100字范文 > 韩国闪石玉 Korea Amphibole Jade英语短句 例句大全

韩国闪石玉 Korea Amphibole Jade英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-07 13:44:03


韩国闪石玉 Korea Amphibole Jade英语短句 例句大全

韩国闪石玉,Korea Amphibole Jade

1)Korea Amphibole Jade韩国闪石玉

1.In recent years,theKorea Amphibole Jade appears the Chinese market.近年来市场上出现的韩国闪石玉具有一定的宝石学价值和商业价值。


1.The Study on Mineralogical and Gemological Characteristics of Koera Amphible Jade韩国闪石玉的矿物学、宝石学特征研究

2.jadeite-glaucophane type facies series硬玉-蓝闪石型相系

3.Stones from Other Hills May Serve to Polish the Jade of This One--Discuss on Several Characteristics of Design in Korea with My Own Experience There;他山之石 可以攻玉——浅谈我亲身体会到的韩国设计中的几个特点

4.The results indicate that the main composition of nephrite cat"s eye is tremolite.结果表明:四川软玉猫眼的主要成分为透闪石。

5.He ascended into grottos paved with emeralds, with panels of rubies, and the roof glowing with diamond stalactites.他梦见自己走进了岩洞,只见绿玉铺地,红玉筑墙,洞顶闪闪发光,挂满了金刚钻凝成的钟乳石。

6.Tremolite jadeware of the New Stone Age in Lingjiatan ruins, Anhui Province安徽含山县凌家滩遗址新石器时代闪石类玉器研究

7.External-beam PIXE analysis of Chinese archaic jades and jade minerals玉石及中国古代玉器的PIXE分析

8.The Management Status and Existing Problems of Korea Petroleum Industry;韩国石油业的经营现状与存在的问题

9.a necklace glittering with diamonds闪闪生辉的钻石项链.

10.Diamonds sparkle in the light.金刚石在光中闪闪发光。

11.A Study on Carved Jade Musk Related to the “One Eye State” --and Discussion of the Relationship between the Shimao Jade Articles and Jade Resource of Surrounding Areas of Lake Baikal“一目国”玉人面考——兼论石峁玉器与贝加尔湖周边玉资源的关系

12.It enjoys a very important position in China"s pearl industry.是中国宝玉石协会常务理事单位。

13.The jade market in Anshan is said to be the largest such market in China.鞍山的玉石市场据说是全国最大的。

14.A Study on the Materiality of Jade and Stone Objects Excavated from the Tombs of Warring States Period at Banshan,Hangzhou;杭州半山战国墓出土玉石器材质研究

15.Constitutionalism and Constitutional Supervision System Conformable to Chinese Condition;宪法监督模式的“他山之石”与“中国之玉”

16.There Are Other Hills Whose Stones May Serve to Polish the Jade--Analysing the Higher Education in the USA Again;他山之石 可以攻玉——再析美国高等教育

17.epidote-tremolite schist绿帘石-透闪石片岩

18.Pyroxenes and amphiboles also contain calcium.辉石与闪石也含有钙。


tremolite jade透闪石玉

1.A study oftremolite jade from Luanchuan,Henan Province;河南栾川透闪石玉的化学组成特征研究

2.Study on Liyangtremolite jade;江苏溧阳透闪石玉的研究

3.Study on Hetian jade (tremolite jade);和田玉(透闪石玉)的研究

3)amphibole-jade (rock)闪石玉(岩)

1.Kosmochlor-jade and related amphibole-jade (rock) in Longken, Myanmar are studied.以缅甸龙肯地区的钠铬辉石玉及相关闪石玉(岩)为研究对象,详细地研究了它们的类型、结构构造、矿物化学成分、X射线粉晶谱学。

4)Hornblend Jade角闪石玉

5)nephrite from South Korea"韩国料"软玉

6)tremolite jadeware闪石类玉器

1.Study on mineral compositions and texture oftremolite jadeware unearthed from Lingjiatan ruins was carried out, the results show that the main composition is tremolite.对凌家滩遗址出土的闪石类玉器做了矿物成分、结构等方面的研究工作 ,表明其主要为透闪石玉 ,为今后考古研究提供了重要依


