100字范文 > 性别角色冲突 gender role conflict英语短句 例句大全

性别角色冲突 gender role conflict英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-09 05:08:54


性别角色冲突 gender role conflict英语短句 例句大全

性别角色冲突,gender role conflict

1)gender role conflict性别角色冲突

1.This article mainly discusses the research development of west malegender role conflict and simply comments.性别角色冲突影响着个体的身心健康和生活质量,对性别角色冲突的研究有利于帮助人们如何认识和改善生活质量。

2.The research of Gender Role Conflict developed in the 1970s has been concerned by many researchers and it has become one of the important research topics of psychology.发展于70年代的性别角色冲突的研究,从其产生之日起,就一直受到许多研究者的关注,成为心理学领域的重要研究课题之一。


1.Gender Role Conflict and Stress among Senior High School Students: The Moderating Effects of Perceived Social Support高中生性别角色冲突与心理压力的关系:领悟社会支持的调节作用

2.This article mainly discusses the research development of west male gender role conflict and simply comments.本文的目的在于对西方性别角色冲突研究情况进行介绍并作简短评价。

3.Study on Conflict and Anti-conflict between Gender Roles and Occupational Roles性别角色与职业角色的冲突与反冲突研究

4.The Gender Diversity in Role Conflict,Role Commitment,and Job Satisfaction for High School Principals in America;美国高中校长在角色冲突、角色承担和工作满意度上的性别差异

5.Role Puzzle:Conflict of Female Double Role in Chinese Literature in 20th Century;角色困惑:20世纪中国文学中女性双重角色冲突

6.On the Causes of Parent-Offspring Conflicts from the Gender and Non-gender Perspective;亲子冲突原因辨析——非性别与性别视角的解读

7.Influential Factors and Countermeasures of Career Women s Role Conflicts;职业女性角色冲突的成因及对策分析

8.Text Conflict of Female Media:Representation of Role Conflict--A Case Study of The Women Today Weekly女性媒介的文本冲突:角色冲突的表征——以《今日女报》为例

9.Conflict between Husband and Wife of Rural AIDS Patients from a Gender Perspective;社会性别视角下农村艾滋病患者的夫妻冲突

10.Cao-pi: A Conflict Between Personality and Social Status;曹丕:个性和社会角色的冲突及对创作的影响

11.Female role conflict and its obstructing effect on participation in recreational sports;女性角色冲突对其参与运动休闲的阻碍

12.A Research on Role Conflict of Professional Females on Work/family Border;处于工作、家庭边界的职业女性角色冲突研究

13.Conflict of Contemporary Career Women’s Double Roles;现代职业女性双重角色的冲突问题及对策分析

14.Conflictive session of spatial role-based access control model带空间特性角色访问控制模型的冲突会话

15.The Role Conflicts of the Leaders in Group Emergencies in the Multi-ethnic Border Region and Possible Solutions边疆多民族地区群体性突发事件中领导角色的冲突与调适

16.From Cultural Perspectives Explaining Conflict of Dual Role of Occupation Female in Contemporary China;从文化视角解读当代中国职业女性双重角色冲突

17.Construction of Native Identity amid Cultural Conflicts:Religious and Gender Perspective on Love Medicine;文化冲突中的本土身份构建——宗教与性别视角下的《爱之药》

18.sex role socialization性别角色社会化 性别角色社会化


subtle social role conflict内隐性角色冲突

3)Role Conflicts角色冲突

1.On the situation of opportunities and pressures coexisting, how to rationally analyse the various features of role conflicts, and to take appropriate countermeasures to deal with them , is helpful for female teachers to face their work and life correctly , and to seek healthy development in the harmonious and orderly environment.高校女教师在机遇和压力并存的情况下,如何理性分析角色冲突的种种特性,并采取相应的对策,有助于她们正确面对工作和生活,在和谐有序的环境中寻求良性发展。

