100字范文 > 原根 primitive root英语短句 例句大全

原根 primitive root英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-06 18:29:18


原根 primitive root英语短句 例句大全

原根,primitive root

1)primitive root原根

1.The distribution of mean value on a class of the number-theoretic function andprimitive root module N;一类数论函数及其模N原根的均值分布

2)primitive roots原根

1.The applications ofprimitive roots of finite field to the theory of residues有限域的原根在剩余理论中的应用

2.In this paper,we discuss the applications ofprimitive roots of finite field Fp2 to B2 sequences under the condition that p is an odd prime.本文研究了p是奇素数的情况下,有限域Fp2的原根在B2序列中的应用。

3.In this paper,we have studied the asymptotic formula of a number theoretic function about theprimitive roots modulo N,and given a more precise asymptotic formula.研究一个关于n原根的数论函数的渐近性质,给出了一个较为精确的渐近公式。

3)root cause根本原因

1.The methodology ofroot cause analysis for equipment failure and its application at Guangdong nuclear power stations;设备失效根本原因分析技术和方法及其在广东核电的应用

2.In the mean time,theroot causes,the essential features,the objective necessity,the main conditions and the operable tractics are studied too.基于此 ,本文提出了教育产业化应是教育全过程产业化的观点 ,同时 ,探讨了教育产业化的根本原因、基本特征、客观必然性、基本条件和可操作性策


1.This is the root cause of poverty.这是贫穷的根本原因。

2.the basic cause of the present war当前战争的根本原因

3.The basic cause of Russian backwardness lies in its peasants.俄国落后的根本原因就是农民因素。

4.a convincing explanation that reveals basic causes.揭示根本原因的令人信服的解释。

5.The prime cause of the trouble was bad management.造成麻烦的根本原因在于管理不善.

6.This was one of the fundamental reasons why we attained nationwide victory.这是取得全国胜利的根本原因之一。

7.that is the basic reason why mountain songs have been widely popular and their tradition has been handed down for thousands of years.也是它千百年来广为传播的根本原因。

8.The fundamental cause of his success are his hard work他成功的根本原因是他工作努力

9.We are able to penetrate into the fundamental causes of the events under consideration.我们能够洞察该事件发生的根本原因。

10.The bottom line has always been culture.根本原因要归咎于文化差异。

11.The fundamental cause of the development of a thing lies in its internal contradictoriness.事物发展的根本原因在于其内部矛盾。

12.He argues that one of the root causes of crime is poverty.他认为犯罪的一个根本原因是贫穷.

13.The fundamental cause of his success is his hard work.他成功的根本原因是他工作努力。

14.The underlying reason for the failure remains unknown.失败的根本原因尚未搞清。

15.The bottom line is that the stores like yours are common.根本原因是象你们那样的店很普通。

16.We need to investigate the cases, and find the root of the cause.我们要调查一下情况,找出根本原因。

17.But correlation is not cause.但是,这种关联性却并不是根本原因.

18.National Interest: the Ultimate Cause of National Problems;民族利益:民族问题产生的根本原因


primitive roots原根

1.The applications ofprimitive roots of finite field to the theory of residues有限域的原根在剩余理论中的应用

2.In this paper,we discuss the applications ofprimitive roots of finite field Fp2 to B2 sequences under the condition that p is an odd prime.本文研究了p是奇素数的情况下,有限域Fp2的原根在B2序列中的应用。

3.In this paper,we have studied the asymptotic formula of a number theoretic function about theprimitive roots modulo N,and given a more precise asymptotic formula.研究一个关于n原根的数论函数的渐近性质,给出了一个较为精确的渐近公式。

3)root cause根本原因

1.The methodology ofroot cause analysis for equipment failure and its application at Guangdong nuclear power stations;设备失效根本原因分析技术和方法及其在广东核电的应用

2.In the mean time,theroot causes,the essential features,the objective necessity,the main conditions and the operable tractics are studied too.基于此 ,本文提出了教育产业化应是教育全过程产业化的观点 ,同时 ,探讨了教育产业化的根本原因、基本特征、客观必然性、基本条件和可操作性策

4)root causes根原因

1.This paper analysis theroot causes of human error using the retrospective analysis method in CREAM.该文研究CREAM中的追溯分析方法在人因失误事件根原因分析中的应用,对人因失误基本原因的分类和后果前因关系进行归纳、整理和补充,给出了简洁的后果前因追溯表和具体的追溯分析步骤和框架,便于实际应用。

5)root cause根原因

1.Retrospective analysis method of CREAM and its application inroot cause analysis;CREAM追溯法及其在根原因分析中的应用

2.By introducing grey incidence analysis,the relatively important impact ofroot cause upon human errors was researched in the paper.本工作引入灰色关联分析法,对根原因在人因失误中影响的相对重要性进行分析。

3.On the basis of the above categories,the algorithm for intelligent self-interpreted alarm,single and multiple faultroot cause detection was presented by using signed directed graph(SDG).本文对危险剧情进行了定义,并在将危险剧情分为5类的基础上,采用符号定向图(SDG)定性识别方法,提出了连续系统的智能化自解释报警、单故障和多故障根原因诊断的算法步骤。

6)root primordium根原基

1.Theroot primordium has mostly parenchyma deep spot between the cutting margin place uygur tube cambium,the cerebral cortex or the primary xylem and the secondary xylem,produce the adventitiousroot primordium directly,A few part in away .采用常规石蜡切片法,研究了早开堇菜根插繁殖的过程中不定根的起源和发育,结果表明早开堇菜根有很强的再生能力;诱发的根原基大多在根段切口处的维管形成层、皮层或初生木质部与次生木质部间的薄壁组织,直接产生不定根原始体,有少部分在距离切口1cm左右根的中柱鞘处产生不定根原始体。


原根原根primitive root原根[帅‘‘枕献;nep”oo6p幻H戚劝pe。‘ll)域K的m阶本原单位根(PI女面石记m以of训ity)是K中的一个元素乙,它适合护二l,但对任意正整数r<水有拿笋1.元素心生成m阶单位根组成的循环群(勺比c grouP)川川)·如果在K中存在一个m阶本原单位根,则m与K的特征互素.一个代数闭域(al罗b口i血毋closed行C】d)包含与其特征互素的任意阶本原单位根.如果否是九阶本原根,则对任意与n互素的k,C“也是一个本原根,如果(m,cllar(K))‘1,则所有m阶本原根的个数等于D目“函数(E川er funCtion)价(m)的值.在复数域中,m阶本原根形如cos兰匹五‘+isin鱼二丛,椒m其中02是素数.在这些情况下,模。既约剩余类的乘法群(功川石plicati记grouP)具有最简单的结构:它们是职(m)阶循环群.模水原根的概念与一个数模从的指数(index)的概念紧密相关.模素数的原根的概念是由L.Euler引进的,但模任意素数原根的存在性是由C .F.(3auss于1801年证实的.
