100字范文 > 南部山区 southern mountain region英语短句 例句大全

南部山区 southern mountain region英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-12 18:26:40


南部山区 southern mountain region英语短句 例句大全

南部山区,southern mountain region

1)southern mountain region南部山区


1.short-horned dark-coated goat antelope of mountain areas of south and southeast Asia.亚洲南部和东南部山区短角深色皮毛的羊羚。

2.Landscape Restoration and Optimization in Water Infiltrating Area of Southern Jinan Mountain Region济南市南部山区渗漏带汇水区景观恢复与优化

3.The Social Conditions Research of Ningxia Hui Tribe in Southern Mountain Modern Times;近代宁夏南部山区回族社会状况研究

4.Research on Deveolping Strategies of Dryland Farming in Hilly Areas of South Part of Ningxia;宁夏南部山区旱作农业开发战略研究

5.The Study on the Model Agricultural Circulation Economy for South Region of NingXia宁夏南部山区农业循环经济模式研究

6.Experiment on the Wild Lily Introduction Cultivation of Mountainous Area of South Henan豫西南部山区野生百合引种栽培试验

7.Study on the Ecosystem Services Value in the Southern Mountain Region of Jinan;济南市南部山区生态系统服务功能价值研究

8.Survey and Study on Plant Communities of South Mountain in Jinan;济南南部山区植物群落多样性调查研究

9.Feasibility study of Jinan southern mountain recreational sports tourism development;济南南部山区开发体育旅游的可行性研究

10.Study on Ecological Compensation in the Southern Mountain Region of Jinan济南南部山区退耕还林(草)生态补偿研究

11.Input and Output Analysis of Farmers’ Upland Rice Production in Upland of Southern Yunnan云南南部山区农户陆稻生产的投入产出分析

12.Soil and Water Loss Research in South Mountainous Area of Changqing District Based on GIS and RS基于GIS和RS的长清区南部山区水土流失研究

13.Distribution Rules of the Main Nutrients in the Soils of Barren Mountains in the Southern Jinan济南市南部山区荒山土壤主要养分分布规律研究

14.Ecological Suitability Evaluation and Suggestion for Landscape Ecological Planning in Scenery District of the Southern Mountain Region of Jinan济南市南部山区风景旅游区景观生态适宜性评价与规划探讨

15.rodent of mountains of western South America.南美西部山区的啮齿动物。

16.heath of mountains of western United States having bell-shaped white flowers.美国西部的山区石南,有铃铛状的白花。

17.of mountainous areas of southern Europe.产于欧洲南部的多山地区。

18.Pu opera is deeply loved by the people in the southern part of Shanxi province.蒲剧很受山西南部地区人民的喜爱。


south mountain region in Jinan City济南市南部山区

1.Thesouth mountain region in Jinan City is not only the natural eco-defence of the whole city but also the groundwater supplying region.济南市南部山区是济南市的城市生态屏障,城区泉群的地下水补给区。

3)Jinan southern mountain济南南部山区

1.Feasibility study ofJinan southern mountain recreational sports tourism development;济南南部山区开发体育旅游的可行性研究

4)upland of southern Yunnan云南南部山区

1.Using the household survey data fromupland of southern Yunnan,we analyzed the input and output of improved upland rice and traditional upland rice on different types of lands,and estimated the effect of input factors on upland rice yield by Cobb-Douglas production function.利用来自于云南南部山区的农户调查数据,比较分析了不同地块类型上的改良陆稻与传统陆稻生产投入产出效益,并采用柯布-道格拉斯生产函数估算投入要素对陆稻单产的影响。

5)the mountainous area of southern Ningxia宁夏南部山区

1.Function of minor coarse cereals industry in the eco-agricultural construction ofthe mountainous area of southern Ningxia;小杂粮产业在宁夏南部山区生态农业建设中的作用

2.This paper analyzes the current situation and existing problems of water resources inthe mountainous area of southern Ningxia.分析了宁夏南部山区的水资源现状及目前存在的问题,通过探讨这些问题的本质和形成的原因,提出了实现水资源可持续利用的建议和对策,即统一规划,合理开发利用水资源,统一管理,建立健全相关法律法规,建立节水治污型生产体系,建立水资源的投资机制和价格体系,控制需水量增长、实行污水资源化,以及加强生态环境保护。

6)South hill and mountain area南部丘陵山区


