100字范文 > 靶 target英语短句 例句大全

靶 target英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-27 16:04:02


靶 target英语短句 例句大全



1.Fabrication of Cu multi-steptarget used in EOS experiment状态方程实验用铜多台阶靶制备工艺

2.Influence of characteristic X-ray of impurity element on anonymous spectral lines excited by hydrogen gas discharge source bombardingtargets杂质元素特征X射线对氢气放电源打靶新谱线的影响

3.The Ar~+Bombarding and Cleaning to the Target of Copper and Stainless Steel;氩离子轰击清洗铜和不锈钢靶


1.The targets vary from fixed target, running game target to flying target.靶的种类有固定靶、移动靶和飞行靶。

2.marking pit operated target在靶壕中操纵的升降靶

3.double-action disc harrow(双列圆盘靶) 双功圆盘靶

4.A stuffed or pasteboard figure used as a target.人像靶,人形靶填充或用硬纸板制的人形靶

5.If you would hit the mark, you must aim a little above it.要向射中靶,必须瞄准比靶略微高些。

6.The center ring of the target is called "gold zone" or "bull"s eye."靶中心的环叫做“黄心”或“靶心”。

7.The small central circle on a target.靶心靶子上中间最小的圆环

8.A six - foot by two - foot slat used as an archery target.靶子用作箭靶的6×4英寸的薄木板

9.What are the targets in trap and skeet shooting?抛靶和双向飞碟射击用什么靶?

10.target used in skeet or trapshooting.双向飞碟或飞靶射击中使用的靶子。

11.Control technology of three-dimensional double-target-point arc internal tangent hitting-targets;三维双靶点圆弧内切线中靶控制技术

12.A device that hurls clay pigeons into the air in trapshooting.抛靶器在飞靶射击中把泥制盘形靶抛入空中的装置

13.Preparation and in Vitro Assay of Microbubbles Targeting Solid Carcinoma by KDR with Biotin-avidin System以KDR为靶点的靶向脂质体超声造影剂的制备及体外靶向实验研究

14.miss the target, mark, goal, etc未射中靶子、 目标、 球门等

15.he had the target in his cross hairs.他把十字丝对准靶子。

16.An arrow zinging toward its target.箭“嗖”的一声射向靶子

17.DROMDI (Direct Read Out Miss Distance Indicator)直读式脱靶距离指示器

18.silicon electron multiplier target vidico硅靶电子倍增视像管


to paste up a target贴靶; 置靶


1.The success or failure of "Ignition" is directly related to the accuracy of the assembly location of micro-sphere in themicro-target.为了解决微靶靶球在微靶装配体中的位置关系。

4)target material靶材料;靶材,靶物


1.Study on the yellow spots defect of ZnS-SiO_2 ceramic target;ZnS-SiO_2陶瓷靶材中黄点缺陷的研究

2.Preparation and electric properties of the Ba_(0.7)Sr_(0.3)TiO_3 ceramic target;Ba_(0.7)Sr_(0.3)TiO_3陶瓷靶材的制备工艺及电性能研究


1.Application of nano-targeting material in gene therapy;纳米靶向材料在基因治疗中的应用

2.Major categories of drug delivery system for braintargeting and their applications;脑靶向给药的主要方式及其应用

3.Design and Synthesis of Tumor-targeting Doxorubicinprodrugs and Research on Their Activity肿瘤靶向阿霉素前体药物的设计合成及其活性研究


