100字范文 > 外语 foreign language英语短句 例句大全

外语 foreign language英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-25 06:14:54


外语 foreign language英语短句 例句大全

外语,foreign language

1)foreign language外语

1.Effects of reading status offoreign language on the selection of college English reading strategies;外语阅读态势对大学英语阅读策略选择的影响

2.Multimedia Electronic Reading Room Assists Foreign Language Learning;谈多媒体电子阅览室辅助外语学习

3.The characteristics of main schools offoreign language teaching methods;国外外语教学法主要流派及其特点


1.The Relationship Between Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching & Learning;语言学与外语教学及外语学习的关系

2.Foreign language methodological trends abroadand foreign language teaching in our country;国外外语教学法流派与我国外语教学

3.TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language)作为外语的英语教学

4.Teaching English as a ForeignLanguage作为外语的英语教学.

5.Postgraduate English (The First Foreign Language) ?硕士生英语(第一外语)

6.One begins a foreign language by learning the speech sounds.学习外语, 先从语音入手。

7.Implication of ESL to EFL英语作为二语对英语作为外语的启示

8.I can speak three foreign languages-English, French and Japanese.我会说3门外语:英语、法语和日语。

9.Influences of L1 (Chinese) Planning on L2 (English) Writing;母语(汉语)构思对外语(英语)写作的影响

10.I can"t speak a foreign language...我不会说外语...

11.She speaks five foreign languages in addition to English.除英语外,她还会说五种外语。

12.I have not studied foreign languages other than English.除了英语外,我没学过其他外语。

13.In addition to English, he has to study a second foreign language.除英语外,他还要学第二外语。

14.The Reflection on the Problem of Thinking in Foreign Language in the Foreign Language Teaching;反思在外语教学中用外语思维的问题

15.Optimizing the Foreign Language Education with the Perspective of Brand Strategy;树立“大外语”观,优化中国外语教育

16.Foreign Language Environment and the Efficiency of Foreign Language Competence Acquisition;外语环境与外语能力习得效率的研究

17.The Earlier The Better?-Age And Foreign Language Learning;学习外语越早越好吗?——年龄与外语学习

18.Two Factors Influencing Foreign Language Learning and Foreign Language Teaching;影响外语学习的两个因素与外语教学


foreign languages外语

1.On the Status of Foreign Languages Being Core Curriculum during Junior Middle School Stage in China;我国初中阶段外语核心课程地位的研究

2.Foreign languages, as communicating bridges between guests and traders from home and abroad, are one of the key factors to the success of the expositions since officials, guests, exhibitors and buyers from different countries expect a good environment offoreign languages service.通过问卷调查和访谈的方式对第二届中国东盟博览会的外语翻译质量进行了调查与研究。

3.The author presents the arguments on the basis of the view that language is the basic form of thoughts and discusses the dialectical relationship betweenforeign languages and Chinese in the study offoreign languages.以语言是思维的基本形式立论,讨论了语言学习中外语与汉语的辩证关系,认为汉语作为外语学习的基础语言,其水平的高下不仅直接影响着外语学习,也会影响外语的应用。

3)foreign terms外语术语

1.According to the authors’ investigation, the majority offoreign terms and foreign paraphrasing terms are not phonetically represented in bilingual technical dictionaries in China, which brings inconvenience to the readers in more and more international communications nowadays.调查发现,中国双语科技词典绝大多数的外语术语和外语释义术语未注读音,在国际交流日趋频繁的今天,这给双语科技词典的读者带来不便,为此本文提出了四种双语科技词典术语注音法:全部注音法、部分注音法、打重音符号法和注音与重音符号混合法。

4)spoken foreign language外语口语

5)FL grammar外语语法

6)Overseas foreign language国外外语


