100字范文 > 靶点 target英语短句 例句大全

靶点 target英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-02 01:28:29


靶点 target英语短句 例句大全



1.Brain Tumor Stem Cells:New Therapeutic Target in the Future;未来脑肿瘤治疗的新靶点:脑肿瘤干细胞

2.New Channels and Transporters as Anti-malaria Drug Targets;转运通路——疟疾治疗药物新靶点

3.Current Targets for Anticancer Drug Discovery and the Related Drugs;抗肿瘤药物新靶点与新药研究


1.Control technology of three-dimensional double-target-point arc internal tangent hitting-targets;三维双靶点圆弧内切线中靶控制技术

2.Preparation and in Vitro Assay of Microbubbles Targeting Solid Carcinoma by KDR with Biotin-avidin System以KDR为靶点的靶向脂质体超声造影剂的制备及体外靶向实验研究

3.Molecular targeted therapy of breast cancer乳腺癌治疗靶点及靶向治疗研究新进展

4.AIM To investigate the pattern of ion channelopathies and the novel target of antiarrhythmic agents.目的研究离子通道病的特征及新靶点。

5.rotating multitarget stereotactic apparatus转盘式多靶点立体导向器

6.The Precision and Accuracy Analysis of Target Position in SRS 200 X-knife SystemSRS200X-刀系统靶点位置的精确度分析

7.RASS (RNA Accessible Sites Screening), A Novel Protocol to Select the Structural Target Sites of Messenger RNA;mRNA结构靶点筛选新方法RASS的研究

8.The Preliminary Study of siRNA Targeting EGFR;以EGFR为靶点siRNA的初步研究

9.The Evaluation of RS_2 in Mapping the Target Site for Slow Pathway Abltion;RS_2在慢径消融靶点定位中的应用研究

10.DNA-PK, the Target for Enhancing Radio-and Chemo-Sensitivity of Cancer Cells;DNA-PK作为放化疗增敏靶点的研究

11.Novel Cancer Target HAb18G/CD147 and the Cancer-Stroma Crosstalk;肿瘤新靶点HAb18G/CD147与癌—基质的交互作用

12.PICK1: Novel Therapeutic Target for Ischemic Brain InjuryPICK1:缺血性脑损伤治疗的新靶点

13.TRAIL: A New Therapeutic Drug Target in PsoriasisTRAIL作为治疗银屑病新的药物作用靶点

14.Drug-design Study Targeting HIV-1 gp41 and CCR5以HIV-1 gp41与CCR5为靶点的药物设计研究

15.Metabolites of sphingolipids as targets for cancer therapy鞘氨醇代谢物——肿瘤治疗的新靶点

16.Application of RNA interference in ion channel target for treatment of painRNA干扰用于疼痛治疗的离子通道靶点

17.Innovative approaches to anti-arrhythmic drug therapy抗心律失常药物的新靶点及新药研发

18.New Drug Targets LXR for Cholesterol Control调节胆固醇代谢的新药物靶点LXR


target site靶点

1.Poly-A anchored RNA accessible sites screening (PARASS) was set up for identifying the accessibletarget sites of green fluorescence protein (GFP) mRNA.基因mRNA的靶点筛选是设计反义寡核苷酸的关键。

2.But the structuraltarget sites on mRNA are the basis for developi.mRNA结构靶点研究是研发反mRNA基因药物的基础 ,mRNA分子具有高度折叠的二级及三级结构 ,阐明其可及性位点 ,筛选其结构靶位点序列是关键 。


1.Progress on thetargets of anti-noroviruses gastroenteritis agents抗诺如病毒性胃肠炎药物靶点研究新进展

4)the beginning of target入靶点

5)effect target作用靶点

1.Study oneffect target of Maxing Shigan decoction on anti-influenza virus A in vitro;麻杏石甘汤体外抗A型流感病毒作用靶点的研究

2.Progress in research on phytoestrogens and theireffect targets;植物雌激素及其作用靶点的研究进展

6)drug target药物靶点

1.Progresses in animal models anddrug targets of cholelithiasis;胆石病动物模型及药物靶点的研究进展

2.Scanning ofdrug targets related to uterus contraction from the uterine smooth muscles by cDNA microarray;应用cDNA微阵列筛选子宫平滑肌细胞收缩相关药物靶点

3.Key issues involved in the development ofdrug targets药物靶点的发展前景及需要解决的关键问题


