100字范文 > 本原条件 primitive condition英语短句 例句大全

本原条件 primitive condition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-01 09:07:41


本原条件 primitive condition英语短句 例句大全

本原条件,primitive condition

1)primitive condition本原条件

1.Someprimitive conditions and an upper bound on the exponents are presente.给出了某种本原条件和指数上界,并对达到指数最大界的极图进行了刻划。

2.We give someprimitive conditions and a upper bound on the exponents.第二章讨论了一类单双圈间隔的双色有向圈,它的未着色图含有一个n–圈和n?2 1个2–圈,给出了本原条件和本原指数上界,并对达到本原指数上界的极图进行了刻划。

3.Someprimitive conditions areproved.第二章考虑一类特殊的三色有向图D, D的未着色图含有一个n?圈,一个(n?1)?圈,一个2?圈,证明了D的本原性,借助逆矩阵找到了D的指数上界,并给出了在某些本原条件下D的本原指数。

2)Basic conditions基本条件

ment on several basic conditions of internationalisation of higher education in our country;浅议我国高等教育国际化的几个基本条件

2.Using the experience of other countries for reference, the basic conditions of natural gas flooding are studied, including the geological structure of reserviors, reservoir characteristic parameters, fluid quality, reservoir pressure and natural gas sources.借鉴国外矿场应用的经验,从影响因素入手,研究了注气开发的基本条件,其中包括:油藏地质结构、油层特征参数、油藏流体性质、油层压力及气源等,为注气开发的可行性研究提供了理论依

3.From the views of regional economy,the cultural industry in Guangdong possesses some basic conditions: cultural quantity is the foundation;talents are the resources of innovation;environment is the guarantee;policy support is the sticking point;capital is the increment weight;technology is roll booster.区域产业发展视角下的广东文化产业,具备了若干基本条件,其中文化存量是基础,人才是创新源,环境是保障,政策支持是关键,资本是增值码,技术是助推器。


1.The Analysis on Basic Condition of Plateau TrainingBase in Yuzhong Region in Gansu Province;甘肃榆中高原训练基地基本条件分析

2.Agreement with the basic condition of a proposal带有一项建议基本条件的协议

3.The three foundations of learning: seeking much, suffering much, and studying much.求学的三个基本条件:多观察、吃苦、研究。

4.Study on the Condition of the Civil Law s Codification;关于当前民法法典化基本条件的考察

5.On Some Basic Requirements for Harmonious Relations among Social Stratums;论社会阶层之间关系和谐的基本条件

6.Equality of Opportunity the Basic Condition of Shortening "the big three distances;机会均等:缩小“三大差距”的基本条件

7.A survey of several basic conditions in the sports economy development;体育经济发展的基本条件及对策研究

8.Expanding the Main Condition of Psychology Treatment and Consultation Personal in Brief;略论心理治疗与咨询人员的基本条件

9.On the Elementary Conditions for a City to Bid for Olympiad and its Operations;申办奥运会的基本条件及其运作探究

10.Postulates of Evolution of Banking System in Britain, Japan and America;英国、日本和美国银行制度演变的基本条件

11.primary instrumental conditioning基本工具式条件作用

12.Fundamental technical requirements for hydraulic turbine generatorsGB/T7894-1987水轮发电机基本技术条件

13.Fundamental technical requirements for hydraulic turbinesGB/T15468-1995水轮机基本技术条件

14.General requirements for tropical electrical micro-machineGB/T10761-1989热带微电机基本技术条件

15.-- Improving the basic production and living conditions of the poor areas.——改善贫困地区的基本生产生活条件。

16.Improving the basic production and living conditions of the poor areas.改善贫困地区的基本生产生活条件。

17.Cost Informationization Research Based on ERP Condition;基于ERP条件下的成本信息化探析

18.Analysis of PPP Financing Conditions and Suggested Framework for Rail Transit Project;轨道交通PPP投融资条件与基本框架


Basic conditions基本条件

ment on several basic conditions of internationalisation of higher education in our country;浅议我国高等教育国际化的几个基本条件

2.Using the experience of other countries for reference, the basic conditions of natural gas flooding are studied, including the geological structure of reserviors, reservoir characteristic parameters, fluid quality, reservoir pressure and natural gas sources.借鉴国外矿场应用的经验,从影响因素入手,研究了注气开发的基本条件,其中包括:油藏地质结构、油层特征参数、油藏流体性质、油层压力及气源等,为注气开发的可行性研究提供了理论依

