100字范文 > 韩国贸易港口 Korea Trade Ports英语短句 例句大全

韩国贸易港口 Korea Trade Ports英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-01 06:32:51


韩国贸易港口 Korea Trade Ports英语短句 例句大全

韩国贸易港口,Korea Trade Ports

1)Korea Trade Ports韩国贸易港口


1.Investigating Technology Efficiency of Trade Ports in Korea Based on SUP-CCR-DEA基于超效率CCR-DEA的韩国贸易港口技术效率研究

2.a port in China or Korea or Japan that once was open to foreign trade on the basis of a trading treaty.曾经在中国,韩国,日本开过的建立在一个贸易条约上的港口。

3.Switzerland is a landlocked country, with no port for sea trade.瑞士是内陆的国家,没有海上贸易港口。

4.Entrepot Trade of Hong Kong Toward China during the Late Qing Period (1869-1911);晚清时期香港对中国的转口贸易(1869—1911)

5.The Study of Competitiveness of Port Logistics Based on the International Trade基于国际贸易的港口物流竞争力研究

6.The Influences of Sino-Korean FTA on the Net Export and Employment in Both Countries:an Empirical Analysis中韩自由贸易区的建立对中韩两国净出口与就业影响的实证分析

7.Korea Fair Trade Commission韩国商品贸易委员会

8.Free port or free trade zone自由港口或自由贸易区

9.Fangchenggang Golden Bridge Trading Co., Ltd is mainly engaged in international imp. &exp. business and domestic trading.防城港金桥贸易有限公司主要从事国际进出口业务和国内贸易。

10.The International Dispute of "Korea-Measures Affecting Trade in Commercial Vessels" and the Reference to China;欧盟—韩国造船补贴国际争端对我国船舶出口贸易发展的启示

11.Codes for China and world main shipping trade portsGB/T7407-1997中国及世界主要海运贸易港口代码

12.Trade: China was an $8 billion export market, for Hong Kong in 1992.贸易:在1992年,中国是香港80亿美元的出口市

13.Research on the Free Trade Zone Policy and Development of International Logistics in Port;自由贸易区政策与国际港口物流发展研究

14.The Correlation Study of Korea Direct Investment to China and China s Import and Export Trade;韩国对华直接投资与我国进出口贸易相关性研究

15.The Influence and Counter Plan of the China-ASEAN FTA on the Exports of Korea;建立中国—东盟自由贸易区对韩国出口的影响及对策分析

16.70% of your trade with China passes through our port or airport.新加坡与中国的贸易货品,有百分之七十经香港的港口或机场转运。

17.Hong Kong continued to expand its role as an entrepot with its neighbours and trade with China was no exception.香港继续发展,成为邻近地区的转口港,与中国的贸易也不断增长。

18.free trade wharf自由贸易港口码头自由贸易码头自由贸易港码头


port trade港口贸易

1.Research on Modern Port Trade in Pakhoi(1877-1949);近代北海港口贸易研究(1877-1949)

3)trade port贸易港口

4)estuary trade vessel港口贸易艇

5)Law of Trade Relief of South Korea韩国贸易救济法

6)port free trade zone港口自由贸易区

1.On the development model of inlandport free trade zone;内陆港口自由贸易区发展模式探讨


