财政支出

5)public service fiscal expenditure公共服务财政支出

1.Research content was consisted of the scope and structure, performance and effectiveness, ways and means ofpublic service fiscal expenditure, which were locative efficiency and technical efficiency and institution efficiency from the point of vi.政府公共服务财政支出的范围与结构、成绩与效果、方式与手段构成公共服务财政支出研究的三大内容。

6)the scope of public finance expenditure公共财政支出范围


财政支出(fiscal Outlay)财政支出(fiscal Outlay) 财政支出是政府为履行其经济职能,对其从私人部门集中起来的,以货币形式表示的经济资源的支配和运用。
