100字范文 > 对外汉语学习词典 CFL dictionary英语短句 例句大全

对外汉语学习词典 CFL dictionary英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-13 16:10:54


对外汉语学习词典 CFL dictionary英语短句 例句大全

对外汉语学习词典,CFL dictionary

1)CFL dictionary对外汉语学习词典

1.The present study aims to improve the lexicographical definition in theCFL dictionary through Multi-dimensional Definition (MDD) principles.本文旨在应用多维释义模式改进对外汉语学习词典的释义。


1.Theta Theory and Verbs′ Syntactic Treatment in CFL Learner′s Dictionaries题元理论与对外汉语学习词典动词句法处理

2.The Analysis of Examples in Three Monolingual Chinese Learner s Dictionaries;三部对外汉语学习词典释义用例的分析研究

3.On Relationships of Illustration Validity in the Dictionaries for Chinese as a Second Language对外汉语学习词典用例效度的若干关系

4.An Investigation into the Publication and Using Condition of CFL Learner"s Dictionaries对外汉语学习词典的出版和使用者调查研究

5.The compilation of a monolingual learner’s dictionary of Chinese as a foreign language: A venture and some considerations;编写对外汉语单语学习词典的尝试与思考——《商务馆学汉语词典》编后

6.The Tool of a Tool:Understandability and Retrievability ofMonolingual Foreign Learners’ Dictionaries of Chinese;工具的工具:词典的易懂与易得——关于对外汉语学习单语词典

7.The Study of Explanation of Verb in Active Monolingual Chinese Foreign Learners Dictionaries;单语外向型汉语学习词典动词释义研究

8.Pragmatic Information in Monolingual English Learner s Dictionaries and English-Chinese Learner s Dictionaries: A Critical Survey;英语单语学习词典及英汉学习词典中的语用信息对比研究

9.On the shortcomings of the five English-English learner"s dictionaries and the enlightenment on the compilation of English-Chinese learner"s dictionaries论五大英语学习词典中的不足及其对英汉学习词典的编纂启示

10.On the Pragmatic Information of Idioms in English-Chinese Learner s Dictionary;英汉双语学习词典中习语的语用信息

11.Presentation of Fuzzy Meanings of Lexical Units in Chinese-English Dictionaries for Foreign Learners语用模糊在外向型汉英学习词典中的呈现探讨

12.The Design of the Microstructure in C-E Learner s Dictionaries Based on the Study of the Implicit Learning of Chinese Vocabulary;基于汉语词汇认知内隐性研究的外向型汉英学习词典微观设计

13.On the Compilation of a Dictionary of Near-Synonym for Teaching Chinese as a Second Language;关于编写适合对外汉语教学的近义词词典

14.The Application of Corpus in Lexicography of Chinese Measure Words;语料库技术与对外汉语量词词典编纂

15.Errors in English translations/explanations of Chinese words in the textbooks for foreigners对外汉语教材生词英语译释和汉语词语学习偏误

16.Idiom Information in the Microstructure in English-Chinese Learner s Dictionaries: An Empirical Study Based on User Perspective;英汉学习型词典习语信息的实证研究

17.The Study of Connection between Chinese Textbooks for Foreigners and Learners" Measure Word Acquisition对外汉语教材与学习者量词习得关系研究

18.Study on Interpretation of Abstract Nouns in the Dictionary of Chinese as a Foreign Language;对外汉语词典中抽象名词的释义研究


CFL pedagogical lexicography对外汉语学习词典学

3)Chinese learner"s dictionary汉语学习词典

4)the dictionary of Chinese as a Foreign Language对外汉语词典

5)non-native learners oriented Chinese learner"s dictionary外向型汉外学习词典

6)Chinese as a Second Language对外汉语学习

1.On Relationships of Illustration Validity in the Dictionaries forChinese as a Second Language对外汉语学习词典用例效度的若干关系


汉语大词典出版社中国的一家出版汉语语文性工具书的专业出版社,以出版大型学术性辞书为主,兼出其他中小型辞书。1986年11月18日在汉语大词典编纂处的基础上成立于上海,负责编辑出版《汉语大词典》。这是中国最大的一部历史性汉语语文词典,收录词目37.7万条,全书12卷,另有索引附录一卷,合计6000余万字。1975年开始编纂,预计1993年出齐。 为编纂本书, 由山东、江苏、安徽、浙江、福建和上海五省一市共同组成《汉语大词典》工作委员会和编辑委员会,分别负责本书的组织领导与编写工作,并设立了汉语大词典编纂处作为本书的编纂机构。主编罗竹风,首席学术顾问为著名语言学家吕淑湘教授。《汉语大词典》按照"古今兼收,源流并重"的历史原则编纂,征引了数百万条翔实可靠的原始资料,注重探求词源和词义的演变,从总体上反映汉语语言发展变化的历史面貌。除《汉语大词典》以外,还计划出版汉语大词典系列辞书、中国文化史系列辞书、中国文学史系列辞书、普通汉语系列辞书,以及其他多种大中小配套的汉语工具书。
