100字范文 > 目标机 target英语短句 例句大全

目标机 target英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-18 21:53:51


目标机 target英语短句 例句大全



1.Also this paper describes the relation from DAG totarget machine system,puts forward rules in maps about the method and principle of the rule establishment,and gives some experience conclusions that.说明了在前、后端之间起桥梁作用的中间描述语言有向无环图(DAG)的设计原理及形成方法,同时还就如何将DAG与目标机系统之间形成映射关系进行描述,提出了在映射中规约规则制定的方法和原则,给出了一些有指导意义的经验性结论。

2.In addi- tion,we propose the method of start VxWorks system on thetarget through NIC communication separately,and also sum- marize the problem noticed in experimentations when utilize PC astarget to carry on the starting of VxWorks and the de- bugging.本文简要介绍和分析了在实时应用系统VxWorks的开发调测阶段,采用PC机作为目标机来调测程序时,主机PC和目标机PC之间采取网口进行联接的步骤和方法,以及通过网口通信来启动目标机上的VxWorks系统的方法,并且希望通过试验来总结利用PC机作为目标机进行VxWorks启动和开发调测中需要注意的问题。


1.Target &URL (or leave blank to assume file exists on target machines):目标URL(&U)(或允许空白假定文件已在目标机器上):

2.On the Realization Mechanism of Tornado Target ServerTornado目标机服务器实现机制探讨

3.A cross-compiler runs on a host computer and produces object code for the target.交叉编译器在主机上运行并且产生目标机的目标代码。

4.No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.由于目标机器积极拒绝,无法连接。

5.goal directed motivation目标导向动机 目标导向动机

6.time over target飞机飞临目标上空时间

7.spooled output destination device假脱机输出目标设备

8.IR camouflage-detection camera假目标红外探测相机

9.Dolly Camera+Target推拉摄影机和目标点

10.User goals are user motivations用户目标是用户的动机

11.Overall target assignment algorithm formulti-aircraft attacking cooperatively on multi-target;多机协同多目标攻击目标全面分配算法

12.A Maneuvering Target Tracking Scheme for Mobile Robot一种移动机器人跟踪机动目标的方法

13.Unable to retrieve installation log file from the target machine! Please check target machine"s status.无法从目标计算机检索安装日志文件!请检查目标计算机的状态。

14.Target Point;Target Line;Target Area (circle);Target Area (rectangle)目标点;目标线;目标区(圆);目标区(矩形)

15.Mobile Robot Positioning Target Object Based on Binocular Stereo Vision基于双目立体视觉的移动机器人目标定位

16.The Research on Camera Calibration and Object Tracking for VMD System;VMD系统中摄像机标定及目标跟踪方法研究

17.Briefly talking of bidding details about construction machinery item;细节细节决定成败——浅议非标建筑机械项目投标

18.Object depth estimation using translations of hand-eye system with uncalibrated camera无标定摄像机手眼系统平移下的目标深度估计


maneuvering target机动目标

1.Amplitude information based particle filtering for passive tracking ofmaneuvering target;结合幅度信息的粒子滤波机动目标被动跟踪

2.Passive locating and tracking ofmaneuvering targets from single airborne observer;机载单站对机动目标无源定位与跟踪

3.ISAR imaging algorithm formaneuvering targets based on LWVD;基于LWVD的机动目标ISAR成像新方法

3)Target maneuver目标机动

1.Based on proportional navigation which is popularly used,target maneuver and guidance command is analyzed,and one design method of beginning time of reaction-jet is proposed.文中基于广泛应用的比例导引律,对目标机动与导引指令信号进行分析,提出了一种直接力引入时机的设计方法。

2.Considering the random bounded target maneuver,the boundary conditions of guidance system design are obtained via the analysis of the limitations on the missile body characteristic,the available missile acceleration,the guidance law and so on.基于平面拦截模型,给出了比例导引制导系统的有限时间鲁棒绝对稳定和输入输出稳定的条件,在此基础上针对有界的任意目标机动,分析了制导系统性能对弹体动态特性、可用过载和制导规律等因素的要求,给出了制导控制系统设计的边界条件。

3.The simulating results show that the guidance law designed in this paper based on TLC method is effective and has better guidance performance than that of the conventional proportional and sliding model guidance law in the situation of target maneuver.仿真结果表明,所设计的基于TLC方法的制导律是有效的,且在目标机动情况下比传统的比例制导律以及滑模变结构制导律具有更好的制导性能。

4)airdrome target机场目标

1.Anairdrome target is a system target that consists of some aviation guarantee facilities.根据机场保障能力与其各串、并联子系统的关系,建立了给定弹量摧毁机场目标最大保障能力的非线性整数规划模型,并给出了模型的遗传算法求解,在此基础上改进了机场目标耗弹最少的优化打击方法。

2.According to material and anti-damage traits of the main sub-targets on the airdrome,this paper selects suitable damage effect indexes throught the analysis of the structure ofairdrome target and the warfare task of surface-surface conventional missile together with damage mechanism of cluster missile warhead.通过对机场目标的结构及地地常规导弹毁伤要求的分析,结合侵彻爆破子母弹战斗部毁伤机理,根据机场各主要子目标的材料、抗毁特性来选取相适应的毁伤效果指标。

5)Airport object机场目标

1.In order to improve the dependability of the image matching,the paper presents an algorithm that improves the precision of airport objects position for the real aperture radar images.为了提高影像匹配的可靠性,提出一种实孔径雷达影像中机场目标精确定位的算法。

6)maneuverable target机动目标

1.If we employ PN(proportional navigation) guidance law, we are unable to intercept highlymaneuverable targets because: (1) control precision is not good enough, (2) overload demand of acceleration command is not low enough.传统的比例导引(PN)具有两个缺点,一是攻击大机动目标的控制精度差,二是指令加速度过载大。

2.Interception of amaneuverable target can be described as a "pursuit-evasion game" model.机动目标的拦截问题可以用"追逃游戏"模型描述,考虑追击者的惯性、控制量有限等动力学特征时,拦截位置和控制量的确定是非常困难的。


