100字范文 > 高级学习者词典 advanced learners dictionary英语短句 例句大全

高级学习者词典 advanced learners dictionary英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-15 13:20:51


高级学习者词典 advanced learners dictionary英语短句 例句大全

高级学习者词典,advanced learners" dictionary

1)advanced learners" dictionary高级学习者词典


1.On the Application of the Prototype Theory to Definitions in Advanced Learners" Dictionaries论原型理论在高级学习者词典释义中的运用

2.On Defining Styles and Their Refinement in Monolingual Dictionaries for Medium-and-Advanced Learners;论面向中高级读者的单语学习词典的释义方式及其改进

3.Synonym Information in English-Chinese Bilingualized Dictionaries for Advanced Learners高级英汉双解学习词典的同义词信息处理

4.An Investigation on English Dictionary Use and Autonomous Learning in Higher Vocational-Technical Colleges高职英语学习者词典使用情况的调查与自主学习

5.This dictionary is the flagship of Oxford"s range of learners" dictionaries.本词典执牛津一系列学习者词典之牛耳.

6.Non-English Majors Dictionary Use in Vocabulary Learning;非英语专业学习者词汇学习中词典的使用

7.The Effect of Reading Tasks on the Incidental Acquisition of English Vocabulary among Learners of Different Levels;阅读任务对初、中、高级英语水平学习者词汇附带习得的影响

8.Bilingualization of OALD for Chinese Learners: Definition Translation面向中国学习者的牛津高阶双解词典的释义翻译

9.Oxford Advanced Learner" s Dictionary of Current English牛津现代英语高级学生词典

10.Long or Dragon ?--On the Significance of the Teaching of Associative Meaning Towards Intermediate-Advanced English Learners;龙乎?Dragon乎?——必须强化英语中高级学习者的词汇联想意义教学

11.Advanced-stage L2 Learners" Use of Chinese Prepersitions Analysis & Corresponding Teaching Strategies Study中高级阶段汉语学习者介词的使用情况分析及教学对策研究

12.Intermediate and Advanced L2 Learners" Usage of Chinese Conjunctions Analysis & Corresponding Teaching Strategies Study中高级阶段汉语学习者连词的使用情况分析及教学对策研究

13.A Corpus-based Study on the Verb-Noun Collocation Errors of Chinese Advanced Learners of English;基于语料库的中国高级英语学习者动名词搭配错误研究

14.Corpus-based Analysis of Discourse Connectors in Advanced Chinese EFL Students Writing;中国高级英语学习者写作中连接词使用的语料库分析

15.A comparative study of beginners , intermediate learners and advanced learners use of lexical phrases;中国高、中、初级英语学习者词汇短语使用的对比研究

16.A Corpus-Based Analysis of Connectives in Chinese Advanced EFL Students" Writing基于语料库的中国高级英语学习者写作中英语连接词的研究

17.Presentation of Adjective Collocation Information in ECLDs for Chinese Learners面向中国学习者的英汉学习词典中形容词搭配信息的呈现

18.Advantages of Corpora in Lexicography--Review on OALD (6th edition);语料库在词典编撰中的优势——兼评《牛津高阶英语学习词典》(第6版)



3)Learner"s Dictionary学习词典

4)learners dictionary学习词典

1.As a new member of thelearners dictionary family,Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners is innovative in terms of pragmatic information.本文分析了新世纪英语学习词典中的新成员——《麦克米伦高阶英语学习词典》中所提供的语用信息及提供语用信息的方式,指出了其创新之处与不足,并对未来英汉学习词典的编纂提出了建议。

2.As far aslearners dictionary concerned, English learners dictionaries and English-Japanese learners dictionaries on the whole have realized this need and taken a further step in the inclusion of a certain amount of information about vocabulary building.对于学习型词典而言,单语学习词典与英日学习词典皆注意到了词汇的重要性,并各自加大了对词汇扩建信息的处理力度。

5)compilation of learner"s English dictionary学习者英语词典编纂

6)Advanced Learners of English高级英语学习者

1.A Corpus-based Study on the Verb-Noun Collocation Errors of ChineseAdvanced Learners of English;基于语料库的中国高级英语学习者动名词搭配错误研究


高级①(阶段、级别等)达到一定高度的:~神经中枢丨 ~干部丨 ~人民法院。②(质量、水平等)超过一般的:~商品丨 ~毛料。
