100字范文 > 性别角色期待 Gender Role Expectation英语短句 例句大全

性别角色期待 Gender Role Expectation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-06 12:20:10


性别角色期待 Gender Role Expectation英语短句 例句大全

性别角色期待,Gender Role Expectation

1)Gender Role Expectation性别角色期待

1.A Study of the University StudentsGender Role Expectation on Two Dimensions;大学生性别角色期待的双维度研究

2)Gender Role Trait Expectation性别角色特质期待

3)role expectation角色期待

1.Research on the teacher and student’srole expectation during training for teachers;体育师资培训过程中教师与学生的角色期待

2.In the social activity of the news communication,journalists identify its social role and therole expectations from the news resources,audiences,and media organization are similar to it.新闻传播活动中,消息来源、受众、传媒组织对记者的角色期待与记者角色规范之间保持着大体一致的关系,这是四方长期互动形成的协商结果,也是新闻传播活动能够正常进行的基础。

3.To find out therole expectation on PE teachers of modern college students,we carried on the questionnaire investigation and analysis of 1000 students in four universities of Liaoning province.采用问卷调查等方法,对辽宁省4所高校1000名大学生进行了问卷调查,了解当代大学生对体育教师的角色期待,结果表明:大学生心目中理想的体育教师具有12个维度的素质结构;期望值排在前10位的依次是责任心、有爱心、尊重热爱学生、发挥学生的主体作用、调动学习积极性、以身作则、为人师表、为人正直、公平公正、积极的工作态度、亲和力以及专项知识技能。


1.The Expectation and Mutual Help between Librarians and Readers Activity;图书馆活动中的角色期待与角色互动

2.Teacher s Role Expectation and Its Effect on Teachers Growing;教师角色期待及其对教师成长的影响

3.The New Exploration of "Role Expectation" in the Analects of Confucius;《论语》中的“角色期待”思想新探

4.On the Role Required to Play by the Secretary of the CPC Committee in Universities;高校院(系)级党总支书记的角色期待

5.A Study of College Students Autonomous Beliefs and Students Expectations of Teachers Roles in Autonomous Language Learning;大学生自主学习观念及对教师角色期待的研究

6.Modernity and the Role Change of Chinese Women;现代性与当代中国女性角色期待的变迁

7.The Expectations and Transitions of Teachers Roles in the Reform of the Chinese Curriculum of the Junior Middle School;初中语文课程改革中教师的角色期待和转型

8.Survey and Study of Role Expectation on PE Teachers of Modern College Students;当代大学生对体育教师角色期待的调查与研究

9.Research on the teacher and student’s role expectation during training for teachers;体育师资培训过程中教师与学生的角色期待

10.Professional Attainments of Women s Federation Cadres at the Grass-roots Level and Their Role Expectation Education;基层妇联干部的职业素养状况与角色期待教育

11.On the Expectation and Realization of Teachers Roles in New Course Reform;论新课程改革中的教师角色期待及其实现

12.Pearl: Embarrassment and Expectations in Chinese and American Cultures;赛珍珠:中美文化间的角色尴尬与期待

13.Case Teaching and the Teacher Multiple-role;案例教学与教师角色丛——兼议教改对教师角色嬗变的期待

14.Three Representatives" and The Professional Requests for College Teachers New Expectation;“三个代表”与高校教师角色新期待的职业要求

15.Reporting Emergency Event:Good Mastery of Balance between the Different Role Expectations突发事件报道:在不同角色的期待中把握平衡点

16.College English Autonomous Learners′ Expectation and Acceptance of Teachers′ Role论大学英语自主学习者对教师角色的期待与认同

17.The high guy and fungis had no LIN2 GONG to set out in add lead of sand descend to gram, the itinerary lieutenant general will appear a few important roles this time, please expectation!!高佬和霉在加沙的带领下向克里无林宫出发了,这次旅程中将会出现几位重要角色,敬请期待!!

18.His thorough work for his new role is very strict. We long to see Yon-sama as a king.他为他新的角色彻底而严格的工作。我们多麽期待看到作为国王的勇样英姿。


Gender Role Trait Expectation性别角色特质期待

3)role expectation角色期待

1.Research on the teacher and student’srole expectation during training for teachers;体育师资培训过程中教师与学生的角色期待

2.In the social activity of the news communication,journalists identify its social role and therole expectations from the news resources,audiences,and media organization are similar to it.新闻传播活动中,消息来源、受众、传媒组织对记者的角色期待与记者角色规范之间保持着大体一致的关系,这是四方长期互动形成的协商结果,也是新闻传播活动能够正常进行的基础。

3.To find out therole expectation on PE teachers of modern college students,we carried on the questionnaire investigation and analysis of 1000 students in four universities of Liaoning province.采用问卷调查等方法,对辽宁省4所高校1000名大学生进行了问卷调查,了解当代大学生对体育教师的角色期待,结果表明:大学生心目中理想的体育教师具有12个维度的素质结构;期望值排在前10位的依次是责任心、有爱心、尊重热爱学生、发挥学生的主体作用、调动学习积极性、以身作则、为人师表、为人正直、公平公正、积极的工作态度、亲和力以及专项知识技能。

4)sex expectancy性别期待

5)sexual role expectation性别角色期望

1.Some application of multivariate statistical analysis tosexual role expectation;多元统计分析在性别角色期望分析中的应用

6)male sexual expectation男性性别角色期望


夫妻角色期待夫妻角色期待expectancy for the roles of husband and wife夫妻角色期待(expectaneyfo:the:。一esof husband and wife)社会或个人对夫妻角色应表现出的特定行为的预期。主要包括三重含义:(l)社会对夫妻角色的期待,夫妻角色规范在未付诸实践前便是一种期待。(2)夫妻之间对对方的角色期待。(3)夫妻各方对自己的角色期待。夫妻角色的期待有内外之分,所谓角色内期待是指扮演角色的人希望演好这一角色。所谓角色外期待是指社会或他人对角色的期待。夫妻间的角色期待是相互的,双方均应用社会规定的权利和义务要求对方,不可单从个人利益出发,强制与要挟对方。在要求对方做到的同时,自己也应做到。故角色期待也是角色塑造。(李艳撰茜香嘉审)
