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平淡 Simplicity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-24 22:47:54


平淡 Simplicity英语短句 例句大全



1.From Luoyang to the Yingzhou,Splendours Tend toSimplicity——Discussing OUYANG Xiu s Life Aesthetic Practice Briefly;从洛阳到颍州,绚烂归于平淡——略论欧阳修的生命审美实践

2.Genuineness results from simplicity: brief discussion on the simplicity and genuineness of Tao yuanming s poems;平淡出真知——小释陶渊明诗的平淡自然

3.Under the in fluence of traditional philosophy,Wang Yuanqi,a painter in Qin Dynasty,proposed a painting perspective of "seeking novelty in simplicity",which inherited both "innocent simplicity" of Sushi,a famous poet in Sun Dynasty,and "Simplicity feeds all what one needs" by Dong Qichang,a painter in Ming Dynasty.他继承了苏轼"平淡天真"、董其昌"淡然无味天人粮"的思想,确立了"刚健婀娜审真伪"的审美原则,具有重要的理论价值。


1.Her life is humdrum.她的生活平平淡淡.

2.Make Mother"s Day special平平淡淡最是真 祝母亲节日快乐

3.They lived untrumpeted, and died unsung.他们生时不名噪一时,死时也平平淡淡。

4.Her youth had passed without distinction.她的青春平平淡淡地度过了。

5."How is business? ""Oh, not too bad, just ticking over."“生意如何?”“噢,还行,平平淡淡老样子。

6.Genuineness results from simplicity: brief discussion on the simplicity and genuineness of Tao yuanming s poems;平淡出真知——小释陶渊明诗的平淡自然

7.Art in artlessness--On the prosaic beauty of Dong Yuan s landscape paintings;似淡而实美——论董源山水画的平淡美

8.This novel is very ordinary.这部小说写得平淡无奇。

9.This song is too plain.这支歌太平淡无奇了。

10.the ball-room has lost its charms;舞厅变得平淡无奇;

11.an undistinguishedcareer, appearance平淡无奇的事业、 外表

12.a mundane book, film, etc平淡无奇的书、 影片等.

13.a run-of-the-mill detective story平淡无奇的侦探小说.

14.Precisely because of this change it became possible for love to last.因为平淡,才可以更长久。

15.a tame Christmas party.平淡无味的圣诞聚会

16.Her tone was matter-of-fact.她说话的语气平淡。

17.Their wedding was very quiet.他们的婚礼很平淡.

18.escape from the prose of existence逃避平淡无奇的生活



1.The harmonious combination of simplification and naturalness,plainness and luxury is the concrete and abundant reflection of his natural poems,no matter whethar they are in content or in language.朴实与自然、平淡与豪华完美结合是陶渊明自然本色在诗歌中的具体体现。

2.The paper mainly analyzes the similarities of Ba Jins “non technique” writing and Su Shis “plain” idea of literary creative writing by using the comparison method.本文运用比较的方法着重分析了巴金的“无技巧”和苏轼的“平淡”文学创作观的相同点 ,指出其内涵是 :写作要有感而发 ,要写真实 ,要按事物的本来面目自然地抒写 ,并指出要达到这种艺术境界 ,必须是到了晚年 ,生活阅历丰富了 ,思想成熟了 ,艺术技巧丰富了 ,才能达到。

3.The style of his article isplain natural and lonesome.沈从文受道家思想和屈原的影响 ,老庄之达和屈子之怨二者合一形成他文章的气度 ,这种气度在宋元文人画中找到了契合点 ,形成他作品平淡自然、寂寞清逸的独特风


1.Implication and origin on“insipidity”viewpoint of Sushi;苏轼“平淡”美的意蕴及其思想渊源

2.This thesis will study mostly hisinsipidity of poetic style, his pioneering spirit on subject matter and his contribution to poetry theory.因而,历代以来许多学者对他进行过不少的研究,论证最多的就是关于他的“平淡”诗风,题材的开拓之功和他诗歌理论的贡献。

3.A famous poet,Tao Yuanming in Dongjin Dynasty distilled his life and the state of art into a state of appreciating the beauty,insipidity after his quilting his official position.东晋著名诗人陶渊明辞官归隐后将其人生和艺术的境界提升到审美的境界——"平淡",这种平淡的审美境界主要由其"自然"的哲学观、注重实践的生活方式和将日常生活审美化而达到诗意地栖居三方面的因素形成的。


1.The aesthetic "plainness" of the Song-dynasty poetics lies in four aspects,i.宋代诗学"平淡"美有四个方面的基本特征:1。

2.The paper starts from the explanation of"plainness"in Song Poem,investi- gating the change of literary thoughts in Song Dynasty;it analyzes the causes of the Plainness Theory.因为中西方本就拥有两种不同文化特质,中国诗与外国诗是两种完全不同的研究对象,故宋诗平淡是否成为理论,如果完全参照西方的理论界定和标准,这是有问题的。


1.One of the brilliant contributions of Tao Yuanming to the development of Chinese ancient poetry is that he has created a naturallypedestrian but densely affectional poetic style,the formatiion of which was in direct relation with the calm and natural creation mentality of the poet.对于中国古代诗歌的发展,陶渊明的杰出贡献之一是他创造了一种平淡自然而又情韵极浓的诗歌风格,而这种风格的形成与诗人平和、自然的创作心态有直接关系。

6)simplicity and flatness平淡拙朴


平淡无奇1.亦作"平淡无奇"。 2.平平常常,无奇特之处。
