100字范文 > 对立统一律 the law of unity of opposites英语短句 例句大全

对立统一律 the law of unity of opposites英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-04 00:20:22


对立统一律 the law of unity of opposites英语短句 例句大全

对立统一律,the law of unity of opposites

1)the law of unity of opposites对立统一律

1.The concept of calculus and its development is full of dialectical thinking and rich in thoughts which represents laws of relation theory,the law of unity of opposites and the law of negation of negation.极限概念及其发展过程中充满辨证思维,蕴含着深刻的哲学思想,体现了辨证法的联系论、对立统一律、否定之否定律。


1.The Application and New Development on the Law of Unity──Contradiction in Dengxiaoping Theory;邓小平理论对对立统一律的自觉运用和新发展

2.The application and new development on the law ofunity-contradiction in DENG Xiao-ping Theory;论邓小平理论对对立统一律的运用和发展

3.Law of the Unity of Opposites and Construction of Theoretical System of Tourism旅游现象中的矛盾对立统一律与旅游理论体系之构建

4.The law of the unity of opposites is the fundamental law of the universe.对立统一规律是宇宙的基本规律。

5.The Relations between Law of the Unity of Opposites and Law of the Coordination of the Differences;论对立统一规律与差异协同律的关系

6.Setting up a Harmonious Campus in University under the Guidance of Contradiction View以对立统一规律为指导构建和谐校园

7.The Law of the Unity of Opposites in Bacterial Diseases and Quorum Sensing System;细菌感染性疾病中的对立统一规律与Quorum Sensing系统

8.Deng Xiaoping s Application and Developmentof the Law of the Unity of Opposites--The comparison of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping sapplication of the law of the unity of opposites;论邓小平对“对立统一规律”的应用与发展──毛泽东、邓小平对立统一规律应用之比较

9.What are the Essence and Basic Law of Dialectics--About Lenin s Law of the unity of Opposites(1);什么是辩证法的实质与基本规律?——关于列宁的对立统一规律(一)

10.The movement of everything is the law of“ the unity of opposites,” a movement of“ reason.世间万物运动就是矛盾“对立统一”规律——“理”的运动。

11.On the Application of the Rule of Opposition and Unification in Martial Art;试论对立统一规律在武术套路中的运用

12.Conformity of Law and Integration of Legal System --The influence of WTO on our country s legislation;法律整合和法制统一——论WTO对我国立法的影响

13.The Application of Unity-Opposites Law of Action in Landslide Research作用的对立统一规律在滑坡研究中的应用

14.Marxist philosophy holds that the law of the unity of opposites is the fundamental law of the universe.马克思主义的哲学认为,对立统一规律是宇宙的根本规律。

15.On the Struggle and Unity of Opposites --About Lenin s Law of the Unity of Opposites(Ⅲ);关于矛盾的斗争性和统一性——关于列宁的对立统一规律(三)

16.Another view of law is that it is a method of establishing order by maintaining authority of a ruler over those governed.另一种对法律的看法是,法律是一种通过维护统治者对被统治者的权威以确立社会秩序的方法。

17.On the Proposition of "the Law of the Unity of Opposites is the Essence and Gist of Materialist Dialectics";对“对立统一规律是唯物辩证法的实质和核心”命题的思考

18.Discipline and freedom form a unity of opposites; both are indispensable.纪律和自由是对立统一的关系,两者是不可分的,缺一不可。


the law of the unity of opposites对立统一规律

1.Devascularization and shunt are the main method of treatment of portal hypertension,the two kinds of surgical management to treat portal hypertension reflectthe law of the unity of opposites of dialectical materialist theory of knowledge.门静脉高压症的外科治疗主要有门体静脉断流术和门体静脉分流术,这两种手术方式反映了唯物辩证法的对立统一规律。

2.By applyingthe law of the unity of opposites and quoting abundant examples of the rhetorical phenomenon from English and Chinese, the present study attempts to look into similarities and dissimilarities in Oxymoron in the two languages, and explore their rhetorical effect as well.引用实例,通过辩证法的对立统一规律对英汉矛盾修饰法的相同及不同之处进行了探讨,并对其修辞效应进行了分析。

3.The point of "the law of the unity of opposites is the substance and core of materialist dialectics" occupies a certain position in the national textbooks."对立统一规律是唯物辩证法的实质与核心"这一观点是通用教材所持观点,但学术界已有学者对此提出质疑,认为对立统一规律对事物的解释及其程度是有限的,在一定程度上揭示了事物发展的动力和内容,但离辩证法对事物的整体性和普遍性地解释水平有较大差距。

3)Law of the unity of opposites对立统一规律

1.Starting with the original forms of substance,the essence of space time is sumed up as a problem of pure logic,and through the quantizing to “the law of the unity of opposites”,the essential unit which constitutes the space time ——the field equation of logic quantum W(t,θ,φ)=W 0 exp [ j (ωt+Φ(r,θ,φ))] and the interaction potential field.通过对“对立统一规律”的量化处理,给出了构成时空的基本单元——逻辑量子的场方程 W (t,θ,φ) = W 0exp[j(ωt+ Φ(r,θ,φ))], 以及逻辑量子相互作用势场方程u = Re{ K V0exp[jΔΦ(r,θ,φ)]} 。

2.This article argues that the law of the unity of opposites means that the two opposites are not only against but also united with each other, with antithesis in unity while unity in antithesis, thus there s no need for the supplementing of "a law of interaction".对立统一规律是矛盾着的双方既对立又统一 ,统一中有对立 ,对立中有统一。

4)the law of the different and identical unity of opposites同异对立统一律

5)unity-opposites law of action作用的对立统一规律

6)unity of opposites对立统一

1.Talk About the Choice and Unity of Opposites of the Language Style of Dufu s Poems;论杜诗语言风格的选择与对立统一


