100字范文 > 本原素除子 primitive divisor英语短句 例句大全

本原素除子 primitive divisor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-24 11:55:26


本原素除子 primitive divisor英语短句 例句大全

本原素除子,primitive divisor

1)primitive divisor本原素除子

1.By applying the deep theorem of Bilu,Hanrot and Voutier about the existence ofprimitive divisors of Lucas numbers,we prove that the exponential diophantine equation x2+3m=yn has only positive integer solution(x,y,m,n)=(46,13,4,3) with n>2 and gcd=(x,y)=1.利用Bilu,Hanrot和Voutier关于Lucas数本原素除子存在性的深刻结果,证明了指数丢番图方程x2+3m=yn仅有正整数解(x,y,m,n)=(46,13,4,3)适合n>2且gcd(x,y)=1。

2.This thesis is to study the integer solutions and the number of theinteger solutions of some exponential diophantine equations by applyingthe deep theorem of Bilu, Hanrot and Voutier about the existence ofprimitive divisors of Lucas and Lehmer numbers, some fine results on therepresentation of the solutions of quadratic Diophantine equations and theclass number of quadratic field.Voutier关于Lucas数和Lehmer数的本原素除子的存在性的深刻理论、二次丢番图方程解的表示以及二次域类数等方面的精细结果研究一些指数丢番图方程的整数解和解数。

3.We apply a deep result of Bilu,Hanrot and Voutier onprimitive divisors to show that if the class number of quadratic field Q((-b)~(1/2))is a power of 2,then,the Diophantine equation x~2 + b~y=c~z has only the positive integes solution (x,y,z)=(a,2,5)with min(x,y,z)>1.利用Bilu,Hanrot and Voutiers关于本原素除子的深刻结果证明了:如果二次数域Q((-b)~(1/2))的类数是2的方幂,则丢番图方程x~2+b~y=c~z仅有正整数解(z,y,z)=(a,2,5)适合min(x,y,z)>1。


1.Applications of the Theorem about the Existence of Primitive Divisors of Lucas and Lehmer Numbers to Exponential Diophantine Equations;Lucas与Lehmer数的本原素除子存在性理论在指数丢番图方程中的应用


3.To increase the positive charge or valence of(an element)by removing electrons.氧化通过除去一个元素电子来增加电性或原子价

4.All kinds of atoms, with the exception of hydrogen, has neutrons.除了氢原子之外,一切原子都含有中子。

5.Study on the Interferences of Concomitant Elements and their Elimination in the Determination of Magnesium by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry原子吸收法测定镁时共存元素的干扰及其消除的研究

6.These atoms combine together to form a molecule& molecules come together to form elements& elements together form the substances.这些基本粒子组合在一起形成原子,原子再形成元素,而元素构成物质。

7.Besides electrons, an atom contains protons and neutrons .除了电子,原子还含有质子和中子。

8.A marble-sized ball, originally of camphor but now of naphthalene, stored with clothes to repel moths.卫生球一种弹子大小的球,原本由樟脑制成,现在由荼制成,与衣物存在一起以驱除蛾子

9.That CHEN Zi-ang denounced SHANGGUAN Style Poetry was the ultimate cause of SHANGGUAN Wanr instigating WU San-si putting CHEN Zi-ang to death.陈子昂公开反对上官体诗并成为领军人物是上官婉儿指使武三思除掉陈子昂的根本原因。

10.This paper reporfed a simple method for preparation of low molecular weight pig thymosin.本文报导了以猪胸腺为原料制备低分子猪胸腺素的简便方法。

11.being or involving basic facts or principles.基本要素和原则或包括有基本要素和原则。

12.Research review on herbicide activity of phytopathogeny mycotoxins植物病原真菌毒素除草活性研究现状

13.The booklet also pointed out that besides the impact of changes of lifestyle, exposing to the sunlight is a major cause of these diseases.这本册子还指出,除了生活方式改变的影响之外,在阳光下曝晒是引起这些疾病的重要原因。

14.These atoms can remove or abstract a hydrogen atom which is attached to carbon.这些原子也可以除去或摘取结合在碳原子上的一个氢原子。

15.Similarly, the failure of video-telephony is rooted in social rather than technological causes.类似的例子是,可视电话的失败的根本原因也是在于社会因素而不是技术因素。

16.Japan Atomic Energy Insurance Pool (JAEIP)日本原子能保险组织

17.Modeling Primary Atomization Processes基本原子化进程建模

18.the removal of iodine atoms from organic compounds.从有机物中去除碘原子的过程。


privitive divisor本原素因子

1.In this paper,we firstly modified the mistake in reference of Bennett,then using Strmer s theorem of the solutions of Pell equation,and a deep result ofprivitive divisor of Bilu,Hanrot and Voutier,we proved that there is no exist four distinct triangular numbers in geometric progression,therefore we sovled the question of Sierpinski on triangular numbers.基于三角数问题的研究目前非常活跃,最近,Bennett宣布解决了由Sierpinski提出的一个三角数猜想问题,本文指出了Bennett文中的错误,并利用Pell方程解的性质的St rmer定理以及Bilu,Hanrot和Voutier的关于本原素因子的深刻结论,证明了在一列几何级数中,不存在4个相异的三角数,完整地解决了Sierpinski的问题。

3)prime null divisor素零除子

4)prime polar divisor素极除子


1.The isolated lignin (MWL) andprotolignin of Eucalyptus Leichow No.本研究用付立叶变换红外光谱法分析了桉木分离木素和桉木原本木素,并对两者进行了比较。

6)primitive element本原元素


