100字范文 > 对立统一-唯物辩证法矛盾 unity-opposite-materialist dialectic contradiction英语短句 例句大全

对立统一-唯物辩证法矛盾 unity-opposite-materialist dialectic contradiction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-05 17:41:06


对立统一-唯物辩证法矛盾 unity-opposite-materialist dialectic contradiction英语短句 例句大全

"对立统一"-唯物辩证法矛盾,unity-opposite-materialist dialectic contradiction

1)unity-opposite-materialist dialectic contradiction"对立统一"-唯物辩证法矛盾

2)The law of the unity and opposites矛盾对立统一


1.Law of the Unity of Opposites and Construction of Theoretical System of Tourism旅游现象中的矛盾对立统一律与旅游理论体系之构建

2.The scene is full of contradictions, and permeated with law of“ the unity of opposites” for contradiction.这个场景中充满了矛盾,矛盾的“对立统一”规律始终贯穿其中。

3.In this contradiction entity, the two are relations of the unity of opposites.在这个矛盾统一体中,二者是对立统一的关系。

4.The movement of everything is the law of“ the unity of opposites,” a movement of“ reason.世间万物运动就是矛盾“对立统一”规律——“理”的运动。

5.On the Struggle and Unity of Opposites --About Lenin s Law of the Unity of Opposites(Ⅲ);关于矛盾的斗争性和统一性——关于列宁的对立统一规律(三)

6.Unity of Opposites: The Soul of the Traditional Chinese Painting;中国画画魂是矛盾对立与统一——初步学画读画写画感受之一

7.Between the opposites in a contradiction there is at once unity and struggle, and it is this that impels things to move and change.矛盾着的对立面又统一,又斗争,由此推动事物的运动和变化。

8.Harmony and Harmonious Society in the Pluralistic Opposite and Unity Contradiction Movement;从多元对立统一的矛盾运动中把握和谐及和谐社会

9.Seeking the Unity in the Opposition:Properly Deal with the Contradiction and the Difficult Problem in the Emancipating the Mind对立中求统一:正确处理解放思想中的矛盾与难题

10.she felt ambivalent about his proposal; an ambivalent position on rent control.她对他的建议感觉很矛盾;对出租管制的矛盾立

11.As the fourth feature he talks of the internal contradiction in all things, but then he deals only with the struggle of opposites, without mentioning their unity.他第四条讲事物的内在矛盾,又只讲对立面的斗争,不讲对立面的统一。

12.absence of agreement(between statements,facts,etc)(两种说法、事实等之间的)不一致,矛盾,对立

13.Neither party can eliminate the other and exist alone.矛盾的任何一方都不能消灭对方而独立存在。

14.A Coronach full of Contradiction--Comment on the Famous,American Novel Gone with the wind;一曲充满矛盾对立的挽歌——浅评美国著名小说《飘》

15.Involving, of the nature of, or being a contradiction.矛盾涉及、属于矛盾性质的或相互对立的

16.relativity of the identity of contradictories矛盾同一性的相对性

17.Contradictory Unity of Practical Subjectivity and Relative Independence in Form Aesthetics:Correspondent Analysis of Kant s View on the Form Aesthetics;形式美的实践主体性和相对独立性的矛盾统一——兼谈对康德美的形式的看法

18.The concept of establishing a harmonious society marks a dialectical contradiction to the concept of systems theory Identity particularly innovative.和谐社会观的确立,标志着辩证矛盾观尤其是矛盾同一性理论的系统创新。


The law of the unity and opposites矛盾对立统一

3)contradictory dialectics矛盾辩证法

1.Harmonious dialectics is "harmonious but different"whilecontradictory dialectics is "same but inharmonious".和谐辩证法是"和而不同",而矛盾辩证法则是"同而不和"。

2.The author believes the harmonious dialectics is the development and succeed ofcontradictory dialectics.和谐辩证法是对矛盾辩证法的继承和发展,是时代精神和建设中国特色社会主义实践的深厚的思想积淀,承认对立面的肯定因素、实现对立面的结合和双赢等是和谐辩证法的基本内涵。

4)contradictory dialectic矛盾辩证法

1.Thus the paper is written in the meta-language ofcontradictory dialectic explanation.全文以矛盾辩证法为元语言展开解释。

2.The process, suggested in the paper, fromcontradictory dialectic to harmonious dialectic means a transformation that dialectic science develops in the conformity with the law, presents the needs of time spirits and su.本文以党的十六届四中全会提出的构建社会主义和谐社会为契机,着重考察了自黑格尔以来辩证法在马克思视域中历史变迁,指出,由矛盾辩证法到和谐辩证法是辩证法科学合乎规律的发展和转变,是时代精神的呼唤和建设中国特色社会主义实践的深厚的思想积淀,集中体现在由向对立面的斗争性倾斜到向对立面的同一性的全面的回归。

5)dialectic contradiction辩证矛盾

1.Don Quijote s contradiction theory: a tentative study of logic contradiction anddialectic contradiction;唐·吉诃德悖论——略谈逻辑矛盾和辩证矛盾

2.From the epistemological aspect,the occurrence of paradox is not only related to the logic contradiction of expressions,but also involves thedialectic contradiction irrelevant to logic.从认识论的角度看,悖论问题产生的根源不仅仅与语句表达上的逻辑矛盾相关,而且还涉及到了非逻辑的辩证矛盾问题。

6)dialectical contradiction辩证矛盾

1.The law of contradiction answers the question of “how many” characters the object has, but on the other hand, thedialectical contradiction gives the answer to the question of “what” characters are.从本体论看,形式逻辑的客观基础是“对象性状唯一性”,矛盾律回答的是对象性状“有几个”的问题,辩证矛盾回答的是“是什么”的问题。

2.to distinguish adequately logical contradiction fromdialectical contradiction;6.正确区分逻辑矛盾与辩证矛盾问题;6。


矛盾规律(见对立统一规律)矛盾规律(见对立统一规律)law of contradictionmQOCun gu】j口、矛盾规律(lawof eon‘radietion)统一规律。见叶主
