100字范文 > 性别角色类型 Gender role stereotype英语短句 例句大全

性别角色类型 Gender role stereotype英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-11 13:37:26


性别角色类型 Gender role stereotype英语短句 例句大全

性别角色类型,Gender role stereotype

1)Gender role stereotype性别角色类型

1.To examine the difference of undergraduates personality traits in sex,gender role stereotype and gender belief stereotype,a sample of 552 undergraduates was tested by BSRI,NEO-PI-R,CAPI and gender belief stereotype scale.通过对北京市5所大学552名大学生的调查,探讨性别、性别角色类型和性别观念类型对大学生人格特征的影响。

2.Objective To examine the difference of undergraduates\" personality traits in sex,gender role stereotype and new gender role stereotype.通过对北京市某所大学826名大学生的调查,探讨性别、性别角色类型和新性别角色类型对大学生人格特征的影响。


1.A Related Study of Type of Gender Roles and Gender Role Attitudes;性别角色类型与性别角色态度的相关研究

2.A Study of the Relations between Gender Role Types and Anxiety & the University Students View of Gender Role;大学生性别角色类型与焦虑水平和性别角色观的关系研究

3.A Study of Differentiated Gender Role Identity and its Relation to Psychological Well-being in Chinese University Students大学生性别角色类型与心理健康的相关性研究

4.Research on the Types of Sex Role and Its Relationship with College Student s Mental Health;大学生的性别角色类型与心理健康的关系研究

parison on the Explicit Self-Esteem of Different Sex-Role Types University Students;不同性别角色类型大学生的外显自尊差异

6.Research on Relationship Between Sex Sterotypes and Psychosocial Adjustment for Chinese Subjects;性别角色类型与心理社会适应的关系研究

7.The Relationship between the Types of Gender Roles and Peer Interactions of Junior High School Students初中生性别角色类型与同伴交往的关系

8.Research on the Structures, Types of Sex-roles and the Self-esteems of Different Type s People;性别角色的结构、类型和不同类型者的自尊

9.gender roles stereotypes性别角色的陈规定型观念

10.sex role socialization性别角色社会化 性别角色社会化

11.The Subversion of Stereotyped Gender Roles of Women in the Secret Garden;论《秘密花园》中女性性别角色原型的颠覆

12.Applications of Factorial Analysis Model in Analyzing Male Role Expectations Among Middle School Students;中学生男性性别角色期望的因子模型与应用

13.Positive Research into Gender Stereotypes in Magazine Advertisements;杂志广告中的性别角色定型的实证研究

14.Research on Audience Response to Gender Stereotypes in Advertisements;受众对广告中性别角色定型反应的研究

15.A Role Link Type may contain no less than 1 Role角色链接类型最少应包含1个角色

16.A Role Link Type may contain no more than 2 Roles角色链接类型最多可包含2个角色

17.Categorical Gender Role Identity and It s Relation to Mental Health;大学生性别角色分类及其与心理健康的相关性研究

18.Discussions on Androgyny and the Gender Role of Female--Reflections based on Social Role Theory;双性化与女性性别角色——基于社会角色论的思考


Sex stereotype性别角色类型

1.Sex stereotypes were then distinguished as undifferentiated, feminine, masculine, and androgynous.男性化和女性化量表各由25个项目组成,据此将被试划分为未分化、女性化、男性化和双性化4种性别角色类型。

2.This study explored the professional identity of different genders and sex stereotype groups.结果表明,不同性别角色类型的学生在职业认同感上存在显著差异。

3)new gender role stereotype新性别角色类型

1.Objective To examine the difference of undergraduates\" personality traits in sex,gender role stereotype andnew gender role stereotype.通过对北京市某所大学826名大学生的调查,探讨性别、性别角色类型和新性别角色类型对大学生人格特征的影响。

4)role category角色类别

5)gender stereotypes性别角色定型

1.At first, this article introduced the related concepts ofgender stereotypes and the theoretical base of the researches on thegender stereotypes in television advertisements.文章首先介绍了性别角色定型的相关概念和广告中性别角色定型研究的理论基础,然后从内容分析和受众反应两个角度回顾并总结了有关电视广告中性别角色定型的研究。

2.In order to explore whethergender stereotypes existing in Chinese magazine advertisements,the study examined the portrayal of men and women in 8 categories by conducting content analysis of the central figure in the 13 kinds of the mass magazine advertisements in China.为了解中国杂志广告中是否存在性别角色定型,通过对中国13类大众杂志广告的内容分析,探讨了男性和女性在8个维度上的分布。

3.This study conducted a questionnaire survey to explore how such variables as sex role,sex,age,and education influenced audience response togender stereotypes in advertisements.为了了解广告中性别角色定型对受众产生的影响,通过问卷调查,探讨了个体性别角色、性别、年龄和受教育程度对广告中性别角色定型反应的影响过程。

6)Gender roles性别角色

1.For instance,the study of socialization of gender roles expands multi-dimensional orientations of sex education and also .本文在探讨男性研究的兴起、定位与内涵以及性别平等教育相关概念的基础上,反思男性研究与性别平等教育的内在联系,指出男性研究视角在教育领域的介入,有利于推动性别平等教育的深入发展和开拓新的实践可能,如深化性别角色社会化研究,拓展性教育的多元文化取向,丰富与再现校园中的性别文化等。

2.These issues include the setting of the goals of women s college,gender roles debate in curriculum development,determination to stay single and response to "good wife/mother" stereotype.本文以金陵女子大学为个案,分析了民国时期女子大学所面临的一系列性别议题:女子大学的培养目标、课程设置中体现的性别角色之争、独身问题以及对贤妻良母主义的回应,通过反合并斗争对女性独立决策管理权的坚持,等等。

3.In 1960s, the theory of cognitive development and social learning theory have made great advances on the research of gender roles.性别差异的研究发起于19世纪末,到了20世纪60年代,认知发展论和社会学习理论的产生使得性别角色研究取得较大进展。