2.In view of this new special social group,this research analyzes the multiple conflicts they face with between the social role and the mother role;the self-role and the mother role;the contemporary role and the traditional role, and proposes a preliminary idea to coordinate these role conflicts from the perspective of contradictory unity.80后母亲是80后年轻女性与"母亲"这一传统角色相结合的复合型角色,针对这一新的特殊社会群体,分析了她们面临的社会角色与母亲角色、自我角色与母亲角色、时代角色与传统角色等多重冲突,并从矛盾的统一性出发,提出了协调这些角色冲突的初步设想。

3.The way to build a completely new system of neighborhood committee autonomy is to start with solving its role conflicts and research on its reform in order to build a public relation system.以公关体系的建构为路向,以化解居委会角色冲突为切入点,可以对社区居委会自治改革进行对策性研究,建构一套全新的居委会自主公关管理体系。

4)Role conflict角色冲突

1.From “Role Conflict” to “Role Confluence” —— Confession in the Heart of a Director of University Library;从“角色冲突”到“角色融合”——一个高校图书馆馆长的心路自白

2.Female role conflict and its obstructing effect on participation in recreational sports;女性角色冲突对其参与运动休闲的阻碍

3.By analyzing the types of college teachers’ role conflicts and the major factors causing their role conflicts, the paper put forward the ways and countermeasures of self-adjustment by teachers, such as cognitive restructuring, emotional accommodation, interpersonal relationship adapting and initiative replying.通过对高校教师角色冲突的类型和引起角色冲突的主要因素分析,提出教师对角色冲突进行自我调适的有效方法,包括认知重建法、积极应对法、角色分离法、情绪调节法和人际关系适应法。

5)gender conflict性别冲突

1.In the context of globalization and social transition, the age of Shelved ladies has been coming quietly, and thegender conflict becomes a focus topic of post-modern society.在社会转型与全球化语境下,"剩女"时代已经悄悄来临,性别冲突再次成为后现代社会人们热论的焦点话题。

6)intrarole conflict角色内冲突


角色冲突角色冲突role conflict角色冲突(role。onfli。t)当个体的角色行为与角色认知或角色期待产生不协调状态时的内心体验。这种角色冲突的内心体验可以在两个层次上通过自我而得到体验。第一个层次是在他本人所扮演的角色总体内,第二个层次是在他本人的角色与其他行为者的角色之间。就前者来讲,又包含两种含义:(l)自我对他的角色认知一与他对自己实际的角色行为之间存在矛盾时所产生的剧烈的内心体验。(2)当自我认识到在执行他的角色某些行为规定与贯彻他所扮演的另一个社会角色之间出现了某些不相容现象时所产生的内心体验。伯查德(Burehard,W.)在他所写的《军事牧师的角色冲突》中详细地论述了军事牧师作为宗教领袖的角色与作为军官角色之间的冲突就后者来讲,是指当自我对他的角色的认知方式与具有相反身份的人对他的角色的解释方式之间存在差别时,冲突就在第二层发生。换句话说,这种情况是在不同角色地位的占有者对特定角色缺乏一致意见时,冲突就产生。N.格罗斯与其他研究者在其所写《角色分析中的探索》(1958)一文中曾指出,角色一致性的缺乏程度(即不一致)越高,角色地位占有者之间的冲突的潜在可能性就越大。一旦当行动者认识到在自己与相反地位的占有者之间存在角色定义上的不一致时,解决角色冲突的问题又提到日程上来了。对此,N格罗斯提出了解决角色冲突的理论。这一理论主张个人在其他行动者的相互冲突的期望之间进行选择、回避或妥协。其依据是:(l)他认识到这些期望的合法性。(2)他认识到如果不遵守这些期望所将要受到的社会舆论压力与内心谴责。(3)要么他向舆论让步,要么他承认期望的合理性,要么他在两者之间妥协。(林乘赞撰沈德灿审)
