100字范文 > 韩国私募基金 PEF in Korea英语短句 例句大全

韩国私募基金 PEF in Korea英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-05 04:59:40


韩国私募基金 PEF in Korea英语短句 例句大全

韩国私募基金,PEF in Korea

1)PEF in Korea韩国私募基金

2)private placement私募基金

1.SWOT analysis for state-owned enterprises remanufacture in using overseasprivate placement;国外私募基金参与国有企业改制的SWOT分析

2.There are 700 billions undergroundprivate placement funds in our country.我国7000亿元的“地下私募基金”,如果不用法律将其加以规范,将对我国广大投资者的利益和金融市场的稳定带来严重的潜在威胁,甚至可能妨害我国经济发展和社会稳定;“地下私募基金”的合法化顺应了我国金融市场进一步开放的趋势。

3.Management of Private Placement Investment Fund;我国的私募基金以其灵活的投资和退出方式,较高的投资收益以及隐秘而富有成效的操作征服了许多投资者,高达7000亿左右的传说一度使市场感到其规模的震撼力,也引起了证券业界及市场的高度关注。


1.Study on the Use of Foreign Private Placement in Stated-owned Enterprises Reform;国企改革引入外资私募基金问题研究

2.The Research on the Supervision and Standardization of Private-Raised Fund;我国私募基金的规范与监管问题研究

3.On Research of Legal Orientation and Regulation of Private Placement Fund in China;我国私募基金的法律定位和规制研究

4.Legal Problems of Privately Offered Fund in the International Capital Market;国际资本市场私募基金法律问题研究

5.Arguments about Tax Schemes concerning Private Equity Fund;“黑石法案”与私募基金征税之困惑

6.Trust and Privately Raised Fund: Modern Enterprise Financing New Way;信托与私募基金:现代企业融资新方式

7.A Prime Study on Minimum-Proceeds-Guarantee Clause of Private Placement Fund;民间私募基金“收益保底”约定初探

8.New application of insurance fund:private equity fund;保险资金运用的新途径:私募股权基金

9.but private equity fund Manchurian Global confirmed today但是满洲国际私募投资基金今天确认

10.Research on the Legal Form of Private Equity Fund;私募股权基金组织形式法律问题研究

11.A Study on Standardization and Development of Private Fund on Securities in China;私募证券投资基金的规范与发展研究

12.Research on How to Develop Chinese Private Equity Funds;中国私募股权基金生存发展战略研究

13.A Research on Legal Issues of Regulation to Private Equity Fund in China我国私募股权基金监管法律问题研究

14.A Study on Exit Mechanism of Private Equity Fund in China我国私募股权投资基金退出机制研究

15.Research on Strategy of International Private Equity Fund Investment in China国际私募股权基金对华投资策略研究

16.The Research on Limited Partners" Rights with Private Equity Fund私募股权基金中有限合伙人权利研究

17.Research for Protecting the Interests of Investors Who Invest in Private Investment Fund私募证券基金中投资者利益保护研究

18.The Analysis of Private Equity Fund in China私募股权投资基金在我国的问题分析


private placement私募基金

1.SWOT analysis for state-owned enterprises remanufacture in using overseasprivate placement;国外私募基金参与国有企业改制的SWOT分析

2.There are 700 billions undergroundprivate placement funds in our country.我国7000亿元的“地下私募基金”,如果不用法律将其加以规范,将对我国广大投资者的利益和金融市场的稳定带来严重的潜在威胁,甚至可能妨害我国经济发展和社会稳定;“地下私募基金”的合法化顺应了我国金融市场进一步开放的趋势。

3.Management of Private Placement Investment Fund;我国的私募基金以其灵活的投资和退出方式,较高的投资收益以及隐秘而富有成效的操作征服了许多投资者,高达7000亿左右的传说一度使市场感到其规模的震撼力,也引起了证券业界及市场的高度关注。

3)privately offered fund私募基金

1.A Study on Privately Offered Fund Risk and It s Evaluation;私募基金的风险分析与评价

2.The Privately Offered Fund s Regulation and Development in Our Security Market;我国证券市场中私募基金的规范和发展

3.With the ever-increasing development of investment demand, some investors are more and satisfied withprivately offered funds.随着投资需求的日益增长,私募基金越来越受到风险的投资者偏好,它通过非公开发行的方式,向少数特定投资人募集资金设立基金,聚拢社会闲散资金和过剩资本,获取高额利润收入。

4)private placement fund私募基金

1.Research on Development Issue of Production-oriented Private Placement Fund;我国生产型私募基金发展问题研究

2.The privite placement fund existence is not already the arguing fact on our country bond market,because of it according with the supplying and needing point,both fast and good positive role to the development of China s economy,according with working convention of international capital,so our country should allow theprivate placement fund.私募基金在我国证券市场上的存在已是不争的事实,因其符合供给与需求的均衡点、对我国经济既好又快发展的积极作用、符合国际资本运行的惯例,因此,我国应允许私募基金的存在。

3."Private placement fund sunshine" movement can not truly make private fund "sunshine", which leads to the issue of this paper intent to resolve:private placement fund should be legalized? .引言部分通过对私募基金信托化现象的法理分析,指出信托作为私募基金组织形式的局限性,借道信托不可能彻底解决我国私募基金合法化问题,“私募基金阳光化”运动不能使私募基金真正“阳光化”,从而引出本文意图解决的问题:我国私募基金是否应当合法化?怎样合法化?正文包括以下三个部分:第一部分,私募基金相关概念及我国私募基金合法化的必要性。

5)Private fund私募基金

1.Analysis to the legalization of private fund;对私募基金合法化的实证分析

2.Research on the Problems about Development of Chinese Private Fund;中国私募基金发展问题研究

6)private-raised fund私募基金

1.In present,so farprivate-raised fund has not obtained its legitimate status,which will not do good to its operation、management、supervision and so on,these situations are not accord with the development ofprivate-raised fund in our country greatly.私募基金在我国仍未获得合法地位,其操作、管理以及监督等方面极为不规范,这些状况都与私募基金在我国的应有情况远远不符。

2.This essay studies the basic situation ofprivate-raised fund in China and suggests that great importance toprivate-raised fund be attached and the building of the laws ofprivate-raised fund be put on the agenda.目前我国大量存在各种形式的私募基金,他们手中掌握着巨额资金,事实上在我国的金融市场中扮演着重要的角色,对我国的经济建设有着积极的促进作用。

3.With the development of market economy and the development of assets management, theprivate-raised fund start to be paid attention to.近年来,随着我国市场经济的深入发展,券商管理业务的开展,私募基金成为各界人士关注的焦点之一。


