100字范文 > 浙南山区 southern mountain area of Zhejiang province英语短句 例句大全

浙南山区 southern mountain area of Zhejiang province英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-09 09:57:32


浙南山区 southern mountain area of Zhejiang province英语短句 例句大全

浙南山区,southern mountain area of Zhejiang province

1)southern mountain area of Zhejiang province浙南山区

1.Discussion about the operation management of rural drinking water project insouthern mountain area of Zhejiang province浅谈浙南山区农村饮水安全工程的运行管理


1.Conceptual innovation on participant development of bamboo industry in the mountain areaof southern Zhejiang;浙南山区竹业参与式发展的观念创新

2.Performance and High-yielding Cultivation Techniques of Zhongzheyou 8 Planted in the Mountainous Areas of Southern Zhejiang中浙优8号在浙南山区试验示范表现及高产栽培技术

3.The reserves of orchid resources is about210 million clumps in this region.通过推算,浙南山区兰花资源蕴藏总量约2.1亿束。

4.Discussion about the operation management of rural drinking water project in southern mountain area of Zhejiang province浅谈浙南山区农村饮水安全工程的运行管理

5.Land Mortgage in Mountainous Regions of Southern Zhejiang during the Mid- and Late Qing:A Study Based on "Land Mortgage Contracts" from Shicang Village,Songyang County;清中后期浙南山区的土地典当——基于松阳县石仓村“当田契”的考察

6.Implications of the Discovery of Ming Dynasty"s Dwelling Houses in Southern Zhejiang"s Mountain Areas--Taking Shicang in Songyang County as an Example浙南山区明代普通民居发现的意义——以松阳县石仓为例

7.A study on present situation and characteristics of traditional sports of She People in Southwest District of Zhejiang Province浙西南山区畲族传统体育状况与特点的研究

8.Eco-economic Analysis of Pear Tree-grass-chicken Farming System on the Foothill in the South of Zhejiang Province;浙南丘陵山区梨—草—鸡复合系统生态经济分析

9.Thinking on the Development of Green Logistics of Agricultural Products in Southwest Mountain Area of Zhejiang Province;发展浙西南山区农产品绿色物流的思考

10.The west zone of volcanic rock petrographic province in late Mesozoic in Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, and guangdong province can be divided into Jiangnan, Wuyi and Nanling tectonomagmatic activity regions.将闽浙赣粤中生代晚期火山岩西区带分为江南区、夷区和南岭区三个构造—岩浆活动区。

11.Study and Exploration of Native Broadleaf Trees Resources in the Mountain Area of Southwestern Zhejiang浙西南山区乡土阔叶树种资源的调查研究及利用

12.The Comparing Research on Waist Circumference(WC),Hip Circumference(HC), Waist-to-hip Ratio(WHR) and Blood Pressure Changing in Female Adult of Northern Mountain Area of Zhejiang;浙西南山区成年女子腰围、臀围及腰臀比与血压变化的比较研究

13.Research on the Introduction and Cultivation Test and Industrialization of Passiflora Caerulea in the Mountains in Southwestern Zhejiang浙江西南部山区西番莲引种栽培试验及其产业化发展探讨

14.High Yield Cultivation Technique of Brown Plum in the Southwest Zhejiang浙西南山地布朗李早果丰产栽培技术

15.On Land Use Zoning of Hilly Area in West of Zhejiang浙西山地丘陵地区土地利用分区研究

16.Causes of Poverty in Less Developed Regions and Countermeasures--an Analysis on Aid-the-poor Program and Marching on towards Well-off Society in Kuoshan Township, Cangnan County, Zhejiang Province;欠发达地区贫困成因及脱贫对策——兼析浙江省苍南县括山乡扶贫奔小康工作

17.On Intracontinental Orogenesis of Zhejiang - Anhui - Jiangxi Area During Caledonian Period浙皖赣相邻区加里东期陆内造山作用

18.Study on the Investigation and Utilization of the Montane River Plants in Zhejiang Province浙江省山区河道植物调查和应用研究


Southwest Mountain Area of Zhejiang浙西南山区

1.Thinking on the Development of Green Logistics of Agricultural Products inSouthwest Mountain Area of Zhejiang Province;发展浙西南山区农产品绿色物流的思考

3)sloping land in the south of Zhejiang province浙南丘陵山区

4)south Zhejiang area浙南地区

1.Objective To search the cause of high yield of Fritillari thunbergii from Nantong Jiangsu province insouth Zhejiang area.目的探讨江苏南通浙贝母种茎在浙南地区高产的原因。

5)Zhejiang Mountainous Region浙江山区

1.The rare and endangered plants inZhejiang Mountainous Region are rich.浙江山区的珍稀濒危植物较为丰富,有67科、108属、125种。

6)west mountain area of Zhejiang Province浙西山区


