100字范文 > 觇牌 target英语短句 例句大全

觇牌 target英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-31 20:42:22


觇牌 target英语短句 例句大全



bined with a certain foundation pit of a deformation monitoring project,this paper introduced the foundation pit of horizontal displacement observation from the aspects of the design of observation pillar and thetarget,observation methods,accuracy assessment,etc.结合某基坑变形监测项目,从观测墩及觇牌的设计、观测方法、精度估计等方面对基坑水平位移观测进行了介绍,并介绍了利用差异沉降量推算法进行倾斜观测的方法。


1.Fixed target is adopted as observation mark in marking targets of surveying radar.在测量雷达空间标校目标时,采用固定觇牌作为观测标志。

2.A standing opaque beacon may be useful in addition.此外,也可以使用常设的实体觇标。

3.Then the sailors said to each other," Come, let us cast lots to find out who is responsible for this calamity." They cast lots and the lot fell on Jonah.船上的人此起彼落地说,来罢,我们觇签、出这谁该为这场灾难负责.是他们觇签、拿中了签。

4.The two vanes are at right angles in plan, and each is either all shaded or all in sunlight.上、下两块觇板在一平面图上相交成直角,每块觇板全是阴暗的,或全被阳光照射。

5.Confidants Know Each Other:An Interpretation of "reading the author s mind" in Literary Mind and Carving of Dragons;声气相求者谓之知音——《文心雕龙》“觇文见心”说

6.Application of Central Point Single Targeting Method to Observation of Settlement of High Steel Pipe Supports中点单觇法在高钢管支架沉降观测中的应用

7.Bronze, silver, gold!铜牌,银牌,金牌!

8.Gold, silver, bronze!金牌,银牌,铜牌!

9.A set of cards made up from discards by each player in cribbage, used by the dealer.发牌者的牌克里比奇牌戏中供发牌者用的,被玩牌者丢弃的一组牌

10.The trump or no-trump declared.王牌叫定,非王牌叫定

11.corporate licensee法团持牌人,机构持牌人

12.A card, die, or domino with three pips.三点的牌、骰子或骨牌

13.One of the highest trumps in certain card games.某些纸牌戏的主要王牌

14.play a higher card than the one previously played.打比刚打的牌更高的牌。

15.To decline one"s turn to play or bid.弃权放弃玩牌或叫牌

16.play a card lower than (a held high card).扣着大牌不出而出小牌。

17.a licence-/number-plate,eg on a car牌照[号码牌](如汽车上的).

18.To make a preemptive bid in bridge.桥牌中先发制人地叫牌


Observation target测量觇牌

3)Shape of target觇牌图案

4)Tone of target觇牌色调

5)Survey maker觇标

6)sighting board觇板


