100字范文 > 本原性 primitivity英语短句 例句大全

本原性 primitivity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-09 16:37:56


本原性 primitivity英语短句 例句大全




1.Primitiveness of Character Triples and X-Nilpotent Group;特征标三元组的本原性和X-幂零群

2.The basic principles mainly co ist of legality and reasonablene.基本原则主要包括合法性原则和合理性原则。

3.The principle of Party property is the fundamental principle of jural news.党性原则是法制新闻的基本原则。

4.We should keep to the principle of main body, human nature, macrocosm, sustainable and prospective methodology.其中应遵循的方法论原则主要有主体性原则、人本性原则、整体性原则、持续性原则、前瞻性原则。

5.basic principle基本原理basicdyes碱性染料basicslag碱性转炉渣

6."People Oriented"-The Basic Principle in Solving Group Affairs论“以人为本”妥善解决群体性事件的基本原则

7.On the Basic Principle of Party Advancement Construction:Emphasis on Party Member;以党员为本:党的先进性建设的基本原则

8.Testimony that lends color to an otherwise absurd notion.给原本荒唐的说法带来真实性的证词

9.Here we report a case of primary gastric lymphoma.本篇报告一个原发性胃淋巴瘤的病例。

10.Higher-speed connectivity is fundamental here.比较高-速度连接性是基本原理这里。

11.But correlation is not cause.但是,这种关联性却并不是根本原因.

12.Make sure not to confuse self-interest axiom and rational axiom.确保不要混淆私利和理性的根本原则。

13.The randomicity in the highest level of primitive sequences over Z/(2~e);Z/(2e)上本原序列最高权位的随机性质

14.The Application of Important Principle in Cost Accounting;重要性原则在成本核算工作中的应用

15.The Regularity of Fundamental Principles of WTO;关于WTO“基本原则”规范性问题的探讨

16.The Original Meaning of Goodness--The Nature of Mengzi s Good in Nature Theory;本原意义的善——孟子性善论的理论旨归

17.The Basic Principles of Student Management Legitimacy in Colleges and Universities;高等学校学生管理合法性的基本原则

18.Restore the Existing Noumenon--The Reinterpretation of the Literary Rhythm;本体性存在的还原——文学节奏再阐释


Normative Nature本原性质

1.Research on theNormative Nature and Functioning Mechanism of Audit Committee;审计委员会的本原性质与作用机理研究

3)atomic nature原子本性

4)primitive questions本原性问题

5)local original creation本土原创性

6)original music原本性音乐

1.On Orff s Educational Ideas of "Original Music;论奥尔夫“原本性音乐”教育思想


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
