100字范文 > 韩国设计 design in Korea英语短句 例句大全

韩国设计 design in Korea英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-31 10:18:55


韩国设计 design in Korea英语短句 例句大全

韩国设计,design in Korea

1)design in Korea韩国设计


1.Stones from Other Hills May Serve to Polish the Jade of This One--Discuss on Several Characteristics of Design in Korea with My Own Experience There;他山之石 可以攻玉——浅谈我亲身体会到的韩国设计中的几个特点

2.Analysis of Fashion Features of 3C Product Design in South Korea;韩国3C类产品设计的时尚特征分析

3.From Korean Web Designs View the Visions of Web Art Design;从韩国网页设计看网页艺术设计的视觉呈现

4.The Enlightenment of U-plan in Japan and Korea to China’s Information Construction;日韩两国u计划对我国信息化建设的启示

5.A Commentary on "World Level Researching Universities Construction Plan" in South Korea韩国“世界水平研究型大学建设计划”评析

6.Younger Design Full of Humanity-Analysis of the" Seoul Design Week";充满人文气息的年轻设计——解析韩国“首尔设计周”

7.Korean traditional costume s colors and modern design;韩国传统服饰色彩与现代设计——从韩国传统服饰色彩的解构中寻找灵感

8.Discussion on the Integration of History,Modern and the Nature of the Korean Qingxi Chuan Design Conecpt;浅述韩国清溪川设计理念中的历史、现代与自然的融合

9.Design and production of the multimedia courseware named “Korea learning”on the basic of the Constructivist Learning Theory;建构主义学习理论指导下的“韩国语学习”多媒体课件的设计与创作

10.Industry design:a Bridge from "Made in Zhejiang" to "Innovated in Zhejiang"--Experiences and Inspirations from Korea工业设计:“浙江制造”走向“浙江创造”的桥梁——来自韩国的经验与启示

11.Korean Impression-On Korean Construction of Trade Circle and Regional Development;韩国印象—谈韩国的商圈建设和区域开发

12.Korea Agricultural Trade Policy and the Countermeasures for China-Korea FTA韩国农产品贸易政策及中韩FTA建设的对策研究

13.Success of Korean Multinational Enterprises in China--The Strategic Transfer from Made in China to Developing Overall Design;韩国跨国企业的中国致胜之道——从中国制造到全方位设计研发的战略转变

14.Learn from South Korea to Promote the Development of China s New Rural Construction;借鉴韩国经验 促进我国新农村建设

15.The Comparative Research on the Design Character of 3C Products in Japan, Korea and China;中日韩3C类产品设计特征比较研究

16.A study on the risk management based on the procedure for high-rise multi-purpose building projects in Korea韩国超高层住商复合建设项目设计、施工及预销售阶段的风险管理研究

17.Japan and Korea purloin American technology as it comes off the drawing boards with the help of their governments.日本和韩国,在他们政府的帮助下,只要美国的技术一离开设计图板就把它偷走了。

18.The Estimate of Potential GDP in China, Japan and Korea and Comparative Analysis;中日韩三国潜在GDP的估计及比较分析


Korean accounting standard韩国会计

3)Korean Accounting Standards韩国会计准则


1.Production technology ofKorean chili sauce;韩国风味辣椒酱的生产技术

2.Summary on electric power industry development and environmental protection inKorea;韩国电力工业的发展与环境保护

3.Difference of production technology between Sichuan pickles andKorea pickles;四川泡菜与韩国泡菜生产工艺的区别

5)South Korea韩国

1.New Tendency of the Elderly Long-term Nursing Policy inSouth Korea;韩国老年长期护理政策新动向

2.Inspiration on China s Go-out Strategy by the FDI History ofSouth Korea;韩国FDI流出史对我国“走出去”战略的启示

3.Confucian Cluture andSouth Korea Spirit;浅谈儒学与韩国民族精神

6)the Republic of Korea韩国

1.Study on Methodology for Statistic Macro Logistics Cost inthe Republic of Korea;韩国物流成本统计方法研究

2.Analysis and Reflection on the Economy and Trade Cooperation between HeiLongjiang Province andthe Republic of Korea;对黑龙江省与韩国经贸合作的分析与思考

3.An approach to the cultural heritages of the world inthe Republic of Korea;韩国境内世界文化遗产初探


1350mm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)1350mm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)叠 135Omm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)
