100字范文 > 古朴 primitive simplicity英语短句 例句大全

古朴 primitive simplicity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-02 22:26:59


古朴 primitive simplicity英语短句 例句大全

古朴,primitive simplicity

1)primitive simplicity古朴

1.Fu Shan s poems used variant form of a Chinese character,spoken language and dialect,creating marvelous affection and fairyland so that his poems had a characteristic ofprimitive simplicity and peculiarity.他的高尚和刚直的性格加上遭遇明清鼎革、国破家亡的经历,使其诗歌多表达奇崛和磊落的心曲,而显现出一种"古朴奇拙"的特征。


1.Its outer appearance looks simple and its structure concise.外观古朴, 结构简练。

2.The Chu Garden is distinctly designed in old and original manner;“楚园”,个性鲜明,自然古朴;

3.The houses are old and pleasant.两边的房屋古朴有致。

4.Huacheng Temple, looking simple and solemn, is the oldest among all temples on the mountain.历史最久的化成寺,古朴庄严。

5.I "d say there is gentle moving away from the simple to the baroque .我认为,由“淡雅古朴”逐渐变为“奇形怪状”。

6.quaint little cottages on the village green在村中草地上的古朴的小房子.

7.The Lao She Teahouse is decorated simply and elegantly.茶馆厅内陈设典雅、清新、古朴。

8.Baoding entire ancient dignified, magnify very ambitious.整个宝鼎古朴凝重,气势宏大,非常雄伟。

9.Taoyuan Chinese dining hall is carved railings and jade inlays, simple and elegant .桃园中餐厅,雕栏彩屏、古朴典雅。

10.Practice & Foundation of Organic Protection in Historical Fenghuang;“长河漂泊古朴意,边城泛化凤凰魂”

11.A Characteristic of Primitive Simplicity and Peculiarity in Fu Shan s Poems;论傅山诗歌“古朴奇拙”的艺术风格

12.Research on the Implication of National Culture of Chinese Character;从汉字古朴的风姿看其民族文化蕴涵

13.Heavy Sadness,Light and Primitive Simplicity--Discussion on the Art Style of Lu You′s Poems;沉郁悲怆 简淡古朴——陆游诗艺术风格论

14.The instrument is rich in tone color, with airy, floating notes, and simple and solid scattered notes.古琴音色丰富,泛音轻盈虚飘,散音古朴凝厚。

15.The old gentleman had on a classic suit.那位老年绅士穿着一套古朴的传统服装。

16.Crowned by a roof with upswept eaves, the Pavilion of the Old Drunkard looks simple and antique, but very stately too, with walls filled with many carved inscriptions.醉翁亭飞翼翘角,古朴端庄,碑文刻石满壁。

17.with the clear consciousness of seeking old and precious moral values;我们将一心追求古朴可贵的道德价值观;

18.Touching Oxford-perfect combination of primitive simplicity and modern times, tradition and innovation;感悟牛津——古朴与现代、传统与创新的完美结合


simple and graceful古朴清雅

3)Primitive Simplicity and Nature古朴自然

4)ancient Julian Celtis古珊瑚朴

5)plain and elegant古朴典雅

1.Those dialects areplain and elegant, full of plentiful expression and local flavor.关中方言古朴典雅,具有质朴凝重的乡土韵味和丰富的表现力;方言的词语组合和表述方式蕴藏了关中人民的智慧和创造力;其词汇系统在历史发展中留下不同于共同语的词义演化轨迹。

6)magnificance and simplicity雄奇古朴


