100字范文 > 女性性别角色双性化 the androgyne of womens gender role英语短句 例句大全

女性性别角色双性化 the androgyne of womens gender role英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-12 21:34:11


女性性别角色双性化 the androgyne of womens gender role英语短句 例句大全

女性性别角色双性化,the androgyne of women"s gender role

1)the androgyne of women"s gender role女性性别角色双性化

2)women"s dual functions女性双重角色


1.Role Puzzle:Conflict of Female Double Role in Chinese Literature in 20th Century;角色困惑:20世纪中国文学中女性双重角色冲突

2.Conflict of Contemporary Career Women’s Double Roles;现代职业女性双重角色的冲突问题及对策分析

3.From Cultural Perspectives Explaining Conflict of Dual Role of Occupation Female in Contemporary China;从文化视角解读当代中国职业女性双重角色冲突

4.Discussions on Androgyny and the Gender Role of Female--Reflections based on Social Role Theory;双性化与女性性别角色——基于社会角色论的思考

5.Probing into the Life and Spiritual Difficulties of Alternative Females:On the Novel An Uncertain Persona by Yan Ran女性生存与精神的双重困境——读鄢然的长篇小说《角色无界》

6."Double Perspective" and the Unique Charm of Ecological Feminist Criticism“双重视角”与生态女性批评的独特魅力

7.The Androgyne of Women"s Gender Role and the Influence on the Family"s Relations女性性别角色的双性化及其对家庭关系的影响

8.The Woman Warrier s Double Identities;女勇士的双重角色——解读华裔作家汤婷婷的《女勇士》

9.Explore the Dual Role Perspective of Physical Education in Colleges of Girls Personality探索双重角色视角下高校女生体育教育的人格塑造

10.The Dilemma of Dualities: A Postmodern and Cultural Study on the Woman Warrior;双重性的困境:后现代及文化研究视角评《女斗士》

11.Feminist Stance in the Cross-Gender Casting in Cloud Nine;《九重天》中性别角色反串的女性主义意图

12.Black women s breaking away from double-pressure to rebirth in the color purple;从《紫色》看黑人女性摆脱双重压迫走向新生

13.Jiujiang"s special position makes its dual role.九江特殊的位势,使其所扮演的角色带有双重性。

14.Expounding Librarian s Twofold Purpose of Institution of Higher Learning in Informational Era;论信息时代高校图书馆员角色的双重性

15.The Journey of Female Desire:On the Multiplicity of Sue"s Identification in Jude the Obscure女性的欲望之旅——论《无名的裘德》中女性角色苏认同的多重性

16.that pushed women into minor roles in the Church?将女性推入无足轻重角色的权力斗争中?

17.Influence of "significant others" on the socialization of the sex role of girl students in kindergarteners training schools;重要他人对幼师女生性别角色社会化的影响

18.From "Understands the Role" To "Manifests the Role"--Dual Boundary of Play Performance;从“理解角色”到“体现角色”——戏剧表演的双重境界


women"s dual functions女性双重角色

3)female role expectation女性性别角色期望

4)female role女性角色

1.The cognition aboutfemale role and its orientation among college students;高校学生女性角色认知及其倾向性分析

2.Female Role in Transforming Village Culture;变迁村落文化中的女性角色

3.Thefemale role of network games in both the exterior appearance and the actual game is opposed to the female consciousness that we hope.网络游戏中女性角色的大量涌现并非意味着女性地位的提高。

5)female characters女性角色

1.It displays the complexity offemale characters.《江格尔》是研究中国蒙古族以及北方民族的历史发展和文化观念的重要资料,其中对女性角色的描绘较为复杂。

2.In his work, there are variousfemale characters, from the queen to the peasant woman who struggle to gain more freedom, right, education, and respect.在他的作品中,有着不同类型的女性角色,她们无论是农妇还是女王,都努力奋斗,争取更多的自由、权利、教育机会以及他人的尊重。

6)female character女性角色

1.There are various and endless criticisms on the presentation offemale characters in Heming-way s fictions.本文中,笔者将试着从海明威所在的时代、他的个人生活经历以及战争等对他所造成的影响来解读他的小说《老人与海》中的女性角色缺失问题。


女性1.人类两种性别之一,与男性相对。常用为妇女的通称。 2.女子的性格﹑性情。
