100字范文 > 南大巴山 southern Daba Mountain英语短句 例句大全

南大巴山 southern Daba Mountain英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-27 02:36:28


南大巴山 southern Daba Mountain英语短句 例句大全

南大巴山,southern Daba Mountain

1)southern Daba Mountain南大巴山

1.Karstic rocks of the Huanglong Formation exposed at the margin of thesouthern Daba Mountain can be divided into four types: slightly-corroded,moderately-corroded porous,intensely-corroded brecciated and intensely corroded and altered secondary calcic karstic rocks.南大巴山前缘黄龙组古岩溶储层划分为弱溶蚀岩溶岩、中等溶蚀多孔状岩溶岩、强溶蚀角砾状岩溶岩和强溶蚀交代的次生灰质岩溶岩等4种类型,以非溶蚀岩为对比参照物,系统分析了各类岩溶岩的锶同位素组成。


1.The Regional Tectonic Characteristic and Their Evolution of Zhenba-Chengkou, Southern Dabashan南大巴山镇巴—城口段构造变形特征及构造演化

2.Yanshanian Superposed Structural Characteristics of West Margin of Foreland Fold Belt of South Dabashan燕山期南大巴山前陆褶皱带西缘叠加构造特征

3.Geochemical Characteristics of Strontium Isotope of the Paleokarst Reservoirs in the Huanglong Formation at the Margin of Southern Daba Mountain南大巴山前缘黄龙组古岩溶储层锶同位素地球化学特征

4.Tectonic intersection relationship between Dabashan and Micangshan in Zhenba area,southern Shaanxi Province陕南镇巴地区大巴山与米仓山构造交接关系

5.a large peninsula in southeastern Europe containing the Balkan Mountain Range.包括巴尔干山区的欧洲东南部的一个巨大半岛。

6.the Xinjiang Plateau, the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, the Qinling-Daba Mountains, the Dabie Mountains, the Wuyi Mountains and the Tibet Plateau.新疆高原、西南云贵高原、秦岭大巴山区、大别山区、武夷山区、西藏高原一带。

7.Study on the Evaluation of Economical Value of Natural Eco-system Based on the Emergy Theory: A Case Study on the Xuebaoshan Natural Eco-system in the South Slope of the Daba Mountain基于能值理论的自然生态系统经济价值研究——以大巴山南坡雪宝山自然生态系统为例

8.Ablation Estimation on the Keqicarbaxi Glacier on the South Slopes of the Tianshan Mountains天山南坡科其喀尔巴西冰川消融估算

9.In Curitiba, a large city in the south of Brazil,在库里提巴,巴西南部的一个大城市,

10.West-to-East Mountain Ranges, including the Tianshan-Yinshan-Yanshan Mountain Ridge, the Kunlun-Qinling-Dabie Mountain Ridge and the Nanling Ridge.东西走向:天山-阴山-燕山山系;昆仑山-大别山 山系和南岭山系。

11.The mountain is the peak of the Qionglai Mountains of the Hengduan Cordillera, which is in the east of The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.东起汶川卧龙大熊猫自然保护区,西至丹巴墨尔多神山,北含理县毕棚沟,南及宝兴蜂桶寨。


13.Study on Benefit Assignment and Structure Optimization of Agroforestry Systems in Shaanxi Qinba Mountains;陕南秦巴山区农林复合模式效益评价及优化

14.Tree-ring chronological characteristics at Baluntai on the south slope of the Tianshan Mountains;天山南坡巴仑台地区树轮年表特征分析

15.On the Place and the Year of Baguo Described in ShanhaiJing;再谈《山海经》中所记“西南有巴国”的“巴国”地望与年代

16.Distribution: Tai Mo Shan, Ng Tung Chai. Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi. Vietnam.地理分布:大帽山、桐寨。江西、南、东、西。越南。

17."and to the kings on the north in the hill-country, and in the arabah south of Chinneroth, and in the lowland, and in the highlands of Dor on the west,"与北方山地,基尼烈南边的亚拉巴高原,并西边多珥山冈的诸王。

18.Soil and Water Loss and its Ecological Protection Principle in Mountain Area of South Shaanxi and South Gansu秦巴山地和陇南山地水土流失及其生态防护原理


southern slope of the Daba Mountains大巴山南坡

1.In implementing the research project of ″Dynamics of butterfly faunas in the Three-Gorges Reservoir Area and their environment-monitoring role″,the butterflies on thesouthern slope of the Daba Mountains were surveyed and 1000-odd specimens were collected, from which 189 species belonging to 100 genera were identified.:1 998年 8月至 1 999年 7月在执行重庆市科学技术委员会基金项目《三峡库区蝶类群落动态及其环境监测作用的研究》时 ,调查了大巴山南坡的蝶类 ,获得蝶类标本 1 0 0 0余号 ,鉴定出 1 89种 1 0 0属 ,其中 ,凤蝶 7属 1 6种 ,粉蝶 1 0属1 6种 ,斑蝶 1属 1种 ,环蝶 2属 3种 ,眼蝶 1 7属 41种 ,蛱蝶 2 8属 5 4种 ,蚬蝶 3属 3种 ,灰蝶 1 7属 30种 ,弄蝶 1 5属 2 5种。

3)west section of south Dabashan南大巴山西段

4)Tong-Nan-Ba mountainous area通~南~巴大山区

1.The quality of 3D seismic data is mainly affected by terrain conditions, shooting lithology, fault conditions and the forms of shooting well inTong-Nan-Ba mountainous area.通过对通~南~巴大山区的三维采集资料品质进行分析,对影响通~南~巴大山区三维采集资料品质的各种因素,进行了认真分析和总结,并对如何消除这些影响提出了针对性的技术措施。

5)Daba Mountain南秦岭大巴山

1.Selenium Content in the Water of the Rivers, Springs and Wells in theDaba Mountain Area of the South Qinling Mountains and Its Distribution Pattern;南秦岭大巴山区河流、泉水、井水的含硒量及其分布规律

6)Dabashan in Southwest China西南地区大巴山

1.Medicinal Plants Resources Investigation inDabashan in Southwest China;西南地区大巴山药用植物资源调查


