100字范文 > 排佛 opposition of Buddhism英语短句 例句大全

排佛 opposition of Buddhism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-17 15:35:57


排佛 opposition of Buddhism英语短句 例句大全

排佛,opposition of Buddhism

1)opposition of Buddhism排佛

1.Research of HAN Yu sopposition of Buddhism and his poetry and prose to Buddhists;再论韩愈排佛及其与僧人交往的诗文


1.Research of HAN Yu s opposition of Buddhism and his poetry and prose to Buddhists;再论韩愈排佛及其与僧人交往的诗文

2.His efforts toward the development of Confucianism were also influenced by the theories of Buddhism.韩愈排佛的成效不大,而且其在发展儒教的过程中还受到了佛教理论的影响。

3.Theory,Reality and Application of History Study--Ouyang Xiu s Theory of Defeating Buddhism and Its Application in Study of New History of the Five Dynasties;理论、现实与修史实践——欧阳修的排佛理论及在《新五代史》撰写中的应用

4."Judaism, Christianity and Buddhism would form the core, But other religions would not be excluded."以犹太教、基督教和佛教为主,但不排斥其他宗教。

5.any of several plants having leaves so arranged on the axis as to indicate the cardinal points of the compass.叶子围绕轴线非常有规则地排列,仿佛指示基本方位的罗盘。

6.The audience behaved indecorously as if the concert were an informal dress rehearsal.这些观众举止随便,仿佛这场音乐会是一场非正式的彩排。

7.Establishing priorities and using your time well aren"t things you can pick up at the Harward Business School.安排轻重缓急和善于利用时间是在哈佛商学院学不到的。

8."Even in world-class universities such as Harvard, of all their elective language courses, Chinese is always the top choice among the undergraduates."就是在世界第一流的哈佛大学,选修语文科目中,华语排第一位。

9.In 1988, the first original Outback Steakhouse opened in Tampa, Florida.1988年,澳拜客牛排店在美国佛罗里达州的坦帕市开设了第一家餐厅。

10.The other four Top 10 cities were Beijing, Guangzhou, Dalian and Foshan.其余4个排名前10的城市分别是北京、广州、大连和佛山。

11.We found that area of the head, bulk, body weight and length of Buddha finger are correlated with secretory poison quantity.其中我们发现与排毒量有关的部位是头积、体粗、体重、佛指长。

12.Research on Characteristics of Motor Vehicle Exhaust Pollution and Corresponding Control Measures in Foshan;佛山市区机动车尾气污染排放特征及其控制措施研究

13.The situation in China is different. China"s Buddhism, for instance, does not discriminate against other beliefs.但中国的情况却不是这样,并不强烈排它,如中国的佛教,并没有排斥其他信仰的强烈表达。

14.Up the two terrace flights of steps the rain ran wildly, and beat at the great door, like a swift messenger rousing those within;雨点像个急脚信使疯狂地跑上了那两排台阶,敲打着巨大的门,仿佛要唤醒屋里的人。

15.A: Mary, I"m planning a trip to Chicago and Denver, with Los Angeles as a final destination. I"d like you to make the necessary arrangements for me.玛丽,我要出差到芝加哥、佛,最后到洛杉矶,请你给做一个必要的行程安排。

16.But nature had counterfeited art in its construction, for she had turned the arch of its roof with stones as delicately fitted as if by the hand of man但大自然似乎模仿了建筑艺术,把岩石在洞顶精巧地排列成拱形,仿佛是能工巧匠盖出拱门。

17.The dark dominate of the end of the Han Dynasty, the exclude of the ancient scholasticism, the lash of Taoism and Buddhism is the external cause of it"s decline.而东汉末期的黑暗统治,古文经学对它的排挤,道教、佛教对它的冲击则是促使它衰落的外部因素。

18.Mark Twain was born in Florida, Missouri. He was acting as a compositor and learning hwo to write the humorous stories.马克-吐温生于密苏里州佛罗里达镇。1851年当排字工人,并习作幽默小品。



3)Opposite thought of Buddhism排佛思想

4)McLafferty rearrangement麦克拉佛特重排

5)A Brief Discussion on Han Yu"s Fight Against Buddhism韩愈排佛浅探

6)Denver incident丹佛排华事件


香脆排骨佛手Image:1177640986833577.jpg 香脆排骨佛手

主料:排骨500克、瘦猪肉400克、虾肉60克、辅料:鸭蛋2个、肥猪肉25克、生葱50克、方鱼15克调料/腌料:精盐10克、麻油5克、味精6克、面粉100克、红辣椒1粒、川椒末少许、生油1000克(耗100克)。制作过程(1) 先将排骨拆枝脱肉,排骨枝用刀剁成每枝5厘米长,再把脱出来的排骨肉、瘦肉及肥肉、虾肉、荸荠、方鱼、生葱、红辣椒,分别用刀改切后拌在一起,放在砧板用刀剁成茸后,加入精盐、味精、麻油、用椒末拌匀,用手把肉茸分别镶在排骨枝上捏成20枝佛手状,沾上干面粉,再将面粉压实。(2) 将鸭蛋磕开,打成蛋液,然后把佛手状的排骨一枝一枝用鸭蛋液蘸过,再放入油鼎中用温油炸至熟透即成。配甜酱2碟上席。