3.From the views of regional economy,the cultural industry in Guangdong possesses some basic conditions: cultural quantity is the foundation;talents are the resources of innovation;environment is the guarantee;policy support is the sticking point;capital is the increment weight;technology is roll booster.区域产业发展视角下的广东文化产业,具备了若干基本条件,其中文化存量是基础,人才是创新源,环境是保障,政策支持是关键,资本是增值码,技术是助推器。

3)basic condition基本条件

1.By the introduction the development in Xi an area and domestic outlook of steel structure,the countermesure of steel structure development is discussed base on the questions should be considered to participate the steel structure competition and the twobasic conditions to realize enterprise goals.通过对西安地区钢结构发展情况的介绍及国内钢结构前景的预测,从参与钢结构市场竞争应考虑的几个问题、实现企业目标的两个基本条件等方面入手,论述钢结构发展的对策。

2.The paper defines the definition and characteristics of construction supply chain management,clarifies that it is necessary to carry out construction supply chain management in china,and dissects that China has already possessed thebasic conditions of carrying out construct.明确了建筑供应链管理的涵义与特征,阐述了在我国推行建筑供应链管理是一种必然趋势,并剖析了我国已具备推行建筑供应链管理的基本条件,最后指出我国推行建筑供应链管理应解决好的几个关键问题,以期对促进我国推行建筑供应链管理有所裨益。

3.And twobasic conditions Ⅰ and Ⅱ of estimative probability θ of trouble were found,through demonstration for preparatory theorems.通过对预备定理的论证成立了估计故障概率 θ的两个基本条件 和 ,由基本定理分别给出了按基本条件建立的θ1 和θ2 的估算公式 ,考虑一种平稳过程分别讨论了两种极限监理情形 ( v=1 ,v=m)对θ的双侧估计 ,应用基本定理和克拉姆法则求证了双侧估计不等式 。

4)fundamental conditions基本条件

1.In this paper twofundamental conditions are presented for correctly actualizing emission test of GJB151A/152A-97 CE106.提出了正确实施GJB151A/152A-97CE106发射试验的两个基本条件。

2.To develop China抯 trans-nation company in a big way,it is necessary to require a series offundamental conditions,nevertheless,there exist a number of problems for China抯 investment abroad in enterprises,regulations and related properties.大力发展中国跨国公司,要求一系列基本条件,而当前中国海外投资在企业、制度、 相关产业等方面存在不少问题,为此,应健全相关制度,选择合理的投资行为,大力发展与跨国 公司业务紧密相关的服务产业。

5)Sample conditions样本条件

1.Abnormal characteristics of the LURR (load/unload response ratio ) before the two medium- strong earthquakes in MT Qilian seismic Zone are studied Based on naturally-occurring earthquake sequence, the effect of sample conditions on the results of LURR is discussed The new method approaching earthquakes with Ms>4 0 in earthquake sequence is developed in calculating LUR研究了祁连山地震带两次中强地震前的加卸载响应比异常特征 ,讨论了基于天然地震序列的样本条件对加卸载响应比计算结果的影响 ,提出处理序列中 4 0级以上地震的新方

6)background conditions本底条件

1.This paper identifies eco-tourism zones with eco-environmentalbackground conditions.确定生态旅游区生态环境本底条件包括十个方面:大气环境质量、水环境质量、植被或森林植被、空气负离子浓度、空气中细菌含量、植物精气、声环境质量、旅游气候舒适度、环境天然外照射贯穿辐射剂量水平、土壤环境,并明确了这十大生态环境本底条件的具体指标要求,达不到基本要求的不能作为生态旅游区。


本原环本原环primitive ring本原环[画‘。ve吨;np“M““,oeKO“““01,有夺厚环(对乡止prilnjtive nng)带有忠实右不可约模(计托沮uciblem闭ule)的结合环(见结合环与结合代数(associati祀门列邓anda】ge-b“‘)).类似地(用左不可约模)可以定义左本原环.右和左本原环类不相重.每个交换本原环是一个域(反ld).每个(在.如周触阴,根(Jaco比on左己i以)意义下的)半单环是本原环的次直积单环(simPle朋g)或者是本原环,或者是根环.有非零极小右理想的本原环可由稠密性定理刻画.满足右理想极小条件的本原环(即Art云1本原环)是单环.环R是本原的,当且仅当它有一个极大模右理想I(见模理想(med川ar id已习)),使得I不包含R的任何非零双侧理想.这一性质可作为在非结合环类中的本原环的定义.【补注】Jaco忱on根意义下的半单环现在被称作半本原环(~~p山元tjVe户刀罗).带有多项式恒等式的本原环是有限维中心单代数.有极小单侧理想的本原环有一个基座(socle),可被完全刻画【All.
