100字范文 > 对立统一 unity of opposites英语短句 例句大全

对立统一 unity of opposites英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-18 05:42:59


对立统一 unity of opposites英语短句 例句大全

对立统一,unity of opposites

1)unity of opposites对立统一

1.Talk About the Choice and Unity of Opposites of the Language Style of Dufu s Poems;论杜诗语言风格的选择与对立统一


1.The Interests of State and Nation Vs.the Value of Morality;国家、民族立场与道德立场的对立统一

2.Tradition and Modernity:Promoting China"s Development with Unity of Opposites传统与现代:对立统一中推进中国前行

3.On Wang Xijie s Contradictory and Unity in the Theory of Three Concept in One System in rhetoric;论王希杰修辞学“三一”理论的对立统一

4.By the unity of opposites we mean the unity of opposite things differing in nature.所谓对立统一,就是不同性质的对立的东西的统一。

5.The relationship between the central and the local authorities is a unity of opposites, and so is that between one department and another.中央和地方是对立统一,这个部和那个部也是对立统一。

6.In this contradiction entity, the two are relations of the unity of opposites.在这个矛盾统一体中,二者是对立统一的关系。

7.the relation between anxiety and the development of human life is one of unity of opposites;焦虑与人生发展是对立统一的关系;

8.unity of opposites Between flexibility and certainity灵活性和确定性的对立统一

9.On Unity of Opposites of Socialism and Capitalism论社会主义与资本主义的对立统一

10.The law of the unity of opposites is the fundamental law of the universe.对立统一规律是宇宙的基本规律。

11.Harmonious Sociallst Society from the Angle of the Unity of Opposites;对立统一视角下的社会主义和谐社会

12.Vitaeitg Education--The Kind of Scientifio Practices Which is Fall of Contradictory and unity;声乐教学——充满对立统一的科学实践

13.The Unity of Opposites of Culture Relics Preservation and Tourism Development;浅谈文物保护与旅游开发的对立统一

14.Unity of Opposites Being the Heart of Hegel s "Logic";对立统一是黑格尔“逻辑学”的核心问题

15.The Relations between Law of the Unity of Opposites and Law of the Coordination of the Differences;论对立统一规律与差异协同律的关系

16.What hides under the spectacular oppositions is a unity of misery.景观对立遮蔽了一种贫困的统一。

17.Federal System and Unitary System:Opposed,or Unified?;联邦制与单一制“对立”还是“统一”

18.Legislative Consideration on Establishing Chinese Unified Privilege Mechanism;对我国设立统一优先权制度的立法思考


the unity of opposites对立统一

1.This paper elaborates the main characteristics of cyberspce, and discussesthe unity of opposites of itfor the philosophical point of view.本文阐述了网络空间的主要特点,并从哲学层次上探讨了这些特点所具有的对立统一性。

2.As a kind of social occupation,secretarial work has its intrinsic rules and the characteristics,namelythe unity of opposites of contradictory such as passivity and activity,confidentiality and publicity,synthesis and specialty,regularity and emergency,mentality and businesslike,principle and flexibility.秘书工作作为一种社会职业,具有其内在的规律和特点,即被动性与主动性、机要性与群众性、综合性与专业性、常规性与突击性、思想性与事务性、原则性与灵活性等矛盾的对立统一。

3.Applying the dialectical thinking method ofthe unity of opposites,taking into comprehensive consideration of all possibilities in students voice training and working out the optimal teaching plan will be helpful to instruct students to master the knacks of sound production and achieve ideal results.运用对立统一的辩证思维方法,综合考虑学生声音训练中的各种情况,择优制定教学方案,将有助于指导学生把握发声的技巧与要领,收到事半功倍的教学效果。

3)unity of opposite对立统一

1.The law ofunity of opposite works closely together with the emergence, formation and advancement of this science of mathematics.数学的产生与发展是与哲学紧密联系在一起的,对立统一规律等一直伴随着数学的产生、形成和发展;抽象思维是建立数学模型的最重要的思维方法;数学有其符合自己内在规律的方法论。

2.The old-fashioned relation of unity without difference between urban and rural areas is transformed into the new relation ofunity of opposite, which has been the main characteristic in urban and rural areas in modern China.近代以来,以对外开埠通商和新式工业在城市兴起为契机,传统城乡关系开始转型,旧式城乡“无差别的统一”关系日益明显地向对立统一关系转变,城乡间既对立又统一的二重性关系成为近代中国城乡关系主要特征。

3.Subordinate to dialectics, the relation between absolute truth and relative truth should be established according to the law ofunity of opposite.当把绝对真理解释为真理的种类或者完全正确的认识时,它是一个虚假概念,应当被摒弃;当把绝对真理作为相对真理的对立面并共同构成真理的属性时,绝对真理被保留下来,并且绝对真理与相对真理的关系从属于辩证法,通过辩证法的对立统一规律分析绝对真理和相对真理,确立它们的关系。

4)opposition and unification对立统一

1.This paper analyzes and states the relationship ofopposition and unification in structure design.对结构设计中存在的对立统一关系进行了分析和论述,进而提出了混凝土结构设计时应注意的一些问题。

2.On the basis of its discovery, fields were unified and its farreaching significance was briefed by usingopposition and unification rule.继新磁场被发现以后,再对该场的确立进行论证 在新磁场发现的基础上运用对立统一规律,对场进行统一,简述场统一的深远影响。

5)antinomy and unification对立统一

1.Discussed the conception and characteristics of the third party logistics, and then analyzed detailed the historical inevitability of the third party logistics producing through theantinomy and unification standpoint in philosophy and the law and characteristics of the third party logistics development by the philosophical viewpoint of the cognition and practice.讨论了第三方物流的概念和特点,用对立统一的哲学发展观分析了第三方物流产生的历史必然性,用认识和实践相统一的哲学关系分析了第三方物流发展的规律与特点。

6)unity of opposites对立与统一

1.The article mainly analyses such aspects philosophically as the offensive and defensiveunity of opposites,the principal and the subordinate.用哲学的观点对足球运动中攻守对立与统一、主与次、形式与内容等几个方面加以分析 ,以期揭示其互相对立、互相排斥、互相联系、互相依赖的辩证关


