100字范文 > 基元 primitive英语短句 例句大全

基元 primitive英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-19 02:12:10


基元 primitive英语短句 例句大全



1.Image Texture Analysis by Grey-Primitive Cooccurrence Matrix;图像纹理分析的灰度-基元共生矩阵法

2.In view of the complex background and the small ratio of the license plate area to the whole picture, a method for finding a threshold forprimitive classification is proposed.针对图像背景复杂 ,且车牌所占比例较小的特点 ,提出了一种确定基元分类阈值的二值化方法 ;根据车牌字符分布规律 ,提出了二值纹理基元分析方法 ,提取车牌候选区域 ;基于小波分析提取车牌区域竖笔画特征 ,采用隶属度定量表征车牌竖笔画特征、位置特征及形状特征 ,给出综合这些特征、从候选区域提取车牌区域的方法。

3.Theprimitive string is used to describe character skeleton and forms one-dimension string code of input character to match wtth the standard string.每一区域内对应一类基元、基元的类别由特征组合情况来确定。


1.The identification of the features based on engineering semantics involves visible identifications of feature volume and invisible ones.基于工程语义的基元识别包括显式基元体识别、式基元体识别。

2.The Method to Construct Multivariate and Multidimensional Basic-element and Extensible Set with High Order and Multivariates and Multidimensions多元多维基元及高阶多元多维可拓集合构造

3.Research on Pattern Recognition Method Based on Feature Primitives of Graphical Representation基于多元图特征基元的模式识别方法研究

4.Subscribe 200yuan to the fund向基金认捐200元

5.Design of Binary Optical Element with MATLAB;基于MATLAB的二元光学元件设计研究

6.Empirical analysis of the USD/JPY exchange rate based on the EXMODEL基于EXMODEL对日元美元汇率的实证分析

7.Tetra-hydroxy polyether polyolsGB/T16577-1996四羟基醚多元醇


9.uranium-base fuel element铀基释热[燃料]元件

10.schottky cell array technology肖特基单元阵列技术

11.suBscriBe100 dollars to the hospital fund捐助医院基金100 美元

12.ATM Cell Transparent Transmition Based on MPLS L2VPN;基于MPLS L2VPN的ATM信元透传

13.Design of OLAP metamodel based on UML profile基于UML Profile设计OLAP元模型

14.Polyester resins are the condensation products of polybasic acids and polyols.聚酯树脂是多元酸和多元羟基化合缩聚而成。

15.Effect of Alloy Element Addtion on IMC at the Soldering Interface of Sn-based Binary Solders;合金元素对二元Sn基钎料钎焊界面IMC的影响

16.Model Element Method and Fundamental Research of Finish Forging Model Element;模型元方法概述及锻靠阶段模型单元基础研究

17.High Frequency Magnetic Component Winding Optimizing Design Based on Finite Element Simulation;基于有限元仿真的高频磁性元件绕组优化设计

18.Prediction on Vibration and Noise of Wheel Based on FEM/BEM;基于有限元/边界元的轮对振动噪声预测


basic element基元

1.The new development of three basic theories of extenics, includingbasic element theory, extension set theory and extension logic theory, h a s been introduced in the paper.简要介绍近年可拓学研究在基础理论方面的新进展 ,包括可拓学的框架、基元理论、可拓集合理论和可拓逻辑等所取得的成

2.Due to the requirement characteristic of complex mechanism scheme design,customer requirements are described formally bybasic element.针对复杂产品方案设计需求的特点,采用基元的知识表示方法对客户需求进行形式化描述,并基于基元的蕴含性建立客户需求的需求基元蕴含树模型;提出改进的质量屋,实现客户需求向方案设计层级功能特性的转化,并建立相应的改进HOQ模型。


1.Based on thebasic-element extension set of single evaluating characteristic, the constructing methods on thebasic-element extension set of multi evaluating characteristics and the establishing methods of their dependent functions are researched.在单评价特征基元可拓集的基础上,研究多评价特征基元可拓集的构造方法及其关联函数的建立方法,为多特征综合评价和多特征不相容问题求解提供理论依据和可操作的形式化、定量化方法,使多特征不相容问题的智能化处理成为可能。

2.In order to simutaneously convey some research objectives,it proposes the definitions of multivariate and multidimensionalbasic-elements and the extensible set with high order and multivariate and multidimensions on the basis of the relative results.基于同时形式化表达多个研究对象的需要,在已有研究成果之上提出了多元多维基元和高阶多元多维可拓集合等概念。


1.This paper attempts to explain the"lattice+basis=crystal structure"by means of calculating the geometrical structure factor.本文通过几何结构因子的计算,说明"点阵+基元=晶体结构"的含义。

5)base element基元

1.Multiplebase element fuzzy algorithm for prediction of cost of engineering projects;工程项目成本预测的多基元模糊算法



